ORFFL Battle for Pride!

Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by port_leschenault, Aug 17, 2012.

  1. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Are the majority of ORFFL owners feeling neglected and need their "fix" over the coming weekend but don't know what to do but look despondently at the lucky few gallivanting about with pseudo mind-games and tedious serious-talk about figures no one really gives a damn about? :eek:

    Well never fear I've created something that will hopefully tie us over during the coming three weeks and will at least be a side-show to the main event of ORFFL finals.

    It is basically a State of Origin battle, best of 3 games, between players from the remaining 10 teams split into Vic (including their Bass Strait brethren ;)) vs Allies aka The Rest of the bunch. Works out as a perfect 5v5 split so we have even teams to get players from. The name? It's because that's all we're playing for, what, you think we win some sort of trophy, this is a regional comp remember ;)

    So the details:

    40 players will form the squads over the 3 weeks, to be pooled from every ORFFL team in that side.
    Will consist of 12 defenders, midfielders, forwards and 4 ruckmen.
    22 players in a match day squad ala normal AFL teams.
    That means 6 defenders, 5 midfielders, 1 ruckman, 6 forwards and 4 interchange (any pos). 3 emergencies can be listed.
    MPP will be listed as Forward or Defender, to maximise team's squad and can not be used between their positions given on SC.

    How to Play:
    What I've envisioned is that in this thread or in a separate one, the owners of their players in each Origin team each decide on a team selection for the coming week, most likely by giving their preferred line-up and the most popular choices making into the final team to be submitted before the footy starts on Friday by the "captain" (anyone willing to represent their side.
    The captain's roles is also to decide on tie-breakers that may occur and has final say on the squad.
    I am happy to take the reins of the Allies unless someone wants to do it but will definitely need at least 1 person from the other side to decide on teams to make this somewhat of an inclusive competition :D
    Obviously the more people having a say on a squad the more it will represent their "side" but it isn't mandatory for everyone to participate, whoever wants to join.

    For the sake of speeding it along, I've chosen the 40 players from each side and barring something catastrophic happening to one of them today it will be final, I've looked over all reports (one of the reasons its take awhile to do it) and made sure that those selected at least have a chance to play and figure. With a squad of 40 though I doubt there will be any trouble fielding a squad.
    Players were decided purely on SC average, to avoid any bias in selection.
    Down the bottom of the lists per position players may have been shuffled slightly to "level" the contribution of each side so its not weighted towards any particular ORFFL side This mas have worked for the Vic side but as you will see after taking injuries etc, it didn't work at all in the Allies team :D
    Totaling the 40 players average they are actually quite close, only ~60 points advantage to the Vic and that's over 40 players so pretty good I think. They have 8 players under injury clouds though compared to the 6 for the Allies so there's some levelling there too.


    Victorians - The Queenstown Quolls, Tarwin Lower Pigs, Bonnie Doon Bandits,Glenrowan Gunslingers, Torrumbarry Thunda

    Allies - Popanyinning Pyrite, Jimcumbilly Jackrabbits, Purnululu Bungle Rangers, Woy Woy Wizards, Humpty Doo Hammerheads


    ORFFL Name Pos Team
    PBR Heath Shaw DEF col
    PBR Jed Adcock DEF brl
    POP Nathan Grima DEF kan
    POP Paul Duffield DEF fre
    WOY Dustin Fletcher DEF ess
    WOY Brian Lake DEF wbd
    JIM Sam Fisher DEF stk
    JIM Luke McPharlin DEF fre
    HDH Brent Guerra DEF haw
    POP Ted Richards DEF syd
    HDH Andrew Mackie DEF gee
    WOY Scott McMahon DEF kan

    PBR Joel Selwood MID gee
    POP Matthew Boyd MID wbd
    POP Andrew Swallow MID kan
    HDH Chris Judd MID car
    POP Lenny Hayes MID stk
    POP Luke Shuey MID wce
    JIM Nick Dal Santo MID stk
    JIM Brock McLean MID car
    WOY Simon Black MID brl
    WOY Leigh Montagna MID stk
    HDH Daniel Wells MID kan
    JIM David Ellard MID car

