What did Monson do to get a week?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by thegob, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Minson banned by Dogs for a week for mouthing Pearce apparently about his mum.

    Anyone got the dirt on what he said exactly? Jason seems to have his finger on the WB pulse......
  2. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    When I played football, the rule was that what was said on the field stayed on the field. That has apparently gone by the wayside.

    I have no inside information on the specific exchange between Will Minson and Danyle Pearce. Nothing has been publicly detailed about the exact words. They were alleged by Port players in after-game comments to basically comprise an insult towards his mother.

    Are footballers turning into this:

    <img src="http://files-cdn.formspring.me/photos/20111111/n4ebcf35ea0c34.jpg" />

    Does Danyle Pearce need to eat some of this and toughen up?

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rSQ-nSEH8Uk/TPcUQfmhTyI/AAAAAAAAAAY/K3sCxL7uCeo/s1600/bag_of_cement.jpg" />

    I have no specific answers to these questions either. I don't condone degradation of women, nor does the AFL. But I also don't like the precedent set this week in regard to marshmallow tendencies and a general lack of cement.
  3. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Hey Jason, knock, knock...
  4. huvaduva

    huvaduva New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The article by Caroline Wilson in The Age claimed this:
    "...Bulldog ruckman Will Minson made derogatory comments of a sexual nature about Pearce's mother. According to Pearce, comments implied a forced sexual assault, including a line about pinning down her arms."
    Dunno whether to believe or not. Certainly no other article that I've read has known/revealed that much detail.
  5. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    It is believed that Caroline has sources in other dimensions of reality that only she can access.

    These sources are also omniscient.
  6. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hardly a precedent Jason and not the first time Will has done it.
  7. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not the first time that Port have cried wolf either.

    I blame Peter Rohde's influence for the softness and marshmallow tendency.
  8. kram

    kram Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Said in the news paper in Darwin he said "I f****d your mum for half an hour last night". Don't ask me where they got it from.
  9. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    And does anyone think Danyle won't get asked by every club for the rest of the season, "how's your mum?"
  10. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Where do we draw the line though?

    Do we draw the line at what Minson said this time ... or what about last time Minson opened his yapper and talked to Kane Cornes about his sick child?

    Or what about when Mr Montgomery told Adam Ramanauskas that the chemotherapy had "f###ed with his head"?

    Which is over the line, and which isn't?

    I'll say this now - if I'd been Kane Cornes or Adam Ramanauskas I would thumped the protagonist's head in.

    Don't think any of them are right TBH. But if they aren't right, what is acceptable and what isn't?
  11. Jet

    Jet Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    He definitely crossed the line with the Cornes issue a few years ago, which is why there was such an over reaction this time.
    There is 2 versions of what was said, 1 above ' I ****** your mum last night for half an hour' and the other 'I threw your mum on the floor and rap#d her till she couldn't walk'
    Crude none the less.
  12. Jet

    Jet Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    While we're at it, what did the collingwood supporter say to wilkinson?
  13. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Half an hour???? Don't they train at Footerscray?
  14. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have been told by several people at the club what Minson said but I am not going to repeat it here because it is not worth repeating in a public forum. This clown should have have learnt his lesson the first time when he had a go at Kane Cornes for not being at home looking after his very sick boy (who was born with with his heart of the right side of his body). At the time his apology was accepted although you could tell it was not really sincere. Kane was going through a very traumatic time and was told to keep on playing footy to take his mind off things.

    @ Jason, normally I agree with what you say on TS but I have to disagree on this one. As far as Port crying wolf, that is total BS. You have to remember the umpire is the one who brought it to the attention of the AFL. Port did not not complain about it all apart from Lucy Cornes twitter remarks (which is she quite entitled to considering the past incident). There is no need for any player to step across the line as to what Minson said. If a Port player did the same thing, I would say throw the book at him. Sledging is part of the game but there are certain things you don't bring up on the footy field.

