ORFFA 2012 inaugural season FIXture

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by anthak, May 10, 2012.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The delegated ORFFA FIXture Committee of Jolcon and anthak are busy putting together the full 2012 FIXture and will be able to present the completed version in the not to distant future.

    As Round 1 is approaching fast and with travelling clubs having to make arrangements, we have decided to announce the Round 1 matchups without any more hesitation.

    After much deliberation and an official sign off by the commish, we have decided to reduce travelling as much as possible in this first round as the games are only days away. Hopefully this will alleviate or reduce any (unnecessary) pressures on Away teams forced by such a rushed start to the season.

    So without further ado, here are the round 1 games (all times AEST & [EDIT]*ALL HOME TEAMS ARE NOW NAMED FIRST*):

    Friday 11th May
    9:40pm Far Kew Frogs (Nick) Vs Nunawading Nuffers (melbandy)
    OPENING NIGHT! The battle of the metro teams. Even though they have probably never had a reason to go there before, Nunawading should be able to find their way to Far Kew fairly easily and quickly - so this match has been given the Friday night slot. The 9:40pm timeslot is intended so that our usually neglected WA TV viewers will be able to watch the game live in prime time.

    Saturday 12th May
    1:00pm Cradle Mountain Devils (dmandrews) Vs Charlie’s Opening Spelunkers (Bandit)
    The home ground of the Spelunkers is one of the hardest to locate, which has earned them a travelling assignment first up, to nearby Cradle Mountain. Hopefully a 1pm start will make the most of the hottest part of the day.

    7:30pm Darraweit Guim Dirigibles (chris88) Vs Gariwerd Cockatoos (anthak)
    These two teams are not far from each other, so the Cockatoos should be able to get the show on the road by Saturday arvo, and be able to travel home later that night.

    9:30pm Gundagai Grasshoppers (Simonoz) Vs Mt Beauty Uglys (bama)
    With the coach of the Grasshoppers having to fly in from the USA for the season and still not being here, it was going to be hard for them to organise an away trip on such short notice. And, despite having to cross the Murray River, the proximity of these two teams is quite small, so Mt Beauty should be able to make necessary arrangements to get to Gundagai by Saturday night.

    Sunday 13th May
    11:30am Powlett Plains Packers (Philosoraptor) Vs Namatjira Nungas (BigLance)
    We couldnt possibly ask a team to work out the logistics of getting to Namatjira with only a few days to prepare, so the Nungas find themself on the road in Week 1. Not far down the road either so these two teams may consider themselves lucky to score a Sunday game, but it is an early one to compensate.

    2:30pm Foul Bay Chickens (ChiefRussell) Vs Iron Knob Codpieces (jimbowan)
    In another Sunday day game, Iron Knob travel south to take on the Chickens at the Chicken Coup, for the battle of the two SA teams. With safety checks still to be carried out at the Iron Knob home ground, we had no choice but to send them on the road this week.

    5:00pm Whitsunday Warriors (TerryinBangkok) Vs Birdsville Battlers (Jolcon)
    We are getting the QLD derby between the down-home, down-to-earth Battlers of Birdsville and the cocktail sipping wannabes from the Whitsundays out of the way early. A twilight game to take advantage of the beautiful setting on Hook Island; however it may mean that the Battlers have to sleep over in the Whitsundays somewhere - maybe passed out in the Tiki Bar.

    7:30pm Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles (chels) Vs Venus Bay Vultures (Fitzy)
    I hope that the Incorrigibles can organise a way to get over to the mainland on such short notice, and somewhere to stay in or near Venus bay as well. We did not want to send someone over to their secret home ground so early in the season while everyone is finding their feet.EDIT: Please see: http://tooserious.net/forum/afl-gro...ural-season-fixture-thread2001.0#postid-40051

    Monday 14th May
    2:00am Marble Bar Misfits (Lenh191) Vs Mawson Base Penguins (Xenomorph)
    At midnight, local time, these two clubs will face off. We do anticipate some grief from the Marble Bar management over this scheduling as it does negate their home ground advantage; however we had a duty of care to the Penguins who have been training in freezing conditions for some time now. A trip to Marble Bar is the easiest for them out of all 17 clubs, although the heat would have killed them - surely literally - and we have therfore had no choice but to schedule this in the cold night desert air.

