2013 RMT Supercoach

Discussion in 'RMT' started by FlyBoy15, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. donkey_kong

    donkey_kong New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HOLKY wrote:
    Following advice, I have made some changes: Here's my team now: Def: Goddard (MID), Hanley, Broughton (FWD), Lake, Otten, Goodes (MID), Plowman, Pittard Mid: Ablett, McLean,Zorko (FWD), Rich, Whitfield, Stevens, Crouch, O'Meara, Vlastuin (DEF), Viney Ruck: Cox, Hale (both FWD), Rowe, Daw Fwd: Franklin, Ryder (RUC),Watts (DEF), Dahlhaus, Kennedy, McCafe, Menzel (FWD), Kersten Cash Left: $43,400 My M2, M3 and M4 all are sub-premium, yes but I think they might be close to becoming premium. I still play with some switches but It's not my dominant theme.
    ive been going thru the forum today and several times today and one thing keeps being said to you, but you still arent taking much on board so im not helping you as others have already tried.
  2. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I've been giving my opinion on other teams so I guess it's only fair I throw mine out there for your thoughts. B: Goddard Gibbs Hanley Goodes Pittard Terlich (Docherty Stevenson) C: GAJ, Swan Pendles JPK Moloney Lucas O'Meara Kent (Crouch Viney) R: Jacobs Leuey (Currie Blicavs) F: Cox Zorko Bartel Rockliff Varcoe Karnezis (Macaffer Murdoch) $84,300 left. My only 2 queries I have are F8 Murdoch, and M9 and M10. Should it be Crouch/Viney, Crouch/Jones or Jones/Viney? Having 3 Melb. players @ M8,9 and 10 might be pushing it a tad too much.
  3. donkey_kong

    donkey_kong New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    I've been giving my opinion on other teams so I guess it's only fair I throw mine out there for your thoughts. B: Goddard Gibbs Hanley Goodes Pittard Terlich (Docherty Stevenson) C: GAJ, Swan Pendles JPK Moloney Lucas O'Meara Kent (Crouch Viney) R: Jacobs Leuey (Currie Blicavs) F: Cox Zorko Bartel Rockliff Varcoe Karnezis (Macaffer Murdoch) $84,300 left. My only 2 queries I have are F8 Murdoch, and M9 and M10. Should it be Crouch/Viney, Crouch/Jones or Jones/Viney? Having 3 Melb. players @ M8,9 and 10 might be pushing it a tad too much. Wines and viney if you want to keep him in. like def, fwds ok also Murdoch?who he play for Rowe for currie? so you can swing cox in rucks if needed.
    looking fairly solid tho. wait for rest of teams hey. im not sold on lucas either but coud be a great pick up( think im still spewing from last year with mid priced parker)
  4. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I had Wines and brought Lucas in as I think Wines might be strong candidate for the vest pretty often, whereas I think Lucas is in their best 22. Murdoch is with St.Kilda, but I'm open to suggestions there. Re: the rucks, my hope is for Naitanui to be out for about 4-5 rds and bring him in then for Leuey so I won't need Rowe. But lots of things can happen before next week. And I know what you mean about Parker last year.
  5. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    donkeykong wrote:
    <div>Finally got my password and things sorted so i'llpost my team then go look around and give some feedback myself.

    DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, P. Duffield, D. Heppell, J. Pittard, D. Terlich (L. Stevenson, L. Brown)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] MID: G. Ablett jnr, J. Watson, A. Swallow, N. Fyfe, O. Wines, B. Goodes, K. Mitchell, N. Kommer (J. O'Meara, B. Crouch)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] RUC: I. Maric, D. Currie (D. Cox, M. Blicavs)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] FWD: L. Franklin, J. Bartel, T. Rockliff, J. Bolton, P. Karnezis, B. Macaffer (M. Spangher, S. Rowe)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] CASH LEFT: $42,000

    cox is obviously starting on field but the planner is being a pain. so is omeara if blicavs has a good game this week will move cox fwd or should i do it today? risky?

