TS Punters Club (Waaaay2Serious Punters)

Discussion in 'On the punt' started by Bearfly, Sep 18, 2012.

  1. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all,

    For those that haven't seen the article on the front page, we are starting up a TooSerious Punters Club - details can be found here http://tooserious.net/tooserious-punters-club

    The aim of the club is to bring together people in the TS community who enjoy having a punt (be it on the nags or sports, it doesn't matter because we're catering for all), and to also make some money for the members involved.
    On top of that, it is our intention to also donate a % of our profits to Walesy and his fantastic site here - after all, it is the place that has brought us all together!!!

    The Waaaay2Serious Punters Club is set to commence this coming Saturday, so anyone still keen to be involved should hop over to the article and have a quick read then send me a friend request/PM me your email address so I can organise an official invitation to join the club.

    That makes it 3 & 1/2 days left as I type this, so get in folks!!!

    At present we have 13 members officially signed up, another 10 who I have sent invitations to awaiting them to join, and a further 15 that I have PM'd and awaiting their response as to their interest.

    Jump on board for the ride folks.

    And if you're not really interested in being a part of the club, you can always follow the clubs fortunes here in this thread as we continually update on how we are faring :D

    Like I said, if you want to be a part of the fun then check out the article, it's gunna be a blast :D
  2. Bandit

    Bandit Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would consider joining just for the ride, but as I never have a bet and have no idea what's going on the thought of putting other people's hard earned down on one of my picks frightens me!
  3. I'm guessing NeilEvansmail will be responsible for a lot of our picks. Man's on fire again today
  4. Bucko

    Bucko Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My only concern is the daily betting thing, I don't punt very often so if my bet lands on say a Tuesday - its a bit of a wasted turn really as I wouldn't really have much interest in what I'm betting on.

    Having a week to place your bet though would make the wait massive - however, the stake you can bet would be much greater and allow to bet on anything that week and not be stuck betting on what's on that day.

    I don't really know how to solve this problem... maybe a 3 day window to place your bet ?? But still then with 20 people thats a 60 day wait between turns.

    Thoughts/Ideas ?
  5. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We do have the option of me being able to move someone else up to the top of the betting order, so if someone isn't keen on having their turn the next day when they are due all they have to do is say so in the commentary box on the site (or in here) and I can switch to the next in line and the person passing up then drops one spot.

    I will keep track of everything on a spreadsheet I have been setting up to keep track of the clubs operations :)

    I felt this was an important aspect with the running of the club because Fish is currently trekking around the US and isn't due back in Oz until around the 5th November, therefore he's not really able to keep track of when his pick is due. Plus Choppers will be in Thailand from mid October until early November with limited/nil internet access and has also requested to have his turns preferably encompassing Wednesdays or Saturdays until he gets the feel of things.

    Important that we keep some flexibility with the betting order like that to embrace all the different types of punters in the club.
  6. hackers

    hackers New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thinking more about I am really keen on the Strickland system, It also helps with the concerns about when someone is betting as at the start of the month you are going to know the exact date you are going to bet on (until the top punters have a crack at the end of the month). Bear please change my selection to the Strickland System.
    Surely you can have different bets during your days bet because when we have millions in the account I dont want to put it on just 1 bet.
  7. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm also thinking the Strickland system might be the better way to go,everyone bets in order on their allocated day,with top 5 or so to continue on for the rest of the month. As someone else said earlier, this allows for dumbo's like me who might get a Monday, to bet on something coming up in the future, eg: EPL,AFL or NRL game, and then everyone gets their go every month.
    Also, if Bearfly is up for it, then he can re-arrange the order to suit individuals who may prefer certain days or who are un-available.
  8. russkoit

    russkoit New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I also like the idea of the Strickland, @ bucko you are right that some ppl here will be busy mid week at the moment, but give it a couple of week when spring really kicks off and the big races are everyday, I think until spring finishes it should be kept this way, and then we discuss what we do after that.
    @bearfly are we restricted to 1 bet because of punt club.com site restriction (that's the way it is) or is it our choice as a group how the bets are put on? Or luxbet even?
  9. russkoit

