What did Monson do to get a week?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by thegob, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    rbat, you dont work in the public service do you?
  2. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 20, 2012, 13:23
    Unsure of what you are trying to say gogonz. Here are the facts as we know them:
    1. Monson said something very offensive to Pearce
    2. The Western Bulldogs thought it unacceptable and banned him for one match
    3. The AFL agrees with the decision and says there is NO PLACE for that in the AFL

    The football field is a workplace and as such should be a safe place. Imagine going up to someone in your office and saying something like that to them? Or randomly in the street? You can be your life that HR would be called and perhaps the police. These players are role models for our children and are paid big &#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36; to play this game we love. The Bulldogs accept that, the AFL accept that, Monson sure as hell will be thinking twice before he shoots off his yap in future. As he should.


    Are they facts?

    What was said then?
  3. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from thegob on June 20, 2012, 13:45
    rbat, you dont work in the public service do you?</blockquote>

    OH&S rep I'd reckon... ;)
  4. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    LOL - no on both counts. My work does have zero tolerance to bullying however. That should give you some clue.

    <blockquote>What was said then?</blockquote>

    I don't really care what was said at this point. The fact that the club thought it was offensive enough to ban him is enough for me to know it wasn't just a 'your mamma' taunt.
  5. Madness

    Madness New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 20, 2012, 13:23
    Unsure of what you are trying to say gogonz. Here are the facts as we know them:
    1. Monson said something very offensive to Pearce
    2. The Western Bulldogs thought it unacceptable and banned him for one match
    3. The AFL agrees with the decision and says there is NO PLACE for that in the AFL

    The football field is a workplace and as such should be a safe place. Imagine going up to someone in your office and saying something like that to them? Or randomly in the street? You can be your life that HR would be called and perhaps the police. These players are role models for our children and are paid big &#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36; to play this game we love. The Bulldogs accept that, the AFL accept that, Monson sure as hell will be thinking twice before he shoots off his yap in future. As he should.

    Crap argument. Imagine going up to someone in the average workplace, or in the street, and tackling them to the ground. It is not the same as most workplaces.

  6. Madness

    Madness New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 20, 2012, 13:23
    Unsure of what you are trying to say gogonz. Here are the facts as we know them:
    1. Monson said something very offensive to Pearce
    2. The Western Bulldogs thought it unacceptable and banned him for one match
    3. The AFL agrees with the decision and says there is NO PLACE for that in the AFL

    The football field is a workplace and as such should be a safe place. Imagine going up to someone in your office and saying something like that to them? Or randomly in the street? You can be your life that HR would be called and perhaps the police. These players are role models for our children and are paid big &#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36;&#36; to play this game we love. The Bulldogs accept that, the AFL accept that, Monson sure as hell will be thinking twice before he shoots off his yap in future. As he should.

    Crap argument. Imagine going up to someone in the average workplace, or in the street, and tackling them to the ground. It is not the same as most workplaces.

  7. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    school teacher?
  8. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think the point being trying to made by some here is that 'Your mum....' sledging shouldn't be taken too seriously as, as Hornsy said, it is always fictional. I play footy every week and am constantly sledged and I give it back as well. Players don't know each other well in amateur leagues as they do in AFL, and so I've often heard 'Your mum' insults bantered around, which is seriously laughable and lacks any creativity.
    Personally on a footy field if someone gave it to me for missing a target that would get to me much more than if they said they were going to rape my mum - but that's just me. Pearce obviously became quite incensed by it.

    But sledges with truth behind them - as in the Kane Cornes one, and the Montgommery to Rama one - are much more hurtful, and should be duly punished. It is such a grey area to define what crossed the line and what doesn't. Perhaps there were many 'Your mum' sledges this year and we are only hearing about this one due to Pearce's reaction?

    And Minson would of course been provoked with sledging first - what, you think he ambled up to Pearce and insulted his mother out of no where?! But he's not going to say that to the media as it looks very petty.