    Any feedback is good feedback. oh and when are the pre season stats going to be in stats? Your team looks pretty solid. I assume you're aware Mitchell needs to be elevated, to get a game. I like your Ruck combo but I would prefer Macaffer at F7, but that's just me. If you move Cox to FWD, that'll do it, but your rucks would then need some tinkering with. Cheers
  6. Swans2012

    Swans2012 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    donkeykong wrote: Swans2012 wrote:Ok, hours of pondering have produced the following Def: godd, duff, Hartlet, d Pearce, pittard, goodes + rookies Mid: Ablett, swan, k jack, b gibbs, fyfe + rookies (wines etc) Ruck: josh Jenkins, s Rowe, blicavs, and currie Fwd: franklin, cox, rockliff, broughton, kennedy, varcoe + rooks Balance 200k What do you think? Worried about the ruck but have enough $ to lock luenberger in if named for blicavs and if not named will hope one of the rooks is or downgrade Ablett to free up $ for another ruck. without seeing ur rookies we cant give much advice on the team as a whole. rucks def need some work imo if you havent looked thru the forum get cracking, many teams have gibbs etc in mids-move to def wasted in mids. broughton is not a good choice. rid pearce for gibbs then get another mid. like i said without ur rooks cant give a TEAM balance opinion. Thanks kong, didn't put the rooks as I think they are fairly straightforward now pending team lists etc, left Gibbs in mid to fit the def rookies I wanted ( with the theory of switching him to def when the extra def cash cow matures) but do like the idea of removing broughton, hmmm, back to the drawing board. Will wait on luey news before toying with rucks.
  7. donkey_kong

    donkey_kong New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Swans2012 wrote:
    donkeykong wrote: Swans2012 wrote:Ok, hours of pondering have produced the following Def: godd, duff, Hartlet, d Pearce, pittard, goodes + rookies Mid: Ablett, swan, k jack, b gibbs, fyfe + rookies (wines etc) Ruck: josh Jenkins, s Rowe, blicavs, and currie Fwd: franklin, cox, rockliff, broughton, kennedy, varcoe + rooks Balance 200k What do you think? Worried about the ruck but have enough $ to lock luenberger in if named for blicavs and if not named will hope one of the rooks is or downgrade Ablett to free up $ for another ruck. without seeing ur rookies we cant give much advice on the team as a whole. rucks def need some work imo if you havent looked thru the forum get cracking, many teams have gibbs etc in mids-move to def wasted in mids. broughton is not a good choice. rid pearce for gibbs then get another mid. like i said without ur rooks cant give a TEAM balance opinion. Thanks kong, didn't put the rooks as I think they are fairly straightforward now pending team lists etc, left Gibbs in mid to fit the def rookies I wanted ( with the theory of switching him to def when the extra def cash cow matures) but do like the idea of removing broughton, hmmm, back to the drawing board. Will wait on luey news before toying with rucks. Think we are all waiting on that news, bloody luey
  8. Jay