    russkoit New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My vote would be that ppl should be able to bet on as few or as many events as they wish. It's important to let everyone make up their own mind on what they want to bet on ( otherwise it could be stressful) -
    That being said there will be some of us that will have no idea on what to bet on or the best way to place ur bets, so that where the pass option and help from others will be needed.
    Drop a line in here and lets find out others thoughts
  10. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm thinking we should set up a thread discussing some betting theory, and the differences between sports betting and racing betting. I think it would be useful for a lot of us, especially those who haven't really bet on racing before (like me), or bet much at all. Even the basic stuff like looking for value, not things that will win, is a piece of advice that changed my betting strategy completely
  11. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    @Ruddy. I don't know if this helps, but Bearfly uses a tipster called Neil Evans, amongst others,for his racing tips. I first started following these tips only 2 weeks ago and am up 43% so far, by backing his **** tips, 1W x 3P. That is, for every unit I put on for the WIN, I put 3 units on for the PLACE. But there are plenty of other tipsters you can use, as well as picking the brains of the serious punters we have in our Club.
    That's the thing I'm liking about the Punt Club, there are 20 differing points of view, which hopefully can turn our bank balance into something.
  12. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Regarding Bearfly's earlier suggestion regarding donating some cash to Walesy for the use of TS. How about 5% of our balance.
    If we have 20 members paying $25 per month and, God forbid, we did not have 1 successful bet in 12 months, we would still have a balance of $1500(betting 75%), with Walesy getting $75.This also means the more we win, the more Walesy gets. I also think an annual payment be made on 1st January, starting 1/1/2013.
  13. Swalloitdown

    Swalloitdown Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm thinking for donating some cash to the site TS could have one share of the club. At 20 members this works out the same as 5% or $75 if we all can't pick a winner in 12 months, but as numbers grow and profits increase or down the track we get into a horse etc TS will benefit equally.
  14. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good point on following others tips, but i think it's still important to understand some basic theory, especially if people are doing sports betting, or picking their own tips.
  15. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    G'day there fellas, looks like there's been some great discussion going on here whilst I've been out for an early doctors appointment (love to see this happening) :)

    It looks like the club might end up kicking off tomorrow with 24-25 members, with some late interest flowing in - invites have been sent out by request to a few more interested parties yesterday/last night/this morning, including one to our resident TS EPL expert Runci - hopefully if he jumps on board he can bring us some good oil for the EPL as I know absolutely jack shit about that :lol:

    I must say, I love how everyone in the club is embracing this concept, and I have to thank Daveo for coming up with what we now call the Strickland System, looks a clear winner in how we'll go about things to me!!!

    I think this evening, I will set up another thread here dedicated to the order of punting for the first month, detailing Punter, Day & Date so we can see at a glance who is due to bet and when using the Strickland System - then, anyone that would prefer their turn to be on a different day to what I originally post there can just put a request in and I can easily edit the list - so if this is suitable let me know, because as I say, it's everyone's club :D
  16. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Great idea, BF, The Strickland System, and a "punting roster". Will make it a lot easier for everyone to plan ahead.
  17. Owen

    Owen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Strickland system is a great idea, it allows greater flexibility and knowledge of when your turn to bet is.
  18. Bucko

    Bucko Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Can someone explain the Strickland system here, can't get to it scrolling down in the box on puntclub
  19. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Basically it means that, as we have 20 members, and we're betting daily,then everyone gets a turn to bet each month, and the top 5 (those who win the most dough)at the end of the 1st 20 days each month, will continue to bet daily until the end of the month....and then we start all over again. Hope that makes sense.
  20. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We now have 22 registered members (still have Grizzles & Russkoit listed as pending - hoping the site admins are onto this following emails from the 3 of us trying to get whatever issue it is resolved).
    Steve just officially joined this evening, Runci will be registering later this evening, and awaiting to see if any of the other 3 interested parties who requested invitations register.

    Shouldn't affect the basic premise of the Strickland System though.

    Will post up the roster in a new thread after the footy - better move from the office to the comforts of my recliner in the living room before I miss the whole game :lol:

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