2013 Tour de France

Discussion in 'Other Sports' started by port_leschenault, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. J_C

    J_C Guest

    port_leschenault wrote:
    Brendan and Los Campones goes straight to the front with a good bonus haul from the ITT. Can he maintain his 7 point lead over the Obese Piss-kop team? :p A lot of teams looking good and it'll be interesting now as trading strategies should come into play to sort us all out. Good luck! Two teams in the top 6 overall. Outstanding work guys! The Juggernauts are chipping away though. Up to 51st overall now. Probably too far back unless I fluke a nice unique and a favourite or two blow up in the mountains. Best of luck to the two teams that are right in the hunt though.
  2. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Too Serious league is number 18 in the top 20 leagues despite the fact we have 15 entrants compared to the average of 5 or 6. Still some teams with double point stages to come. Look out leaders
    Good luck to Los Campones and Fat Man Cav in the overall
  3. Agent Orange

    Agent Orange Guest

    Wow, that is seriously impressive and makes me feel a little less bad about my league performance so far. Go LC and FMC, to win the trip to the Worlds!
  4. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    chels, was that you doing a mono & spinning the front wheel (dressed in green) ? Tough stage I'm gunna make the summit just - with a little team car help
  5. graeme

    graeme Guest

    not me Heavy, I was the guy to the left who had just put down a fine bottle of Ventoux grown wine to get a picture of Sagan. Good to see you got to the top fella, a long drink is called for on the final 'rest day.'
  6. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HeavyMen wrote:
    chels, was that you doing a mono & spinning the front wheel (dressed in green) ? Tough stage I'm gunna make the summit just - with a little team car help I found Sagan a lot more interesting after watching him pull that wheelie :)
  7. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    CANNOT believe they pinged the man in yellow 20 seconds for EATING!!!! I've been doing it pretty much non stop the whole trip & nary a word spoken about it!
  8. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow Fat Man Cav in second - and I reckon the team is the best looking out of the top three! Going to be close for sure, good luck!
  9. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    FMC leading now, we have three with some claim to victory, awesome stuff guys :)
  10. graeme

    graeme Guest

    good luck FMC, an awesome effort amigo
  11. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well done FMC. Amazing effort to lead into Paris. Good luck tonight. The late finish time and wet track may hold surprises
  12. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yes, well done and good luck! Do we know who owns FMC? ANyway 2nd has 2 extra trades in hand so could be tight...just make sure to use yours!
  13. Jodie

    Jodie New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How stiff is the competetion at TooSerious. We have teams finishing 2, 12, 20, 31, 35, & 52. We own this competition
  14. J_C

    J_C Guest

    Jodie wrote:
    How stiff is the competetion at TooSerious. We have teams finishing 2, 12, 20, 31, 35, & 52. We own this competition Absolutely Jodie! It was great fun and count me in again for next year.
    The Juggernauts charged home but were giving the leaders too much start. And commiserations to FMC. Would've been great to see one of our own take the prize.
  15. graeme

    graeme Guest

    Incredible, I finished seventh in our league and 105th overall! You are right Jodie we own the comp. Commiserations FMC, but what a great effort.
  16. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Rather disappointed with my lowly position down in 6th. Would have thought the amount of climbers I had would have clawed back some points towards the end + having lots of transfers left other for sprinter. Oh well, 2nd week sprint-heavy tactic worked the best. And was up against the best! Wow, FMC, that was so close, very impressive, Would love to know your thoughts and your srategies coming in to it. Enjoy your apparel package! Everyone else did really good too, as was mentioned, just looking at our top 7 and we'd be miles ahead of the best league. Getting 11th overall with 15 members is great, not just by the top guys but from everyone. Meanwhile in Velogames, Jodie trounces us all again! A hard Tour to guess but she did superb and showed why she's so good at it :) Will post leaderboards soon
  17. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    SBS Fantasy Tour: <table width='361' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='1' height='379' class='genericTable' summary='Leagues] <thead> <tr class='extTableHeader] <th class='extTextCenterAlign' style='width: 5%;]Rank</th> <th style='width: 30%;' class='extTextLeftAlign]Team</th> <th class='extTextCenterAlign' id='thlblPointsKeyColumn' style='width: 10%;]Pts.</th>
    </thead> <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]1 Fat Man Cav <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]2051
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]2 JCs Juggernauts <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]2014
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]3 Agent Orange <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1992
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]4 Fuentes Favourites <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1964
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]5 Los Campones <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1960
    <tr class='extUserTeamRow extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]6 GreenHEDGE Fund <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1944
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]7 thekidsarealright <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1903
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]8 Warsaken <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1675
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]9 Full Noise Twig <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1644
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]10 Wagon Wheels <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1639
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]11 frostylane <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1586
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]12 Popeys Peleton <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1557
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]13 No Eyedeer <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1439
    <tr class='extAlternateRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]14 Stephen247 <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1379
    <tr class='extPrimaryRowCol] <td class='extTextCenterAlign]15 Rioters <td class='extTextCenterAlign columnPoints]1108
    Velogames: <table width='478' height='682] <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 1' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/ONC1.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Fuentes Favourites <td class='evenleft]Jodie 6933
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 2' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/KEL.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Team Pharmacy-Livestrong <td class='evenleft]Nick 6221
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 3' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/DSC.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Los Campones <td class='evenleft]Brendan 5974
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 4' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/ONC1.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]thekidsarealright <td class='evenleft]chels 5782
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 5' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/MTN.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Bloody Kristoff`ed <td class='evenleft]Tuart 5475
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 6' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/TDFWHI.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Next Gen Now <td class='evenleft]Agent Orange 5337
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 7' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/DES.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]JC`s Juggernauts <td class='evenleft]JC 5322
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 8' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/TDFCOM.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Warsaken <td class='evenleft]Tim 4760
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 9' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/AUS.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]Len`s Bandits <td class='evenleft]Len 3988
    <td class='evenleft]<a title='Rank: 10' href='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/leaguescores.php?league=22040444#]<img alt='' width='51' height='52' src='http://www.velogames.com/tour-de-france/2013/images/logos/VEL.png[/img][/url] <td class='evenleft]No Eyedeer <td class='evenleft]Rich 3913
  18. Agent Orange

    Agent Orange Guest

    I'm already looking forward to next year's (fantasy) tour! With this leagues performance, one of us must win the big prize sooner rather than later.
  19. J_C

    J_C Guest

    @p_l - I must say a huge thank you for your pre-Tour write up as well. I wouldn't have done anywhere near as well without it.
    So cheers mate! :)
  20. HeavyMen

    HeavyMen Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <table width='100%] <tr class='teamname] <td class='teamname' style='width: 90%; height: 28px;]HeavyMen <td class='teamname' style='width: 10%;' rowspan='3][​IMG]
    <tr class='teamdirector] <td align='left' class='teamdirector' style='height: 18px;]Phillip | Austria
    <tr class='teamdirector] <td align='left' class='teamdirector' style='height: 18px;]Overall Points: 4323

    Just enough to crawl off the bottom of the ladder in my league, must have had one drink too many when it came to putting in the name of the country :)

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