    Jay New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <p style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 16.363636016845703px;]Hey guys, not a response to a specific team, but I don't think I've seen Heath Shaw selected in any of the RMT squads. Am I missing something? Surely after averaging around 100 over last few seasons he is expected to finish in top 6 defenders again this year? <p style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 16.363636016845703px;] Also, with those picking Blicavs, enticing pick, but not sure he's been elevated from the rookie list yet. Also, with Trent West 1-2 weeks away, even if he misses the first two rounds, can't really see Blicavs playing enough games early on to make a decent quid from him before the cavalry returns.
  9. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jay wrote:
    <p style='font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 13.63636302947998px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; line-height: 16.363636016845703px;]Hey guys, not a response to a specific team, but I don't think I've seen Heath Shaw selected in any of the RMT squads. Am I missing something? Surely after averaging around 100 over last few seasons he is expected to finish in top 6 defenders again this year? Also, with those picking Blicavs, enticing pick, but not sure he's been elevated from the rookie list yet. Also, with Trent West 1-2 weeks away, even if he misses the first two rounds, can't really see Blicavs playing enough games early on to make a decent quid from him before the cavalry returns. Fair points there, Jay. I rate Heater but most teams will only have 3 Def prems and when you have Goodard,Gibbs,Waters,Birchall,Enright,Scotland etc. it comes down to personal choice. Heater may become a great POD for you. I will probably get him later if I can. As far as Blicavs goes, are there any other R3 or R4 going to get plenty of game time?
  10. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think Blicavs can still play because Geelong has long-term injuries
  11. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    donkeykong wrote:
    <div>Finally got my password and things sorted so i'llpost my team then go look around and give some feedback myself.

    DEF: B. Goddard, B. Gibbs, P. Duffield, D. Heppell, J. Pittard, D. Terlich (L. Stevenson, L. Brown)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] MID: G. Ablett jnr, J. Watson, A. Swallow, N. Fyfe, O. Wines, B. Goodes, K. Mitchell, N. Kommer (J. O'Meara, B. Crouch)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] RUC: I. Maric, D. Currie (D. Cox, M. Blicavs)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] FWD: L. Franklin, J. Bartel, T. Rockliff, J. Bolton, P. Karnezis, B. Macaffer (M. Spangher, S. Rowe)<br style='color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 11px; line-height: 14.546875px;[/img] CASH LEFT: $42,000

    cox is obviously starting on field but the planner is being a pain. so is omeara if blicavs has a good game this week will move cox fwd or should i do it today? risky?

    Any feedback is good feedback. oh and when are the pre season stats going to be in stats?
    I'm pretty sure you will know this but the stats are up on the Hun
    Also, I'm not sure on K Mitchell. I'm not sure how much game time he'll get and whether his scores will be up there. Also, no Viney? Any specific reason? I would have thought he is a lock
    Only other query is Spangher. A bit unique, I haven't seen him in any other teams. Hawthorn are quite strong at the moment, so will he get games? There are probably better rookies for the forward line out there, such as Lee or Neade
  12. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    I've been giving my opinion on other teams so I guess it's only fair I throw mine out there for your thoughts. B: Goddard Gibbs Hanley Goodes Pittard Terlich (Docherty Stevenson) C: GAJ, Swan Pendles JPK Moloney Lucas O'Meara Kent (Crouch Viney) R: Jacobs Leuey (Currie Blicavs) F: Cox Zorko Bartel Rockliff Varcoe Karnezis (Macaffer Murdoch) $84,300 left. My only 2 queries I have are F8 Murdoch, and M9 and M10. Should it be Crouch/Viney, Crouch/Jones or Jones/Viney? Having 3 Melb. players @ M8,9 and 10 might be pushing it a tad too much. Choppers, I'm liking your team. Re the M9 and M10 I agree with another poster that Wines and Viney would be your best bet.
    I'm worried about Varcoe. I think if he plays for the whole season he will be a gain, but if he doesn't I think he is a high chance to get injured again. Also, I think that Neade from Port is a better option than Murdoch, but we'll see who gets picked in the teams. I think that Lee would be ahead of Murdoch at STK, though.
    Other than that, great team
  13. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Here's mine
    Goddard (locked), Shaw, Gibbs, Vlastuin, B Goodes, Terlich, (Pittard, Colquhoun)
    Ablett, JP Kennedy, J Selwood, Pendles, Miles, Whitfield, Wines, Viney, (O'Meara, Hrovat)
    Maric, Leunberger, (Blicavs, Rowe)
    Franklin, Cox (Locked), Ryder (locked), Rockliff, Karnezis, Macaffer, (Neade, Lee)
    I need someone to convince me on Karnezis, and Miles is my POD. Miles has had a good preseason and GWS need a good midfielder. Noone is going to take his points either :). Also the rookies are dependant on teams.
    Thanks to all future raters/haters
    Edit: Locked are the players to have played
  14. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pretty solid side, hard to pick holes rookies aside... Nice punt on Miles though tbh I'd dump Franklin for Devon Smith and spend the 600k in the mids, more likely to pay off than Miles and you still get to punt on a GWS gun..

