2012 ORFFL Brownlow Medal

Discussion in 'ORFFL' started by thokash, Oct 5, 2012.

  1. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The ORFFL Brownlow Medal is based on a 3-2-1 voting system given to the best SuperCoach performers in an ORFFL match, regardless of the result. In the event of a SC points tie, the player on the winning team will get the higher vote count. If the tieing players are on the same team, the higher vote will go to the higher average player.

    I last posted the Round 9 leaderboard in the Stats thread. That leaderboard is as follows:

    Round 9

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 16 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 10 votes
    S. Thompson (Potoroos) - 10 votes
    J. P. Kennedy (Savages) - 10 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 10 votes
    L. Shuey (Pyrite) - 10 votes

    Round 10

    S. Pendlebury - 3 votes. The words that the competition didn't want to hear. He somehow managed BOG only playing a half due to a walkover and no other Pig scoring well at all - he now misses the next 2 voting games though. Ablett scored 2 votes for his 155 SC performance in a loss against the Meerkats, only just pipped by SJ's 156. Watson got a sneaky 2 votes for his 140 SC moving himself onto the leaderboard with 11 points, while Jack had a strong 150 SC for the 3 votes to take him to 10 points. Franklin hit the highest SC mark for 2012 with a 13 goal 236 SC points performance, moving him into equal 4th on the leaderboard. Who said this was a midfielders award?!

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 19 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 12 votes
    L. Franklin (Thunda) - 11 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 11 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 10 votes
    S. Thompson (Potoroos) - 10 votes
    J. P. Kennedy (Savages) - 10 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 10 votes
    L. Shuey (Pyrite) - 10 votes

    Round 14

    Franklin moves into 2nd place with another 3 votes, in what could be his last for a while after a 6 week break is forthcoming. The ever quiet Selwood keeps polling with 149 SC, and the real Brownlow medalist joins him on 13 votes in 3rd place. Jack, Cox and Shuey round out the other movers on the leaderboard this round, while favourites Tuck and Swan have slid into 10 votes just off the board. No votes for The Great One this round.

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 19 votes
    L. Franklin (Thunda) - 14 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 13 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 13 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 12 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 12 votes
    D. Cox (Bandits) - 11 votes
    L. Shuey (Pyrite) - 11 votes

    Round 15

    The big (and I mean BIG) mover of the round is Dean Cox, vaulting himself to 2nd place with a massive 215 SC. Ablett snuck in a vote while Scott Thompson took votes off the great man while also returning to the leaderboard. We are sick to death of hearing about him from his coach, but Shane Tuck makes his debut on the leaderboard on 12 votes - could he actually be a chance?

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 19 votes
    D. Cox (Bandits) - 14 votes
    L. Franklin (Thunda) - 14 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 13 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 13 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 13 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 12 votes
    S. Thompson (Potoroos) - 12 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 12 votes

    Round 16

    C. Judd. 3 votes. It has a ring to it, don't you think? The same week he applied his now famous chicken wing, he also polled votes in the award for the "best & fairest". That isn't the big news of the round though, with Pendles return from his amputated leg resulting in a silky smooth 2 votes. Hot on his heels is Ablett who matched Pendles' output with 2 votes, and the hottest player on the planet for the last couple of weeks Kieran Jack also jumping to 15 votes with a BOG performance.

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 21 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 15 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 15 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 14 votes
    D. Cox (Bandits) - 14 votes
    L. Franklin (Thunda) - 14 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 13 votes
    C. Judd (Hammerheads) - 13 votes
    S. Thompson (Potoroos) - 12 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 12 votes

    Round 17

    He polls when he wants, he polls when he wants, Scott Pendlebury, he polls when he wants. Another 2 votes for the number 1 draft pick closes the door on a lot of potential challengers. No. 2 pick GAJ again matched his count with 2 votes, and is seemingly the only other choice for the medal. BOG efforts from JPK, Tuck and Swan mathematically keep them alive, although must be considered outside chances at best.

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 23 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 17 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 15 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 15 votes
    J. P. Kennedy (Savages) - 14 votes
    D. Swan (Quolls) - 14 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 14 votes
    D. Cox (Bandits) - 14 votes
    L. Franklin (Thunda) - 14 votes
    B. Stanton (Disappointments) - 14 votes

    Round 18

    It now officially becomes a 2 horse race. Nothing seems like it can slow Pendlebury down, not even a broken leg! In his 3rd straight game back from injury he polled another vote, although the little master closed the game with a BOG performance - can he make a remarkable comeback? It's amazing that even though these 2 players both missed 2 rounds this year (out of only 17 mind you) they are still far and away the best in the comp.

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 24 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 20 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 17 votes
    D. Swan (Quolls) - 17 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 16 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 15 votes

    Round 19

    One of the 2 favourites polled this round. Thankfully for the audience, it was GAJ with the 3 votes which brings him to within one of the leader. Jason's prediction was spot on, and with his predicted 2 votes next round can Gaz complete a remarkable come from behind victory? In the race for 3rd it's really heating up, look at the logjam on the leaderboard!

