Changing Role- Is Broughton worth the worries

Discussion in 'AFL' started by TigersTooTough, Jul 3, 2012.

  1. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The whole Broughton debate could be reopened. Many coaches (including myself) would be pretty worried by his new role. Over the last 2 games, he has played the role of a defensive forward with an aim to shut out a rebounding defender. This has affected his scores which is not good for this stage of the season. If this role continues, we could be forced to do what many did at the start of the year; trade him out. Is this a slump like Rounds 1 and 2 or could this be his permanent role at Freo. Ross Lyon is playing mind games with us....

  2. GaryReal

    GaryReal Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For broughton owners this shld come as no susprise and if you've had him all season just have to accept the mistake. he'll have the occasional big game, and Ross Lyin will shift him again.

    For non-broughton owners stay away.

    Note to self: do not take broughton ever again, put him on the Higgins list
  3. don

    don New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well said @GaryReal - keep him this year (unless you're flush with trades) and NEVER pick him again!
  4. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think I'll be picking any Freo players next year.
  5. jb

    jb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All fair comments but to Lyons defence what he's done is compensatory for the susp/injuries/form to other key players - Ballantyne, Fyfe, Hill, Morabito, Sandi (not relevant to this discussion prob), Duff (lack of form), Johnson & Deboer (great form), intro of Dorkson. All have their various effects on where to play Broughts & hence his SC output.
    If you got him on the premise he was going to be a permanent midfielder then your homework was wrong. Sure he runs through there occasionally and was trialled in there pre-season but he is behind Fyfe, Barlow, Mundy, Hill, Mora, Deboer.

    In his SC position DEF currently averaging about 90. Whereas most "GUNS" are averaging about 100 (bar Lids).
    Not the best but wouldn't say the worst pick ever.
  6. Senator96

    Senator96 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah the change in a role is a real concern. Could see quite a few 50s coming along if he keep playing as a defensive forward. Luckily hes kicked a couple of goals in each of those games which has allowed him to post something half decent but cant keep relying on that to happen. Just dont have the luxury of trading out players who arent injured so will just have to hold and hope for the best, but definetly wont be picking him again next year.

    As for higgins this was the first year I put him on my never again list and what happens? he plays every game up until now, posting solid enough scores too
  7. jb

    jb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Concerned re Broughton but Missy av 76 as a $450k m/f is solid enough??
  8. Senator96

    Senator96 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah i think for missy he has been fairly solid this year jb. If you take out the game early in the year where he started as sub hes averaged 81, 89 average over the past five, played every game with the flexibility of mpp. With all the problems ive had this year i would have gladly taken that at the start of the year.
  9. Marcus45

    Marcus45 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As a Broughton to Dempsey trader I'm intrigued where all the score comparisons from Broughton owners have gone?? Haha
  10. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Marcus45 on July 5, 2012, 03:22
    As a Broughton to Dempsey trader I'm intrigued where all the score comparisons from Broughton owners have gone?? Haha</blockquote>

    Given that Broughton has outscored Dempsey by over 300 points, and Dempsey will need to make up at least 30ppg to get to his level, I'd say they think the job is done.
  11. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Burnt by Ross Lyon once again, not going near any Freo players or halfwits like Dustin Martin again.
  12. silacious

    silacious New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Dempsey has stunk alot this year, if you did that trade you were worse off, as most would've already traded Dempsey out by now. Broughton has done better than dempsey easily. Not many defenders have averaged over 100 all year, so he definately isn't the worst pick all year.

    He has done better than say Chris Newman, yet everyone is going to jump on him.
  13. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've had both Dempsey and Broughton from the start and they have been more than serviceable for me. Don't know what all the fuss is about.

    If Broughton's role continues, I can always sideways him into a Birchall or Carrots, both will never be worth over 100k more than Broughton. Dempsey has been great for someone who essentially was 1st round draft pick price at the start of the year (270k approx). His average would be higher if you take out the injury affected score of 6.

    Lake and Dempsey have been a great D6 D7 combo and Broughton D5.
  14. Marcus45

    Marcus45 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    But we are forgetting the extra 200k from the trade which turned say a porplyzia into a Beames..
  15. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Marcus45 on July 6, 2012, 04:08
    But we are forgetting the extra 200k from the trade which turned say a porplyzia into a Beames..</blockquote>

    Or you could have taken 200k from a cash cow and turned porps into beames, leaving you with the better scoring defender and less rookies.

    I assume you made the Broughton to Dempsey trade in Round 7 if you made &#36;200k from it
    From that point, Broughton averaged 91 and Dempsey 81 - you are down 70 points there.

    Then, you get the Porps - Beams trade perfect bringing him in before he explodes in round 9. Beams over Porps makes up 61ppg from that point on.
    So, overall, you're up 51ppg.

    But, if you kept broughton, culled a cow for &#36;200k, you're up 10ppg for Broughton over Dempsey + 61ppg for Beams over Porps, leaving you 71ppg up.

    No matter which way you look at it, Broughton to Dempsey leaves you worse off.
  16. Marcus45

    Marcus45 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Made it the round Dempsey got injured in rd 3. Obviously horrible timing, but as has been proved since then a fully fit Dempsey is as capable of scoring as well if not better than Broughton. My point was the gloating has defiantly died down..
  17. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Defensive forward is the worst role for such a player. Was one of the more consistent defenders but he has lost it. My only problem is that I am down to 4 trades so I am probably stuck with him.
  18. Astro39

    Astro39 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I had him in at the start of the year but it was a (relatively) easy trade out for me before the start of the 3rd round because he wasn't getting much time in the midfield as a true midfielder. Many people did the same and lots also rubbished us for making the choice to get rid of him - not that any of us who did get rid of him are geniuses. I felt bad when he had a good score the round after I got rid of him (I think?), and also when Fyfe went down because I thought Brougton would get more midfield time.

    Think the lesson with Broughton is not to trust Ross Lyon in Supercoach - I also considered trading in Duffield because he was lighting it up at one stage, but Rossco dropped him and now I see today he got the vest. I've got Johnson there and I'll be getting in Pav this week, but outside of that its very hard to pick Docker's players due to Lyon. Lyon's a great coach and all but yeah, just not for us Supercoach people.
  19. jb

    jb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Same Tigers. Ross has shown his hand with Greg. IF you have 6+ trades, trade him for Yarran or if u have &#36; Carrots.

    Defensive forwards. What has our game come to??
  20. Hamburglar

    Hamburglar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys, first time poster after only finding this wonderful website recently.

    On the Broughton issue, I'm stuck with him at the moment, but am considering trading him to Yarran which will allow me to do Treloar to Goodes/Lewis.

    One of the issues for me is that I already have Newman so can't really afford another underperforming defender. I have 5 trades left and am fully upgraded across every other line.

    Thoughts on my proposed trade would be appreciated.

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