  15. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lenh191 wrote:
    Pretty solid side, hard to pick holes rookies aside... Nice punt on Miles though tbh I'd dump Franklin for Devon Smith and spend the 600k in the mids, more likely to pay off than Miles and you still get to punt on a GWS gun.. if I was going to dump Miles I would go straight for a rookie as I am not happy with any other mid-pricers. Also interested to ask why Smith will be better than Miles?
  16. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't think Simth is necessarily better than Miles, though I have him in and Miles out, I think they are both great contenders fro huge years. My point was more about the 600k on Franklin, it's a strategy call so not right or wrong until they start playing, for mine I would rather spend the 600k on amidfielder, and therefore was suggesting the option of trading Miles to the gun mid, and Franklin to Smith..
  17. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    I had Wines and brought Lucas in as I think Wines might be strong candidate for the vest pretty often, whereas I think Lucas is in their best 22. Murdoch is with St.Kilda, but I'm open to suggestions there. Re: the rucks, my hope is for Naitanui to be out for about 4-5 rds and bring him in then for Leuey so I won't need Rowe. But lots of things can happen before next week. And I know what you mean about Parker last year. Strongly suggest you rethink you're view on Wines Choppers - there are several other more likely candidates for the kermit vest this year and can assure you that the coaches are pretty keen to throw the young fella into the midfield early. Wingard suffered multiple vestings in 2012 (green & red) mainly due to the simple fact the coach didn't know what he was doing half the time. Hinkley is all about the team playing attacking, hard at it, contested footy, and Ollie has been showing those qualities in spades through the pre-season. More likely kermit vest candidates would be Wingard, Stevenson, Heath, Young, Mitchell, Neade
  18. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bearfly what do you think about Colquhoun? Any news, thoughts about game time and scoring ability?
  19. Bomber12

    Bomber12 Guest

    Hey guys new forum memberill start by chuckin up my team for judgement lol Def: Goddard, Gibbs, Waters, Heppell, Pittard, Terlich (Stevenson, Docherty) Mids: Ablett, Pendles, Watson, Murphy, Whitfield, Wines, Goodes, O'meara (Toumpas, Viney) Rucks: Maric, Currie (Rowe, Blicavs) Forwards: Franklin, Walker, Cox, Martin, Varcoe, Byrnes (Macaffer, Neade)
  20. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bearfly wrote:
    choppers wrote:
    I had Wines and brought Lucas in as I think Wines might be strong candidate for the vest pretty often, whereas I think Lucas is in their best 22. Murdoch is with St.Kilda, but I'm open to suggestions there. Re: the rucks, my hope is for Naitanui to be out for about 4-5 rds and bring him in then for Leuey so I won't need Rowe. But lots of things can happen before next week. And I know what you mean about Parker last year. Strongly suggest you rethink you're view on Wines Choppers - there are several other more likely candidates for the kermit vest this year and can assure you that the coaches are pretty keen to throw the young fella into the midfield early. Wingard suffered multiple vestings in 2012 (green & red) mainly due to the simple fact the coach didn't know what he was doing half the time. Hinkley is all about the team playing attacking, hard at it, contested footy, and Ollie has been showing those qualities in spades through the pre-season. More likely kermit vest candidates would be Wingard, Stevenson, Heath, Young, Mitchell, Neade Sorry about the slow reply Bear, but I've been without the Internet for 4 days. Have taken your advice about Wines, and Lucas has gone. Now, I need to decide between Wines and Koby.

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