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 24 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 23 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 17 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 17 votes
    D. Swan (Quolls) - 17 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 17 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 16 votes
    I. Maric (Meerkats) - 15 votes

    Round 20

    S. Pendlebury R20 score - 116
    G. Ablett R20 score - 124

    Top scorer for the Pigs R20: R. O'Keefe - 121
    Top scorer for the Potoroos R20: S. Johnson - 140

    Enough of the tease. We know that neither of these players scored 3 votes, so the next best result would be 2 votes agreed? Despite the 16 point gap, Gary Ablett comes in with the 2 votes in the Potoroos vs Rangers. Against a weakened Hammerheads outfit, no-one could challenge the Pigs which resulted in Pendles also snagging the 2 votes, leaving him one point clear of Ablett for the win.

    S. Pendlebury (Pigs) - 26 votes
    G. Ablett (Potoroos) - 25 votes
    J. Watson (Quolls) - 19 votes
    K. Jack (Snakes) - 17 votes
    J. Selwood (Bungle Rangers) - 17 votes
    D. Swan (Quolls) - 17 votes
    J. P. Kennedy (Savages) - 17 votes
    D. Cox (Bandits) - 17 votes
    D. Beams (Gunslingers) - 17 votes
    P. Dangerfield (Thunda) - 16 votes
    S. Tuck (Meerkats) - 16 votes
    I. Maric (Meerkats) - 15 votes

  2. bgt2110

    bgt2110 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Interesting to see Shuey tied for equal 3rd at that point of the season.

    I'll say Kennedy to take it out, he had to be the pick of the draft all those months ago.
  3. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    No, Tuck was the pick of the draft
  4. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Was it Jason keeping numbers on average diffential from 2011 to 2012? That's the only way to determine who the real pick of the draft is! Although JPK is in his prime, might need Lucas to come up with a crazy age formula on second thought...
  5. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    This is more a midfielders award then the Brownlow!!!
  6. Jobe pretty good in the 3rd round also, if we're talking pick of the draft
  7. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have to agree with SKT (although being a midfielders award it does somewhat reflect what the Brownlow now is)!!!

    I honestly think that ORFFL is above this borish practice of glorifying midfielders - surely we can come up with 4 awards that are each voted in the same manner - Defense, Midfield, Ruck & Forward - after all, we are ORFFL, the trend-setters of fantasy football!!!
  8. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Bearfly on October 4, 2012, 17:46
    Have to agree with SKT (although being a midfielders award it does somewhat reflect what the Brownlow now is)!!!

    I honestly think that ORFFL is above this borish practice of glorifying midfielders - surely we can come up with 4 awards that are each voted in the same manner - Defense, Midfield, Ruck & Forward - after all, we are ORFFL, the trend-setters of fantasy football!!!</blockquote>

    You back on your medication again Bear?
  9. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    I knew that's how I got JJK!
  10. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from thokash on October 4, 2012, 17:12
    Was it Jason keeping numbers on average diffential from 2011 to 2012?</blockquote>

    I do have a spreadsheet with this info. What was the question again?

    I reckon Tomahawk was the pick of the draft, but I am obviously biased. :)
  11. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    He's no Chris Dawes.
  12. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Majak. That's the Daw that I'm talking 'bout.
  13. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from TerryinBangkok on October 4, 2012, 18:41
    <blockquote>Quote from Bearfly on October 4, 2012, 17:46
    Have to agree with SKT (although being a midfielders award it does somewhat reflect what the Brownlow now is)!!!

    I honestly think that ORFFL is above this borish practice of glorifying midfielders - surely we can come up with 4 awards that are each voted in the same manner - Defense, Midfield, Ruck & Forward - after all, we are ORFFL, the trend-setters of fantasy football!!!</blockquote>

    You back on your medication again Bear?</blockquote>

    Nah Terry, it's all those chickens J-Dog packed in the picnic basket mate - plus I'm just damn grumpy with J-Dog for not springing for a 1k post cake for me :lol:
  14. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Awesome, time for the players to dress up and celebrate, arriving at the award in their suped up chariot.

    <img src="http://i50.tinypic.com/scaudk.jpg" />
  15. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If you'd just bring Reilly back to the trade table Bear, I'm sure I can work out a way to fit some 1000-cake into the deal.
  16. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You just couldn't afford him at my price J-Dog!!!
  17. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    See now that sort of attitude is why there's been such a shortage of cake around these places...

  18. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just assumed you couldn't afford the cake either J-Dog :mrgreen:

    Or was it the 1000 candles that would've sent you waaaay over budget :p
  19. thokash

    thokash Full-Time Magician Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Round 10 updated. With the R11-R13 byes, the next round posted will be R14.
  20. tAdmin

    tAdmin Guest

    Gary to storm home.

    Great work, Johnny, you big tease.

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