    PBR Patrick Ryder RUC ess
    HDH Sam Jacobs RUC ade
    WOY Darren Jolly RUC col
    WOY Aaron Sandilands RUC fre

    WOY Paul Chapman F/M gee
    JIM Drew Petrie FWD kan
    PBR Taylor Walker FWD ade
    POP Jack Riewoldt FWD ric
    JIM Jarryd Blair FWD col
    WOY Clancee Pearce F/M fre
    PBR Adam Treloar F/M gws
    WOY Luke Power F/M gws
    POP Eddie Betts FWD car
    JIM Lindsay Thomas FWD kan
    HDH Jefferey Garlett FWD car


    ORFFL Name Pos Team
    TLP Andrew Carrazzo D/M car
    TOR Beau Waters DEF wce
    GLN Shannon Hurn DEF wce
    TLP Pearce Hanley DEF brl
    QUE Jack Grimes DEF mel
    TOR Sean Dempster DEF stk
    TOR Dyson HEPPELL DEF ess
    BDB Jason Gram DEF stk
    QUE Michael HIBBERD DEF ess
    TLP Daniel Merrett DEF brl
    BDB Mitchell GOLBY DEF brl
    GLN Xavier Ellis DEF haw

    QUE Jobe Watson MID ess
    TLP Scott Pendlebury MID col
    QUE Dane Swan MID col
    BDB Sam Mitchell MID haw
    QUE Nathan Jones MID mel
    GLN Jimmy Bartel MID gee
    GLN Sam ILES MID gcs
    QUE Bryce Gibbs MID car
    BDB Dale Thomas MID col
    TOR Jack Steven MID stk
    BDB Chris Masten MID wce
    TLP Mitch WALLIS MID wbd

    BDB Dean Cox RUC wce
    TLP Jonathan Giles RUC gws
    TOR Tom Bellchambers RUC ess
    GLN Shane Mumford RUC syd

    GLN Dayne Beams F/M col
    TOR Lance Franklin FWD haw
    TOR Patrick Dangerfield F/M ade
    TLP Ryan O'Keefe F/M syd
    TLP Nick Riewoldt FWD stk
    BDB Brent Harvey F/M kan
    TOR Adam Goodes F/M syd
    BDB Kurt Tippett FWD ade
    QUE Justin Westhoff FWD pta
    TOR Travis Cloke FWD col
    TLP Jason Porplyzia FWD ade
    QUE Jonathan Brown FWD brl


    Ok so there we have it. I'm sure I've missed something out so questions and queries are welcome. When teams are out later tonight I'll do a selection for the Allies. Hopefully we can get a few people interested and playing. If its just me, well then I'll play by myself and post the results up anyway. :D
  2. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Oh yes, and the authentic jerseys they'll be playing in :D

    <img src="http://i46.tinypic.com/n34xw9.png" />
  3. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Now that's a truly ORFFL idea mate ;)
  4. EddieV

    EddieV Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    good idea port the on paper the vics look the dominant side it will be interesting to see how the games play out
  5. Tino

    Tino Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Love this idea. Go the ALLIES!

    Dunno if the Vics are stronger on paper. Missing some top tier talent including Swan and N Riewoldt. I reckon it will come down to key selections.

    My 2c for the allies starting 22:

    Def: Shaw, Adcock, Fisher, Duffield, Guerra, Mackie

    Mid: J Selwood, Boyd, Judd, Hayes, A Swallow

    Ruck: Jacobs

    Fwds: Walker, Petrie, J Riewoldt, Blair, Pearce, Power (gotta play him in his 300th!!!)

