Almost finished my team

Discussion in 'AFL' started by rbat, Jun 22, 2012.

  1. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have a few changes I want to make today which would make my team look like this. I would say it is almost finished except for perhaps 1 more defender & forward but will wait for some bargains later on.

    D: Waters, Goddard, Deledio, Shaw, H, Lake, Clarke, Shaw, S. Int: Ellis, Smedts.

    M: Ablett, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Boyd, Stanton, Rockcliff. Int: Gibson, Smith, D.

    R: Naitanui, Maric. Int: Giles, Redden.

    F: Franklin, Martin, Johnson, M, Hale, Cloke, Riewolt, N, Zorko. Int: Milera, Kennedy, A.

    Any feedback would be great. New this week are Naitanui, Johnson, M & Gibson.
  2. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My thoughts...Sidebottom and Dangerfield are being wasted in the midfield and should be in the forward line.

    I'd switch Johnson with Smedts so you have Johnson in defence and don't need to rely on playing Sam Shaw.

    Sidebottom and Danger to link with Zorko and Kennedy to get them into the forward line, and two more upgrades in the mids - Swan & Pendlebury when he's fit again.. Priddis for a cheaper, reliable option.

    Bottom line for me is that the top averaging Midfielders are: Ablett, Watson, Selwood, Pendlebury, Swan, Stanton, Kennedy, Thompson

    You only have 2 of those guys, and if you come up against a midfield that has 4 or more of them and Dangers and Sidebum in the FWDs you're going to be in trouble.
  3. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Midge001, you have given me some good food for thought. I'll keep tinkering with my options. I appreciate your time in responding :)
  4. Mincho

    Mincho New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Any ideas on what to do nxt? $162,000 in bank and have 3 trades this week

    D: Waters, Goddard, Deledio, Scotland, Lake, M Clarke, S Shaw, S. Int: Ellis, Darley.

    M: Swan, Pendles, Stanton, Kennedy, Thompson, Priddis. Int: Pfeiffer, M Williams.

    R: Giles, Kruzer. Int: Orren, Redden.

    F: Franklin, Martin, Johnson, sidebottom, Dangerfield, Chapman, Pavlich. Int: Zorko, T Adams
  5. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Geez, you have an awesome team Mincho. I could only suggest upgrading Giles to Nic Nat or something like that? Ellis to Carazzo or Johnson?
  6. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 22, 2012, 09:35
    Thanks Midge001, you have given me some good food for thought. I'll keep tinkering with my options. I appreciate your time in responding :)</blockquote>

    No problem - I do think you have a really solid group of players, though. So well done on that front. Just some slight reshuffling will turn that into a really powerful team.

    FWIW my team is as follows:

    Deledio, Broughton, Shaw, Waters, Goddard, Lake, Shaw - Spurr, Darley
    Pendlebury*, Ablett, Swan, J Selwood, Watson, Rockliff - Williams, Gibson
    Goldstein, McIntosh* - Giles, Redden
    Franklin, N Riewoldt, Dangerfield, Martin, Zaharakis*,Zorko Dickson, - T Adams, Kennedy

    9 trades left (used 2 this round) &#36;170k in the bank.

    The plan is to wait out the injuries, trade Giles for cash and do 2 upgrades if possible. Sidey or Chapman will come in, and obviously I'll need another FWD and DEF but will play by ear depending on price/form at the time.
  7. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You have an amazing team Midge001! Will you stick by all your injuries? I see you don't have Cloke. I got him right at the start and haven't been all that impressed with him or Martin but I am trying to go with the mantra of not trading sideways except for injury at the moment.

    I'm new to SC this year and have made a few mistakes, particularly early on. I traded Swan when he got injured and I really should have kept him. I kept Ablett and Shaw through injuries but for some reason I had an itchy trigger finger with Swan. I'm not sure I can really afford to get him back as I might be better off with 2 premium players such as Priddis/Johnson or better to spend the cash on Swan and then try and upgrade a bit later on? I think I have no idea what I'm doing half the time LOL. The guys at work seemed happy to help me out at the beginning of the year and now that I'm 2nd, the advice has stopped!
  8. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I will stick by them mainly because I'm going for leagues and am relatively strong ladder-wise so I am focused purely on the final 4 rounds now.
    McIntosh will be an interesting one...if he's out too much longer and I can afford a sideways I might, just depending on news from the club near the time, I've held him mostly because Giles was fine coverage (had Sandi before he went down).

    I was filthy on Zaharakis because I traded him in during the week where the bombers neglected to mention he was injured, but swallowed my rage and again will hold him for final rounds.