    And there we have it. That is the round 1 fixture for our inaugural season of the ORFFA. Let us know if we've missed anyone.

    anthak & Jolcon
    Your ORFFA FIXture Committee

    And now, here is the full FIXture:
    <blockquote>Quote from Jolcon on May 11, 2012, 17:05

    Round 1
    # Home Away
    1 Marble Bar v Mawson Base
    2 Cradle Mountain v Charlies Opening
    3 Gundagai v Mount Beauty
    4 Foul Bay v Iron Knob
    5 Waikickamoocow v Venus Bay
    6 Far Kew v Nunnawading
    7 Powlett Plains v Namatjira
    8 Darraweit Guim v Gariwerd
    9 Whitsundays v Birdsville

    Round 2
    # Home Away

    1 Whitsundays v Marble Bar
    2 Birdsville v Darraweit Guim
    3 Gariwerd v Powlett Plains
    4 Namatjira v Far Kew
    5 Nunnawading v Venus Bay
    6 Waikickamoocow v Foul Bay
    7 Iron Knob v Gundagai
    8 Mount Beauty v Cradle Mountain
    9 Charlies Opening v Mawson Base

    Round 3 Geek Pride Round
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Mount Beauty
    2 Charlies Opening v Iron Knob
    3 Mawson Base v Waikickamoocow
    4 Cradle Mountain v Nunnawading
    5 Gundagai v Namatjira
    6 Foul Bay v Gariwerd
    7 Venus Bay v Birdsville
    8 Far Kew v Whitsundays
    9 Powlett Plains v Darraweit Guim

    Round 4
    # Home Away

    1 Powlett Plains v Marble Bar
    2 Darraweit Guim v Far Kew
    3 Whitsundays v Venus Bay
    4 Birdsville v Foul Bay
    5 Gariwerd v Gundagai
    6 Namatjira v Cradle Mountain
    7 Nunnawading v Mawson Base
    8 Waikickamoocow v Charlies Opening
    9 Iron Knob v Mount Beauty

    Round 5
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Waikickamoocow
    2 Iron Knob v Nunnawading
    3 Mount Beauty v Namatjira
    4 Charlies Opening v Gariwerd
    5 Mawson Base v Birdsville
    6 Cradle Mountain v Whitsundays
    7 Gundagai v Darraweit Guim
    8 Foul Bay v Powlett Plains
    9 Venus Bay v Far Kew

    Round 6
    # Home Away

    1 Venus Bay v Marble Bar
    2 Far Kew v Foul Bay
    3 Powlett Plains v Gundagai
    4 Darraweit Guim v Cradle Mountain
    5 Whitsundays v Mawson Base
    6 Birdsville v Charlies Opening
    7 Gariwerd v Mount Beauty
    8 Namatjira v Iron Knob
    9 Nunnawading v Waikickamoocow

    Round 7 Winter Solstice Round
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Namatjira
    2 Gariwerd v Nunnawading
    3 Waikickamoocow v Birdsville
    4 Iron Knob v Whitsundays
    5 Mount Beauty v Darraweit Guim
    6 Charlies Opening v Powlett Plains
    7 Mawson Base v Far Kew
    8 Cradle Mountain v Venus Bay
    9 Gundagai v Foul Bay

    Round 8
    # Home Away

    1 Gundagai v Marble Bar
    2 Foul Bay v Cradle Mountain
    3 Venus Bay v Mawson Base
    4 Far Kew v Charlies Opening
    5 Powlett Plains v Mount Beauty
    6 Darraweit Guim v Iron Knob
    7 Whitsundays v Waikickamoocow
    8 Birdsville v Nunnawading
    9 Namatjira v Gariwerd

