Ruck dept of correction.

Discussion in 'AFL' started by buzz, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    R1: Mumford = 25 hitouts, 11 kicks, 5 handballs, 116 SC R1: Pyke = 24 hitouts, 6 kicks, 5 handballs, 104SC R2: Mumford = 21 hitouts, 0 kicks, 9 handballs, 72SC R2: Pyke = 35 hitouts, 6 kicks, 7 handballs, 121SC My view on these stats is that Pyke can score well regardless of whether he takes majority of ruck time or not, whereas Mumford not so much. And with Mumford's durability a concern, this can only mean even better opportunities for Pyke to grab SC pie. And on the comparison between Pyke and Minson, Pyke is ~100k cheaper which is a BIG deal.
  2. Tommy18

    Tommy18 Guest

    Jason, I can't deny he's started well but he has no history of scoring big and there's plenty of good established scorers in the rucks to choose from. I guess it's risk v reward and I'm being more conservative but I also think more prudent. I might be proved wrong on Pyke scoring higher than 85but having said that I think I won't be be wrong on a number of other more established rucks scoring better than him. Back to the original question from hotpies, my ranking would be: Goldstein (high ceiling) Jacobs (very consistent and no job sharing) Minson/Griffin (could toss it up - likely to need a trade at some point for Griffin when Sandi comes back though) To be honest they're all solid picks. I also agree on Luey's reliability issues in regards to injury. He could pay off handsomely but I won't be taking the risk. Plus he's only had one good year so he's a bit of an unknown at the moment. Remember Mitch Clark had one good year then was rubbish. Hopefully he doesn't end up like that.
  3. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yes, Leuey has only really had one good season but he is hard to ignore. Last season, he started off with 2 100's then he got injured 20 minutes into the third game of the season. Last week, he came back from injury and played quite well finishing with 104SC (or whatever it was). When at full strength, Leuey has the ability to play as an extra midfielder. Rucks are gold when they can average 16+ possessions and get 30+ hitouts a game. His size is a great strength and he has a huge tank which allows him to run around anywhere and everywhere. Sure, he is an injury risk, but he can average 100+ easily this year and even push to 110 if he is outstanding. For me this week, I am trading Roughead out and bringing in Leuenberger. Rough has a terrible record against his next 5 opponents and its not worth him scoring poorly and losing money at the same time. That puts $250k into the bank with that trade. In my case, I'll be using that cash to upgrade Karnezis to a premium and completing my forward line (for now at least). If injuries strike Leuey again, obviously it's a pain to waste a trade. But that's what is good about more DPP's in the ruck. I know next week, I'll pocket whatever money Blicavs makes and get Sam Rowe. Means if Leuey does his hammy, I can swing Cox into the ruck and continue on. If you have the DPP switch, Leuey is almost a must. Especially this week against the Suns; a team he got 172 against in 2011. (Although he doesn't have a good record against the Kangaroos the week after).
  4. HOLKY

    HOLKY Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My student needs help on his draft team: who to give the 'C' to; Minson or Maric? Options in other positions are: D: Dixon, M: Kane Cornes, Rhino, C.Jones, F: Westhoff, Lynch. Any thoughts?
  5. HOLKY

    HOLKY Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HotPiesColdDrinks wrote:
    Getting rid of Ryder. I have Cox as R1. Who should I use to replace Ryder? My first instinct was Minson. Tossing up between: -Minson -Jacobs -Goldstein -Griffin Goldstein probably my least favourite from those 4. Canyou afford Ivan the terrible?

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