    I am also quite intrigued, chris88, about Minson being a bit of a scholar or whatever, and then being done for sledging twice. Quite interesting. Perhaps he gets razzed up about it on the field and his instinctive reaction to act 'tough' is to insult inappropriately with words. You'd expect players like Ballantyne and Milne to have been done for sledging before him!
  9. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    rbat works for the Wiggles
  10. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>rbat works for the Wiggles</blockquote>
    Ha ha ha, if that were so, I'd be all for stabbing others you work alongside in the back!

    Tylo, correct.

  11. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 20, 2012, 13:55
    LOL - no on both counts. My work does have zero tolerance to bullying however. That should give you some clue.

    <blockquote>What was said then?</blockquote>

    I don't really care what was said at this point. The fact that the club thought it was offensive enough to ban him is enough for me to know it wasn't just a 'your mamma' taunt.</blockquote>

    Or perhaps the club just saw the writing on the wall and rather than wait for the AFL to call a kangaroo court and string minson out to dry, took it in house and looked after their player rather than let the AFL or the media turn it into this week's sideshow between games of football.
  12. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    what year/s do you teach & which subject/s?

    A teacher local to my area taught high school math, had the kids all open SC & DT accounts as a class project,
    got them interested in stats/percentages & math in general, through their existing interest in footy.

    Won the 10k school prize package 3 of last 5 years in the process.

    In Mcevaney's words.. "clever"...
  13. donatello

    donatello New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Reminds me of a few cricket quotes,
    Glenn McGrath asked Eddo Brandes how come he was so fat. Brandes replied "because every time I f*** your wife she gives me a biscuit".

    Glenn McGrath - What does Brian Lara's c*** taste like?
    Ramanesh Sarwan - I don't know ask your wife
    Glenn McGrath - You mention my f***ing wife again and i'll rip your f***ing throat out!

    Yet McGrath was painted as the bad guy by our media because of his response, and only got a bit of a chop out when his wife's illness became more commonly known.
  14. Tango

    Tango New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The first one is an absolute classic and one of the best responses to a sledge I've ever heard. The second one I feel Pidgeon copped his right whack at the time. In hindsight his response was absolutely understandable given his heightened emotional state, but his wife's cancer wasn't public knowledge at the time, so when Sarwan made his response, he was not to know what was going on with Jane McGrath. I think the public only found out months later about her illness. I get where you're going, but different circumstances compared to the Minson situation.
  15. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Minson clearly should have just said:

    "I like your mum's biscuits"
  16. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    LOL Sticks & far king stones..............Pretty naive to think that you play a sport at the top level and sledging isn't going to happen ??. FFS we can all put the woe is me hat on but bottom line is it does happen and it wont stop. I dont agree with Minsons actions as I consider sledging weakness by an inferior opponent but to piss and moan about it lol spoon of concrete needed. Did they allow for the fact that Wills a ruckman ????. Whoops I just sledged Will. Please please Walesy dont scrub me for a week !!!!!??.
  17. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @fidelsfinger - I'm a primary school specialist teacher. Our students in grades 6 & 7 play SC as part of their mathematics lessons. I only wish they had done that when I was at school, might have been way more interested in maths LOL. Good on your friend for winning 3 class prizes - wow!
  18. thegob

    thegob New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I love the sledge when we were touring England and Warnie was bowling to a fat county player you wouldnt dare come out of his crease and just blocked. Healy eventually asked Warnie from behind the stumps if he should put a Mars bar on a good length as that might tempt the fat prick down the wicket. Gold.
  19. 82asch

    82asch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hypothetically - Bulldogs and Port are playing off in the GF (very hypothetical I know) and Pearce has a chance to win the game after the siren as he took a mark just inside 50 right on the final siren. Big Will stands the mark and puts young Danyle (horrible spelling) off with the same sledge and he shanks it, Doggies win the GF. Is that OK? Will might get 2 weeks this time (which he could serve in the NAB cup) next year and the Doggies still have the flag.
  20. G-Train

    G-Train Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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