    Round 9 NAIDOC Celebration
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Birdsville
    2 Gariwerd v Whitsundays
    3 Namatjira v Darraweit Guim
    4 Nunnawading v Powlett Plains
    5 Waikickamoocow v Far Kew
    6 Iron Knob v Venus Bay
    7 Mount Beauty v Foul Bay
    8 Charlies Opening v Gundagai
    9 Mawson Base v Cradle Mountain

    Round 10
    # Home Away

    1 Charlies Opening v Marble Bar
    2 Mawson Base v Mount Beauty
    3 Cradle Mountain v Iron Knob
    4 Gundagai v Waikickamoocow
    5 Foul Bay v Nunnawading
    6 Venus Bay v Namatjira
    7 Far Kew v Gariwerd
    8 Powlett Plains v Birdsville
    9 Darraweit Guim v Whitsundays

    Round 11
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Darraweit Guim
    2 Whitsundays v Powlett Plains
    3 Birdsville v Far Kew
    4 Gariwerd v Venus Bay
    5 Namatjira v Foul Bay
    6 Nunnawading v Gundagai
    7 Waikickamoocow v Cradle Mountain
    8 Iron Knob v Mawson Base
    9 Mount Beauty v Charlies Opening

    Round 12
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Iron Knob
    2 Mount Beauty v Waikickamoocow
    3 Charlies Opening v Nunnawading
    4 Mawson Base v Namatjira
    5 Cradle Mountain v Gariwerd
    6 Gundagai v Birdsville
    7 Foul Bay v Whitsundays
    8 Venus Bay v Darraweit Guim
    9 Far Kew v Powlett Plains

    Round 13
    # Home Away

    1 Far Kew v Marble Bar
    2 Powlett Plains v Venus Bay
    3 Darraweit Guim v Foul Bay
    4 Whitsundays v Gundagai
    5 Birdsville v Cradle Mountain
    6 Gariwerd v Mawson Base
    7 Namatjira v Charlies Opening
    8 Nunnawading v Mount Beauty
    9 Iron Knob v Waikickamoocow

    Round 14 Left Footers Round
    # Home Away

    1 Nunnawading v Marble Bar
    2 Waikickamoocow v Namatjira
    3 Gariwerd v Iron Knob
    4 Mount Beauty v Birdsville
    5 Charlies Opening v Whitsundays
    6 Mawson Base v Darraweit Guim
    7 Cradle Mountain v Powlett Plains
    8 Gundagai v Far Kew
    9 Foul Bay v Venus Bay

    Round 15 Chelsea Roffey Appreciation Round
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Foul Bay
    2 Venus Bay v Gundagai
    3 Far Kew v Cradle Mountain
    4 Powlett Plains v Mawson Base
    5 Darraweit Guim v Charlies Opening
    6 Whitsundays v Mount Beauty
    7 Birdsville v Iron Knob
    8 Waikickamoocow v Gariwerd
    9 Namatjira v Nunnawading

    Round 16
    # Home Away

    1 Gariwerd v Marble Bar
    2 Namatjira v Birdsville
    3 Nunnawading v Whitsundays
    4 Darraweit Guim v Waikickamoocow
    5 Iron Knob v Powlett Plains
    6 Mount Beauty v Far Kew
    7 Charlies Opening v Venus Bay
    8 Mawson Base v Foul Bay
    9 Cradle Mountain v Gundagai

    Round 17
    # Home Away

    1 Marble Bar v Cradle Mountain
    2 Gundagai v Mawson Base
    3 Foul Bay v Charlies Opening
    4 Venus Bay v Mount Beauty
    5 Far Kew v Iron Knob
    6 Powlett Plains v Waikickamoocow
    7 Nunnawading v Darraweit Guim
    8 Whitsundays v Namatjira
    9 Birdsville v Gariwerd
  2. ORFFA_Admin

    ORFFA_Admin New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great work fixture committee!!

