What did Monson do to get a week?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by thegob, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. I think a lot of it comes down to offensiveness to be honest.

    In a hypothetical situation, I can see how these sorts of comments are made, even if I don't condone them.

    When two people are having issues with each other, as is often the case in football games when there is a niggling aspect to it, physical or otherwise, the natural options are fight or flight.

    In AFL players are taught that aggression is part of the game, and can be very useful in putting your opponent off his game, and therefore is often a tool to be used. This means they are generally taught to lean towards the fight response.

    If someone wants to start a fight with someone else, how do they do it?

    They upset them, and anger them to the point of irrational behaviour.

    Unfortunately it seems that this is most easily done, through insulting whatever the target player values.

    Players use race, threats of violence, insults, sexuality and a wide range of other things to get this response, WHICH IS ONLY EFFECTIVE IF IT OFFENDS.

    Personally I think this sort of thing does cross a line, and if you can't affect an opposition player without resorting to insults then you're in the wrong game, but I do have to say that I would hope that the comments aren't a reflection of Minsons views, just his attempts to offend.

    The real issue here seems to be the culture of this sort of sledging in AFL, as any action that is used on the field and effective will certainly be used again by others.
  2. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Maybe Wilbur has mild AssBurgers?
  3. huvaduva

    huvaduva New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Minson definitely has a case of red-line fever, which is not an excuse btw. But I've met him several times at uni and at social club events, and he's always been happy to have a chat. It's then always surprised me how aggressive he can be on the footy field. IMO something definitely changes when he steps onto the field...
  4. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Does anyone honestly believe Minson came out and said anything without being provoked. Biggest beatup of all time. To cop a week is just ridiculous.
  5. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    I think it's right that Will got suspended for a week.


    If you say you've done something, you need to actually do it! Otherwise you're just lying scum!.
  6. TopHeavy

    TopHeavy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Definitely seems like Port are getting revenge over the Cornes incident.
    I think it hurts and is probably offensive when there is truth in what you are saying. For example, if you say 'I rooted your mum last night, blah blah blah' it's doesn’t mean anything. But if you say, 'I rooted your mum, while she was under anaesthetic while having that cancer removed' it is. (If she recently had an illness.)

    That is what i'd constitute a low blow, the rest is just banter.
  7. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    wow, I asked a simple question last night, have a look this morning and geez! These days, blokes cant hit each other, they cant say much, soon they wont be able to wrestle because it will be deemed holding the man. Gay.
  8. TopHeavy

    TopHeavy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My sister is a teacher and isn't allowed to use a red pen when marking work as it's 'too harsh' on the kids. We are creating one soft society.
  9. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Honestly I can't believe some of the comments here. First of all I am not sticking up for Port as I am a Port supporter, the same thing would apply to whatever club it happened to.

    Minson picking on sick kids and defenceless women and using them as bait on a footy field is disgraceful and he should know better.

    Biggest beatup of all time? LOL. Do you honestly think that? So Minson was provoked? Tell me what Pearce or any other Port player said to Minson to provoke him to make those comments? If you have heard the remarks by Minson you would be saying the direct opposite.

    How would you guys feel if I said the same thing about your mother and sick child? You would see red and fire up immediately.

    As I said before, sledging is part of the game but there are certain lines you can't cross and Minson has now done that twice.
  10. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    In all honesty Steve, I'd probably be rational enough to figure:

    a) you didn't actually have sex with my mother
    b) you've probably never met my mother
    c) even if a) and b) weren't the case, and you had actually had sex with my mother, so what? It says nothing of the love that my mother and I have for each other.
    d) in all likely hood you're saying things about my mother to try and take my mind off football. Because you're scared of my mad skillz.

    Which is not to say I condone what Minson allegedly said. I don't care. Just to say IMO, when life gets tough, I don't cry to the umpire, I prefer to adapt.
  11. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    In all honesty Steve, I'd probably be rational enough to figure:

    a) you didn't actually have sex with my mother
    b) you've probably never met my mother
    c) even if a) and b) weren't the case, and you had actually had sex with my mother, so what? It says nothing of the love that my mother and I have for each other.
    d) in all likely hood you're saying things about my mother to try and take my mind off football. Because you're scared of my mad skillz.

    Which is not to say I condone what Minson allegedly said. I don't care. Just to say IMO, when life gets tough, I don't cry to the umpire, I prefer to adapt.
  12. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thought I'd throw my 2cents in. I think Top Heavy nailed it in saying if there is no truth to it, its irrelevant. If someone says something clearly untrue to get at you and it works, then you need to work on your self control.

