A Good Ruck Problem.

Discussion in 'AFL' started by bjones3355, May 15, 2012.

  1. bjones3355

    bjones3355 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Long time lurker, first time poster. Been reading some great advice on here, and now I need a little myself.

    I have Ryder, Kreuzer and Giles in the ruck. My plan is to trade one of the above in, get in Roughead as a F6 for my Forward line, with a $94600 R/F on the ruck bench for when I need to move Roughead into the ruck for cover if needed.

    Plan to keep Ryder, it is either Kreuzer or Giles. I am leaning towards getting rid of Kruizer, but a bit worried about leaving a rookie in who hasn't had a rest yet, neither has Kreuzer but something deep inside prefers the guy with the more AFL experience.

    Considering most other peoples issues with rucks, this is a good problem, but which one should I trade?
  2. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hold thru the byes, and then trade kruzer r13 or giles if he starts spudding it up.
  3. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bones id maybe consider other areas of your team. at this point these rucks have nice bye round cover,
    whereas surely you have some probs elsewhere on the park?
    If not, id still sit tight.
    If so, then dont trade out guys who are playing. So many injuries this year, hold your cards a bit longer...
  4. Muppets

    Muppets Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sounds like good advice Gary.
  5. bjones3355

    bjones3355 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for the advice fellas.

    Was just a bit uneasy with $400k sitting on the bench, although I think I will leave it until the byes are over and gauge their progress from there. The mids are holding up for now, the back and forward lines are probably weak, more so the forward line. Tippert and JPod can have good games, or can really spud it up. The rookies I have are Milera, Adams, Treloar and Hall. Still a bit more mooing to go from them, if only Hall can get on the field. Think I will still grab Roughead now, upgrade Porplyzia. A constant 90-100 is better than the 70s at the moment. And at least doing it this way later on down the track I can downgrade either Ryder/Giles/Kreuzer to a cheap F/R and cash in $300k or so at least.

    Thanks again for the advice.
  6. guesswork

    guesswork Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Speaking of Hall...WTF is going on? He was playing alright then appears to have been abducted by aliens!! Not on injury lists, hasn't been emergency. Can anyone shed any light on this for me or are the aliens still "probing" him? Trying to decide if he stays or gets traded.

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