    On a side note, i'll actually be traveling to my home town this evening and spending a few days there. I will work with the local community and try to find a peaceful solution for visiting teams so we can all enjoy some football. At this stage i'm thinking rented bus or fly to the Mildura Airport and then local bus the 30 minutes across the river.
    As i speed past the home ground at Coomealla High School (@160km/h just in case u run out of petrol) i'll see if the oval is prepared or more weed killer required.

    Regards, Big Lance
    Founding President, Coach, Head Recruiter - Namatjira Nunga's.
  3. BigLance

    BigLance New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My bad, didn't realise i was still on that account :)
  4. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lovely work guys - looking forward to the home ground opener against the Cockies.

    I'll get the guys to fire up the barbecue on the grass in the outer and I'm sure there'll be plenty of volunteers to take care of the snack/drink stall.

    Looks like there might be a bit of rain around on the weekend at "The Guim" so a bit of wet weather football might be in order - something that should suit the Dirigibles' mosquito fleet and small forwards. At least the supporters will be able to line the boundary in their cars and toot their horns in approval as the home town boys slot through a goal or two.

    Bug Ivan's even setting the mullet in place to mark the home opener. Should be a good one.
  5. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I dunno chris. BBQ on the grass and rain doesn't sound like a good mix. Should I advise the mob of cockatoo supporters coming over to bring their own Tucker?

    And thanks BigLance. It'll be good to have some arrangements in place before your first homegame. There is some obvious worry for the welfare of traveling cars amongst the ORFFA administration and opposing coaches :)
  6. Xenomorph

    Xenomorph Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fantastic stuff from the fixture sub committee. Your commish will do a more detailed round 1 preview when he gets a bit more time tomorrow. Sorry I missed the conclusion of the draft last night guys, but I'm catching up with life after a fairly intense last couple of weeks.

  7. graeme

    graeme Guest

    An early protest from the shaky isles - we have been drawn as the home team but expected to travel? I see the FIXture committee has followed the precedents of football, league and basketball right from the outset.

    The boys had been briefed to expect this and at our temporary HQ in FNQ emotions are high but under control.

    Fitzy, the problem is not with you m8 - we look forward to a hard and clean(ish) game for which we plan to field all our rookies to give them some experience.*

    * If you believe that you'd believe anything.
  8. Xenomorph

    Xenomorph Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here we go, he'll be talking about Greg Chappell next.
  9. jimbowan

    jimbowan Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Oh we look forward to going down to Foul Bay and giving the Chickens a good old pluckng. Chief will be relieved our gun superstar captain GAJ is doubtful for this week but he has been known to get up for the big rivalries so we will have to see how his pre game run goes on Saturday!

    Also of concern we have Harbrow on LTI and Richie Douglas and Nathan Grima have been on the road to recovery, so the Codpieces are a bit beat up but still a dangerous matchup!

    Will the captaincy go to Ryan Griffen?

    Will big Todd Goldstein finally get a call up from the coal mines where he has been banished?

    Can Jack Riewoldt hit some form?

    All these questions make Sundays matchup one to watch!!!!
  10. Xenomorph

    Xenomorph Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fantastic sig JB. :)

    <img src="http://blogs.coventrytelegraph.net/thegeekfiles/Judge&#37;20Dredd&#37;20Stallone&#37;20cod&#37;20piece.jpg" />
  11. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Look forward to hosting the Waikikamoocow Incorrigibles for a bit of Beach Footy ;)
  12. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Spelunkers welcome the trip across the Apple Isle to face our Island brethren.

    In what should be a game that will be immortalised in history, the battle between Kreuzer and Jamar will be key in determining which side will dominate the midfield.

    The Spelunkers hope that the field has been salted before the game to melt the ice and are looking forward to a keg or two of Boags after the game with the opposition... win, lose or draw. The only stipulation we request is that Heath Shaw not be allowed to drive himself from the stadium after the game
  13. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great work fixturing committee. Looks fantastic. Love your work Anth.

    The Frogs look forward to hosting their metropolitan rivals down at Stradbroke Park, but remember from my last post metal detectors will be in force. This will be probably the only round where an away game loss can't be blamed on travel!

