Draft Banter

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by JPK, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm in, are we going for 4pm AEDST?
  2. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    We can start as early as we like, but 4pm is when I think we should aim for. I'll guiltily put up my hand and say that I won't be around until 4.30 ~ 5ish, but I'm sure many others will be.
    Interesting to see that Goondiwindi, Pakenham, Serengeti and Souther Cross are yet to take a ruckmen.
  3. tyze1

    tyze1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    the later the better id say but unless everyone is confirmed, are we wasting our time?
  4. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    From what I can tell we have got 10 people on board. Still a few who actually haven't posted much at all and are yet to reply re. this arvo. Please confirm availability
  5. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm available. I'm hoping we can get through about 4 rounds today.
  6. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Make that 11, Tom. I should be right as long as civil war doesn't break out here a day early...
  7. PushUpKing

    PushUpKing Guest

    Available. Looking forward to having a good crack at it today
  8. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Available. Looking forward to Super Sunday Drafting. Looks like Holky will be first up.
  9. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    HOLKY wrote:
    I'm right for 'Super Sunday', I'll try for 3-4 pm though. If everyone's there, I can try and take my R4 (59) and R5 (86) picks. If not, I can hopefully get R4 done, then R5 on Monday/Tuesday. Looks like Holky is aiming for 3pm, can we get as many on as possible at 3? At least those teams with selections around his, should help us speed things up as if he only has an hour it would be good if he can get through at least 3 picks otherwise the others will get held up.
  10. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wouldnt be getting the hopes too high about today. If Holky is off at 4 and Tomster isnt on til 4.30 then we're only gonna get thru 1 round or so. Even if Holky can hang around a bit longer, it only takes 1 to bring the whole thing to a stop. But I'll be keeping an eye out and hopefully get to make a couple of picks at least.
    On the drafting itself, things are getting really interesting now. Some big calls with guys who haven't played for over a year or even at all. Some people don't have a ruck yet, while others have already picked 2! Serengetti have gone for a power midfield while Ararat are yet to pick a mid. Some of the players picked might even struggle to get a game I would think.
  11. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    Always online. My phone does everything. Never a problem with me
  12. DamoH

    DamoH Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Unavailable (it will be 3am over here), but I'm just about to send a list to TTT so hopefully we can get a least 2 rounds done. 2 rounds is a decent goal IMHO given the late notice of 'Super Sunday'.
  13. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    DamoH wrote:
    Unavailable (it will be 3am over here), but I'm just about to send a list to TTT so hopefully we can get a least 2 rounds done. 2 rounds is a decent goal IMHO given the late notice of 'Super Sunday'. While I want us to absolutely fly through some drafting today, I don't think this is fair on Damo. If we all start picking forwards (for example), and Damo sends TTT a list that is evenly spread (or worse, biased towards mids and backs), then TTT will be 'obliged' to follow the list, and Damo will end up with a bunch of second-rate forwards, simply because he's currently on the other side of the planet and its 3am. There is very little discretion or ability to change plans with the swings in the draft, when someone else is picking for you. If you're ok with this Damo, then thats your decision, but personally I'm not going to hold it against you if we get held up by you being asleep at 3am!
  14. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I always have my phone with me and am currently obsessed with this draft. I reckon I'm either checking the threads or player profiles every 10 minutes or so. As soon as I'm up I'll pick within 5 minutes tops. It would only be I.T. issues that could make my pick take any longer. I seem to have issues posting from my GS3 and ipad sometimes. Anyway, hope we make some headway today and should try looking at setting up a super hour (or maybe 2 hours) each week until we really knock this off. Even if we get through 3 rounds today we'll still have 14 to go!!!
  15. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    It's great to se that footy nuts are all around the world. Looks like DamoH is in or close to the UK being that it's 3am in London as we speak. The more we get through the better but don't want anyone to be disadvantaged.
  16. DamoH

    DamoH Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JPK wrote:
    DamoH wrote:
    Unavailable (it will be 3am over here), but I'm just about to send a list to TTT so hopefully we can get a least 2 rounds done. 2 rounds is a decent goal IMHO given the late notice of 'Super Sunday'. While I want us to absolutely fly through some drafting today, I don't think this is fair on Damo. If we all start picking forwards (for example), and Damo sends TTT a list that is evenly spread (or worse, biased towards mids and backs), then TTT will be 'obliged' to follow the list, and Damo will end up with a bunch of second-rate forwards, simply because he's currently on the other side of the planet and its 3am. There is very little discretion or ability to change plans with the swings in the draft, when someone else is picking for you. If you're ok with this Damo, then thats your decision, but personally I'm not going to hold it against you if we get held up by you being asleep at 3am! Cheers JPK. I'm happy for my list to be used as long as it lasts (it's pretty short so might run out quickly). I would ask that any subsequent accelerated period comes with a bit more notice though. Then I can prep a longer list so you're not waiting for me. Back in Oz on Australia Day so happy for anything after that.
  17. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If Damo's list is exhausted prior to his next selection we'll still be able to potentially get through 28 selections which would be our biggest day of drafting so far. I've still got another 4 weeks of leave so I'm happy to have super sessions whenever it fits with the rest of the league. Like I said I always have my phone on me so selecting is never an issue.
  18. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Think it's important we do get some done today. We need to get as much as we can done before NAB challenge to have everything organised.
    i do now have Damo's list which has about 12 or so players listed. I'll just follow that order and hopefully we can get through at least 3 or 4 rounds today.
    i think if we are all sitting around here for a session, then people check on and off tonight too, we will be able to get through a fair bit.
  19. tyze1

    tyze1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    ill be here from 3 til 530ish then back after 730
  20. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Boomer picked in the 4th round. Very interesting.

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