    We paid our respects to Charlie Sutton on Sunday by wearing the black armbands and standing for the minutes silence. We did not have to do any of that but we did it out of respect for the AFL and the Western Bulldogs. It would be nice if we were treated with the same respect on the field from Minson but there is more chance of me winning X Lotto than that happening.
  15. Madness

    Madness New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Port have done nothing but complain. Among the people I've spoken to, Port has come out of it looking just as bad as Minson.
  16. FyfeforBrownlow

    FyfeforBrownlow New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If a line exists, I'd say Minson crossed it with the comments about Cornes' son. It seems like that history between Minson and the Power played into this more than anything else. As for the comments about Pearce's mother, it's definitely crude, but not especially galling. I'm an American, so I have a different cultural perspective, but it seems like "Your momma" comments are par for the course in any NBA or NFL game. Would Minson's comments be considered sledging or outright abuse?

    Excuse my nerdiness, but what's the history of sledging in Australian football? Is it as old as the game or has it developed recently? I've read that sledging as a term originated in cricket, so did that cross over to AFL at the same time period? Trash talking in the states is usually traced back to Jack Johnson, the first African American boxing champion, at the turn of the 20th century, and was perfected by Muhammad Ali. Today, trash talking is seen as an accepted part of American sporting culture. Is that the case in Australia?
  17. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is not trash talk. He was talking about a violent and criminal act against a woman. That is disgusting and Western bulldogs obviously thought so too. Good on them for not putting up with that.
  18. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The part of the brain that runs a bit like a spell checker,
    that pulls us up before we say stupid things.

    We run our comments through that simulator in our head,
    most of us have learned to anticipate what reaction the comments will draw
    & edit bad ones before they leave our mouth.

    Mine doesn't work well with alcohol.
    For some people, like Minson, there just aren't any neurons firing between those receptors at all.
    I feel more sorry for Minson here, who's unlikely to genuinely reflect & recognize any wrongdoing,
    sure he'll say what the club tells him too, but I doubt he'll stop being a dick.

    He's come to remind me of people I know with similar attitudes & poor understanding of boundries within social groups,
    usually introduced to me with the "he's ok once you get to know him" line.
    Which is a bit like saying "he's a dick, but you'll get used to him eventually"

    Gotta feel sorry for people like that, they go through life being generally unliked without ever really understanding why.

  19. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Jason on June 19, 2012, 17:21
    When I played football, the rule was that what was said on the field stayed on the field. That has apparently gone by the wayside.

    I have no inside information on the specific exchange between Will Minson and Danyle Pearce. Nothing has been publicly detailed about the exact words. They were alleged by Port players in after-game comments to basically comprise an insult towards his mother.

    Are footballers turning into this:

    <img src="http://files-cdn.formspring.me/photos/20111111/n4ebcf35ea0c34.jpg" />

    Does Danyle Pearce need to eat some of this and toughen up?

    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rSQ-nSEH8Uk/TPcUQfmhTyI/AAAAAAAAAAY/K3sCxL7uCeo/s1600/bag_of_cement.jpg" />

    I have no specific answers to these questions either. I don't condone degradation of women, nor does the AFL. But I also don't like the precedent set this week in regard to marshmallow tendencies and a general lack of cement.</blockquote>

    Sorry mate, but there are 3 lines you never cross when sledging - race, religion & family.....

    This is Minson's 2nd brain fade when it comes to inappropriate sledging against Port - first time was 2008 referring to Kane Cornes sick little boy who was seriously ill at the time with serious heart issues.
    Minson is nothing but a brain dead wanker and the sooner dinosaurs like him who never learn are weeded out of the game the better.
    There is NO place in footy for his type of insulting, personal barbs!!!
  20. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Interestingly you'd think Minson would know better given his intelligence off the field, various university degrees, knowledge of different languages and ability to play musical instruments.

    Sometimes, I guess, there is a difference between intelligence and common sense, or even intelligence and good taste. Or maybe he just puts his brain into neutral on the footy field and doesn't think (was it one of his coaches that called him the smartest dumb player he'd ever coached?)

    I've heard Minson speak off the field and have enjoyed his perspectives on things. And I find it hard to reconcile what seems to be two very different parts of his make-up.

    That said, he has form and its good to see the Bulldogs decide to do something about it.

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