    Oh and if it rains, please arrive by chopper not bus, we don't want a repeat of the Bomber's effort during pre-season!
  14. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    <blockquote>Quote from Nick on May 10, 2012, 10:28
    Great work fixturing committee. Looks fantastic. Love your work Anth...
    </blockquote>... and jolcon :)
  15. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from anthak on May 10, 2012, 02:09
    The delegated ORFFA FIXture Committee of Jolcon and anthak are busy putting together the full 2012 FIXture and will be able to present the completed version in the not to distant future.

    As Round 1 is approaching fast and with travelling clubs having to make arrangements, we have decided to announce the Round 1 matchups without any more hesitation.

    After much deliberation and an official sign off by the commish, we have decided to reduce travelling as much as possible in this first round as the games are only days away. Hopefully this will alleviate or reduce any (unnecessary) pressures on Away teams forced by such a rushed start to the season.

    So without further ado, here are the round 1 games (all times AEST):

    Monday 14th May
    2:00am Mawson Base Penguins (Xenomorph) @ Marble Bar Misfits (Lenh191)
    At midnight, local time, these two clubs will face off. We do anticipate some grief from the Marble Bar management over this scheduling as it does negate their home ground advantage; however we had a duty of care to the Penguins who have been training in freezing conditions for some time now. A trip to Marble Bar is the easiest for them out of all 17 clubs, although the heat would have killed them - surely literally - and we have therfore had no choice but to schedule this in the cold night desert air.

    And there we have it. That is the round 1 fixture for our inaugural season of the ORFFA. Let us know if we've missed anyone.

    anthak & Jolcon
    Your ORFFA FIXture Committee


    Whilst philosophically the Misfits have no issue playing at midnight, there is a generator issue.

    We have enough power generation to run the fridges and pie warmer in the bar, or a couple of spotlights, but not all three.

    Due to the long working day in Marble Bar, and the fact that we like our beer cold, we train in the dark all year round, and plan to play that way for all home night fixtures.

    There will be cold beer available to the visiting team, but only before the game.

    If the ORFFA requires the hosts to provide both beer AND lighting they will need to provide the necessary funds for us to procure a 2nd generator, they go for about 18 slabs at the local hardware.

    Should a generator fail and the temporary lighting go out the Misfits wish to state that there will be no acceptance of a repeat of the travesty of justice that occurred at Waverley Park in 1996 when Essendon were about to go down to a surging St Kilda comeback and the lights went out. Instead of giving the Saints the win as was clearly fated, Essendon were given two days to lick their wounds and “staged” a victory.

    The Misfits seek sanction to play in night vision goggles to avoid any such nonsense.
  16. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Friday 11th May
    9:40pm Nunawading Nuffers (melbandy) @ Far Kew Frogs (Nick)
    OPENING NIGHT! The battle of the metro teams. Even though they have probably never had a reason to go there before, Nunawading should be able to find their way to Far Kew fairly easily and quickly - so this match has been given the Friday night slot. The 9:40pm timeslot is intended so that our usually neglected WA TV viewers will be able to watch the game live in prime time.</blockquote>

    Wadda ya mean ...no reason to go there... The visiting Nuna residents often call out the location to the locals in Far Kew whilst helping to relocate their plasma big screens and other assorted goods.

    <img src="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT5mYO2ISfMnG_AOS6uIGBbTqoKJMJy4aSIYznLmikGs52h_rd5" />
  17. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I may have missed something. Any clear indication of who are the home and who are the away teams? Not an issue for me, but I had a call from Eddie.
  18. melbandy

    melbandy Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Nuffers look at away games as fund raising opportunities
  19. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can't blame a late turn-up on traffic anymore melbrandy, now you've got the Springvale road overpass!
  20. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ant - agree about the barbecue in the rain - might be a bit of a fizzer (literally as well as figuratively).

    Luckily we have a couple of you-beaut, la-de-da marquees organised as well. Sure the well-heeled members of Darraweit's hoi-polloi will enjoy being able to grab a sausage in bread and an overpriced glass of Asti Riccadonna as they watch the action.

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