Live SC scoring - blessing or curse?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Seabass, Jul 17, 2012.

  1. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all,

    Now that we've had live SC scoring up and running for a while now, have you found that it lives up to your expectations? Would you pay for it next year (assuming everyone's still using it for free due to the Herald Sun being lazy with free trial monitoring), or were you just as happy with score updates at the end of each quarter?

    It seems that this year has, rightly or wrongly, highlighted some "interesting" scores for passages of play, ie. the passage involving Everitt's match-winning goal.

    I actually preferred last year with updates at the end of each quarter - ignorance is bliss and all that, when the "anomalies" in scoring were harder to find or highlight.
  2. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Hi Seabass,

    No, I wouldn't pay for the HS's product as it's a very poor version of what they could actually give, and is overpriced.

    Also, I think ignorance is bliss only for those who have a hard time adjusting their understanding of a subject when new information comes to light that challenges their previous understanding of said subject.

  3. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I wouldn't pay for it either but now that we have had the live scoring, it would be hard to not have it at all. I would assume that they wouldn't provide quarter by quarter scores so it'd be interesting to go back. Agree with Hornsy that it is a poor version of what they could provide us.
  4. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fair call Hornsy - I'm not intending for this thread to be used to pay out on the scoring system. Let me rephrase what I wrote - I preferred the incomplete information on the scoring system that we had last year as opposed to the slightly less incomplete information on the scoring system that we have this year.

    My perception of the scoring system, rightly or wrongly, has been negatively impacted this year by seeing live scoring. I'm sure it all makes sense to the boffins at CD (as they have the whole story) and works accordingly, and correctly.

    But that's just me, and I still love the game.
  5. hawks2008

    hawks2008 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How is it poor? They provide us the live scores and provide a field view that shows how many points are allocated for each act
  6. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Compared to the CD interface, I think it lacks considerable clarity. I'm not alone - I don't see the CH7 or Fox using the HS/Fox statistical interface (despite the fact that in Fox's case it would be their own product).
  7. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This could be a stupid noob question, but did you used to (or still do) work at CD Hornsy?
  8. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from hawks2008 on July 16, 2012, 16:38
    How is it poor? They provide us the live scores and provide a field view that shows how many points are allocated for each act</blockquote>

    Personally, I enjoy being able to look at the live scores and each players supercoach points but it's more that it's poor for what they expect you to pay for. If you were to pay for this, would you be satisfied for what is being provided at the moment? That's my two cents worth.
  9. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    <blockquote>Quote from Seabass on July 16, 2012, 16:49
    This could be a stupid noob question, but did you used to (or still do) work at CD Hornsy?</blockquote>


    But have some insight into how it all works.
  10. Seabass

    Seabass New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cool - the reason I asked is you seem to be a bit more "in the know" than others when it comes to how SC works (which is a good thing!), but that could be for a plethora of reasons :)
  11. n131982

    n131982 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fox Footy site has Q by Q scores, and looks better than Hun ran last year. Didn't even bother to sign up for the Hun free trial b/c Fox does me fine.
  12. Stampede

    Stampede Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I feel like I'm going out on a limb here but I gotta say I love the live SC scores. Yes, the overall product they're delivering could be better but that's mainly in what else they provide around the scores - the scores themselves are fine and I'm not sure what else could be done to provide them in a better manner. I guess there could be some better integration of the lists of players' scores and the field-view so you can see more clearly what got each player his points, but I still much prefer having the live scores than not.

    As for the cost, well I haven't had to pay yet but when my free trial runs out I'm not going to sign up under a new name so if I feel like I still want it I'll pay. Yes it's fairly pricey and the rest of what you get in the digital subscription is a joke, but, when it comes down to it, we all pay very little or nothing at all for someone's product from which we clearly get hours of enjoyment.

    Come to think of it, I'm not sure how my free trial hasn't already run out because I got it at the start of the season but meh that's their problem.
  13. JacobInvincible

    JacobInvincible New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Reckon HS being a bit too greedy here
    Comparing to last year, there have been not a bit of difference in the quality or quantity of articles
    All we got is a match centre which still isnt great
    This is the reason more people are playing stupid Dreamteam (touchball)
    Pretty bad value for money (or the free-trial that's supposed to have finished a month ago but you can still sign up). has a better field view than that, and the clearance & inside 50 stats the radio or TV coverage give you that every now and then

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