    As for it being offensive and crossing some sort of line, this sort of thing has been said on football grounds for decades. Its nothing new or particularly shocking. Difference is in the past guys could sort it out between themselves on the ground. With the scrutiny these days its pretty hard to whack someone and get away with it. The only course of action is to ostracise the offender but thats not quite as satisfying really.
  13. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Until we are ALL told what was actually said then of course it's a best up. Jesus "your mum" jokes happen 100 times a night with my mates and during local footy. If Port & Pearce want sympathy from everyone tell us what was said, otherwise stop being big sooks as harden the fk up.
  14. PA

    PA New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Steve on June 19, 2012, 20:47
    I have been told by several people at the club what Minson said but I am not going to repeat it here because it is not worth repeating in a public forum. This clown should have have learnt his lesson the first time when he had a go at Kane Cornes for not being at home looking after his very sick boy (who was born with with his heart of the right side of his body). At the time his apology was accepted although you could tell it was not really sincere. Kane was going through a very traumatic time and was told to keep on playing footy to take his mind off things.

    @ Jason, normally I agree with what you say on TS but I have to disagree on this one. As far as Port crying wolf, that is total BS. You have to remember the umpire is the one who brought it to the attention of the AFL. Port did not not complain about it all apart from Lucy Cornes twitter remarks (which is she quite entitled to considering the past incident). There is no need for any player to step across the line as to what Minson said. If a Port player did the same thing, I would say throw the book at him. Sledging is part of the game but there are certain things you don't bring up on the footy field.

    We paid our respects to Charlie Sutton on Sunday by wearing the black armbands and standing for the minutes silence. We did not have to do any of that but we did it out of respect for the AFL and the Western Bulldogs. It would be nice if we were treated with the same respect on the field from Minson but there is more chance of me winning X Lotto than that happening. </blockquote>

    Port were wearing their Black Armbands because of the passing of Bob Hank not Charlie.
  15. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Steve on June 20, 2012, 10:17
    Honestly I can't believe some of the comments here. First of all I am not sticking up for Port as I am a Port supporter, the same thing would apply to whatever club it happened to.

    Minson picking on sick kids and defenceless women and using them as bait on a footy field is disgraceful and he should know better.

    Biggest beatup of all time? LOL. Do you honestly think that? So Minson was provoked? Tell me what Pearce or any other Port player said to Minson to provoke him to make those comments? If you have heard the remarks by Minson you would be saying the direct opposite.

    How would you guys feel if I said the same thing about your mother and sick child? You would see red and fire up immediately.

    As I said before, sledging is part of the game but there are certain lines you can't cross and Minson has now done that twice. </blockquote>

    Steve, you didn't hear the remarks either. Get off your high horse.
  16. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I gotta say that Pearce is a massive sook, not just based on this. I went to the Hawks v Port game a couple weeks ago and Pearce was heavily tagged by Shiels and every Hawk made a point of collecting him with a bump whenever they passed him; Shiels did it to him all night. Every time I looked at Pearce he had his arms open bitching to the umps about the treatment he was getting. Pearce didnt get a kick all night after playing well for weeks before. Getting stuck into him and giving him a hard tag clearly works which is why he hasn't become the player everyone thought he would. Minson and the Doggies know this just like everyone else which is why Minson said something harsh; to try and put him off his game. This is the basis of sledging after all. Watching Pearce against the Hawks I thought he was just pathetic with his "poor me" attitude. The great hard leaders wouldn't have complained (thinking the likes of Voss, Worsfold, Riccuito) they would have belted you, cleaned you up later or more likely just knuckled down, got a million touches and stuck it up your arse with a win. AFL takes no prisoners and Pearce is a deer with a bullseye painted on him amongst a league of wolves.
  17. Steve

    Steve Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    & gogonz, I do know what was said as I as mix with several players at Port and they have told me directly what he said. But I am not going to repeat it here.

    @ thegob, definitely agree with everything you said about Pearce, he needs to HTFU on the field and learn to cope with a tag. Also it was the the fault of the Port players for not going in to help him in that game against the Hawks. Not one player remonstrated with Shiel during that game. The good teams would get 3 or 4 guys to come in and give some assistance to the guy getting tagged.

  18. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Steve on June 20, 2012, 12:06
    & gogonz, I do know what was said as I as mix with several players at Port and they have told me directly what he said. But I am not going to repeat it here.

    @ thegob, definitely agree with everything you said about Pearce, he needs to HTFU on the field and learn to cope with a tag. Also it was the the fault of the Port players for not going in to help him in that game against the Hawks. Not one player remonstrated with Shiel during that game. The good teams would get 3 or 4 guys to come in and give some assistance to the guy getting tagged.


    Rubbish. You know what they told you he said.
  19. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unsure of what you are trying to say gogonz. Here are the facts as we know them:
    1. Monson said something very offensive to Pearce
    2. The Western Bulldogs thought it unacceptable and banned him for one match
    3. The AFL agrees with the decision and says there is NO PLACE for that in the AFL

    The football field is a workplace and as such should be a safe place. Imagine going up to someone in your office and saying something like that to them? Or randomly in the street? You can be your life that HR would be called and perhaps the police. These players are role models for our children and are paid big &#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36; to play this game we love. The Bulldogs accept that, the AFL accept that, Monson sure as hell will be thinking twice before he shoots off his yap in future. As he should.

  20. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    I agree. Wul Monson is a jerk.

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