    Int: Shuey, Ryder, Del Santo, Betts/Garlett

    Emg: Betts/Garlett (Fwd), Lake (Def), Black (Mid)
  6. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Vics as heavily back favourites, now there's a surprise! :D

    My team for the Allies:
    B: Brent Guerra Brian Lake Paul Duffield
    HB: Heath Shaw Dustin Fletcher Jed Adcock
    C: Chris Judd Matthew Boyd Nick Dal Santo
    HF: Paul Chapman Jack Riewoldt Drew Petrie
    F: Jarryd Blair Taylor Walker Clancee Pearce
    Foll: Sam Jacobs Joel Selwood Andrew Swallow
    Int: Patrick Ryder Darren Jolly Lenny Hayes Luke Shuey
    Emg: Sam Fisher Brock McLean Lindsay Thomas

    If no one else wants to join in, particularly someone from the opposing side, I'll just make the team myself. Can't guarantee a Jobe n Scott show though ;) :D
  7. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ah, good stuff Tino, some similar selections there!
  8. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    B: Andrew Carrazzo, Beau Waters, Shannon Hurn, Pearce Hanley, Jack Grimes, Sean Dempster
    C: Jobe Watson, Scott Pendlebury, Sam Mitchell, Jimmy Bartel, Dale Thomas
    F: Dayne Beams, Lance Franklin, Patrick Dangerfield, Ryan O'Keefe, Adam Goodes, Brent Harvey
    R: Dean Cox

    INT: Jack Steven, Shane Mumford, Tom Bellchambers, Jono Giles

    EMG: Dyson Heppell (def), Bryce Gibbs (mid), Kurt Tippett (fwd)
  9. Tino

    Tino Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Crap, amend that. Didn't realise Chappy was in - cut Betts and plug him in my fwd line.

    Def: Shaw, Adcock, Fisher, Duffield, Guerra, Mackie

    Mid: J Selwood, Boyd, Judd, Hayes, A Swallow

    Ruck: Jacobs

    Fwds: Walker, Petrie, J Riewoldt, Blair, Pearce, Power (gotta play him in his 300th!!!)

    Int: Shuey, Ryder, Del Santo, Chapman

    Emg: Betts (Fwd), Lake (Def), Black (Mid)
  10. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    You guys are rad! :D

    Especially you, P_L.
  11. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The big V 3 rucks on the bench lol, good team balance
  12. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Fez on August 17, 2012, 08:09
    The big V 3 rucks on the bench lol, good team balance </blockquote>

    Its all about maximising points! ;) Didnt say anywhere it had to be a realistic looking team!!
  13. Kel

    Kel Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great stuff P_L. Won't have time for any proper team research today so happy to go with the consensus for the Vics squad. Go Vics.
  14. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm a bit disappointed Johno Griffen didn't get a guernsey , surely he is better then Bellchsmbers and Giles, ave 95 ish over the season
  15. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Wish I could Thumbs up forums posts! Quality shtuff guys!
  16. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ah yeah, Griffen. That Ruck selection was a bit complicated, despite Mummy's shit average, well he's Mummy right? So had to be in. Griffen was in but it was a line-ball between himself and Giles and whilst debating it I discovered Sandilands was due to return soon. So that would have a negative impact on his scoring, favouring Giles. Another plus is Giles gets to represent GWS, think they only have 3 guys. So it was tough, decisions had to be made, bottom line though, yes, The Grif can be disappointed about non-selection. :D

    Cheers, Commie n Chief. :D
  17. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For the snub, Johno Griffen is going to make the Vic's pay
  18. bgt2110

    bgt2110 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Need to stick up for one of my own but would much prefer to see Sam Fisher on the starting backline rather than old man Dustin Fletcher.
  19. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ok so tentatively-finalised Allies team. Fisher in for Fletcher with a bunch of different emergencies. Unfortunately there's no room for sentimentality here, Mr. Power, this is battle.

    B: Brent Guerra, Brian Lake, Paul Duffield
    HB: Heath Shaw, Sam Fisher, Jed Adcock
    C: Chris Judd, Matthew Boyd, Lenny Hayes
    HF: Paul Chapman, Jack Riewoldt, Drew Petrie
    F: Jarryd Blair, Taylor Walker, Clancee Pearce
    Foll: Sam Jacobs, Joel Selwood, Andrew Swallow
    Int: Patrick Ryder, Darren Jolly, Nick Dal Santo, Luke Shuey
    Emg: Eddie Betts (Fwd), Andrew Mackie (Def), Simon Black (Mid)

    Oh yeah Fez, if Griffen is feeling lonely in the stands he should give his old team-mate Hudson a call too. ;)
  20. EddieV

    EddieV Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bet your're happy you chose Fisher over Fletcher now

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