    How many trades/money do you have left, because that will determine your strategy as much as anything from here.
  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from rbat on June 22, 2012, 15:24
    I think I have no idea what I'm doing half the time LOL. The guys at work seemed happy to help me out at the beginning of the year and now that I'm 2nd, the advice has stopped!</blockquote>

    @rbat - sounds like you should be the one giving them advice !!!
  10. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Of the two, who would you get in - Watson or Swan? I'm leaning towards Watson but can afford anyone with this trade.

    @TheTassieHawk - I am in a school league and the kids are coming to me for advice over their classroom teachers. I think it annoys them LOL, particularly as I'm the only female playing.

    @Midge001 - Giles is great coverage. He's been awesome in Ruck particularly with all the injuries. I got rid of McIntosh for Maric but of course he has a bye this week.

    I'll let you know what my trades & money I have left after I decide on Watson or Swan!
  11. Mincho

    Mincho New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanx rbat ended up doing
    Kruzer- nic nat
    T Adams- Cloke

    Still enough money To get carazzo nxt week
  12. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think you can go wrong with Nic Nat Mincho, I ended up putting in Swan for Milera & Gibson for Horsley. I will wait another week for Carazzo as he is tipped to go down again after next week.
  13. cavalah

    cavalah New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I am thinking about the same thing Mincho getting Carazzo in next week but I have only 2 trades left so I don't know if I should do the trade or should I just hold off incase there is an injury, my team at the moment are:

    B: B. Lids, M. Johnson, G Broughton, B. Goddard, G. Birchall, N. Grima, S. Darley, S. Shaw, D. Nicholson

    M: J. Watson, S. Mitchell, Dal Santo, S. Selwood, J. Selwood, S. Sidebottom, S. Gibson, D. Zorko

    R: S. Jacobs, J. Giles, O. Stephenson, J. Redden

    F: D. Beams, P. Dangerfield, L. Fanklin, N. Roo, D. Martin, T. Walker, T. Cloke, A. Treloar, H. Crozier

    I have &#36;192,900 in the bank

    Or should I trade J. Giles for Maric, because I think Giles have mooed and will only go down from here!

    Any help would be great!!
  14. rbat

    rbat New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    cavalah, where are you situated on the ladder? I would be holding off trades with only 2 left TBH. Your team is quite strong already.
  15. benstar94

    benstar94 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Team to date, hope to sit still and wait till finals barring LTI's

    B: Delidio, Goddard, Waters, Adcock, Birchall, Heppell, Bugg, Darley, Shaw
    M: Stanton, Boyd, Thompson, Adblett, Kennedy, Priddis, McDonal, Gibson
    R: Jacobs, Giles, Redden, Stephenson
    F: Sidebottom, Franklin, Beams, Robinson, Dangefield, Pavlich, Zorko, Smith,D, Treloar

    Sitting 6th in league and 6K overall
  16. jesters

    jesters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Currently in my backline I have
    Deledio, Goddard, Waters, Birchall, Lake, Shaw and Bugg with Mohr and Shaw on the bench. I want to get probably Carrazzo or somebody in soon. Would it be better to trade him in for Bugg or Mohr in a weeks or two's time and have lake as my D7, or trade him in this week for Lake?
  17. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How many trades in hand jesters?
  18. jesters

    jesters New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If I make that trade i will have 5 left.
    fwiw, here's my whole team

    B: Deledio, Goddard, Waters, Birchall, Lake, Shaw, Bugg (Mohr, Shaw)
    M: Stanton, Thompson, Ablett, Selwood, Pendles, Priddis (Horsley,Gibson)
    R: Cox, Giles (Redden, Stephenson)
    F: Franklin, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Martin, Zorko, Dickson, Kennedy (Zaharakis, Crozier)

    Thinking it might be better to make another Fwd upgrade and leave the backs for now.

    &#36;90,500 in the bank.

    Cheers :)
  19. Corks

    Corks Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @jesters, you're not going to be in a position to do a full upgrade, so you need to hold onto a couple of non-premiums. Lake at D7 makes more sense than Bugg or Mohr - should get average 80-ish out of Lake which is ok for a D7 this year.

    Wait till next week and get Carrazzo, then look for one more forward upgrade in a few weeks to replace Dickson / Kennedy. Goodes looks like he'll dump price, so could be a good target for a bargain. Zorko in F7 and Giles in R2 will be your other non-premiums (though Zork may be a premium the way he's going).

    That'll leave you 3 trades for injuries and finals. Good luck!
  20. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Agree with you there Corks,
    2 short of prem backline,
    mids complete,
    1 ruck short,
    1 forward short,

    4 upgrades to fielding an all premium team,
    7 trades & 90k to do it with,
    3 down & 4 up could get you there if lucky with no injuries & if you time the trades for maximum value.

    I'd be patient & wait for the right opportunities at this point.

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