2014 Trading Games

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by BrockyFreo, Feb 18, 2014.

  1. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd say make 20 payers cookie cutter (Eg Sandi, McDonad, JKH etc) and then just decide on the rest. Depends how mid-price everyone wants the team to go. I'd suggest at least 5 mid-rookies.
  2. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Some ideas that may be interesting.. What about no players above 600K? Premos would be Cotchin, Fyfe, Rockliff, Libba, Dusty, Mitchell, hanley, Mckevoy Include 10 Mid pricers (sandi, thomas, beams, webster, suckling, Caddy, Wright, Shiel (hawks), Savage). This gives some on each line. And then choose 12 Rookies?
  3. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't really mind what team we start with. i liked the idea of starting with the donor team. Because... it saves a lot of hassle, rathwr than choosing players ourselves. It allows the donor team to be in this comp. the only issue I can see with it is that the donors have the ability to make some late changes before round 1, but we can't. Once we lock in a team, we're gonna have to keep it the same through round 1. Well I s'pose we don't have to, but I'd imagine it would be difficult to ensure everyone makes the same changes at such short notice. But, like I said earlier, I don't mind what team we start with really.
  4. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Like most, I don't really mind which team we start with. Ultimately, as long as we all start with the same team, the format holds up. A few points to consider though: * we all want a team which is as competitive as possible. * last year, we got caught out by the split rd1, as we had a lot of non-playing rookies in early. This meant most of us spent the first 2-3 rounds making correctional trades, rather than changes based on choice. * IMHO starting last year without certain big names (eg Permacap) certainly added an extra level of interest * the choice between GnR and mid-price is always a contentious one  For me, too many cooks spoil the broth! We'll never agree entirely on a team. Thus a team which is picked by an individual, or SMALL team will be much easier to organise. Using the donor team obviously solves this problem, allows that team to take part AND allows people to have their say... If they kick in the cash! Just my 2c. Cheers, MM
  5. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't see the point of the donor team being in the league personally, there's no actual point since they're a different team and this is a different project. I don't recall numbers ever being a problem last time this was run. Happy if someone (like war) sets up the team or collective wisdom is applied Like I suggested, the spine 20 or so could be locked in, then you're just arguing/suggesting the last 10, which limits how different the teams would be and speeds up the selection process. Eg I'd have: DEF: Mitchell, DEF2, DEF3,Suckling,DEF5,McDonald,Georgiou,DEF8 MID: Ablett/Pendlebury, MID2, Beams, Thomas,MID5,Michie,Polec,Dunstan,Ellis,MID10 RUC: Sandilands,RUC2,Thurlow,RUC4 FWD: Dangerfield, FWD2,FWD3,Caddy,FWD5,JKH,FWD7,FWD8 That's 16/30 and leaves a bit more than half the cash to put into the team and shape it however we all like, it's mainly about starting with the same team after all. At least this year with split rounds it's more like 4+5 and not 1+8.
  6. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I dont think the idea was about increasing numbers. It would only add one team anyway. I gather it is mainly for interest sake, competing against the collective donors in this format; but also about having a relatively objective way of selecting the starting team. As I said above though, if the Donors want their team in this comp, they will have to play by our rules and not change their team during round 1. I initially liked the idea of using the donor team for this trading games, but the more I think about this point, Im not sure 'they' will want to do that, so I reckon this is all moot and we should pick our own team. Sorry Wars'. What we did in the first season of this comp worked well. 2 people proposed alternative teams and then we all voted on which one we wanted to start with and the one with the majority of votes we all locked in.
  7. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry I haven't fully organised everything yet, been crazy at work this last couple weeks. Great to see more joining on. So I guess we will not be using the donors team. Another idea I had was that the reigning champ picks the following years team, but sorry I've forgotten who won last year. I do have some leagues set up for anyone who want to join. I'll post codes later (hopefully tonight). I thought last year not starting with GAJ really did make it more interesting. Could do the same again this year. Also TTH suggested last year starting people like broughton, who so many have been burnt by and sworn 'never again'. Maybe this year Jack Watts?? Anyway keep suggestions flowing ...
  8. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Mad_Mattigan wrote:
    Like most, I don't really mind which team we start with. Ultimately, as long as we all start with the same team, the format holds up. A few points to consider though: * we all want a team which is as competitive as possible. * last year, we got caught out by the split rd1, as we had a lot of non-playing rookies in early. This meant most of us spent the first 2-3 rounds making correctional trades, rather than changes based on choice. * IMHO starting last year without certain big names (eg Permacap) certainly added an extra level of interest * the choice between GnR and mid-price is always a contentious one For me, too many cooks spoil the broth! We'll never agree entirely on a team. Thus a team which is picked by an individual, or SMALL team will be much easier to organise. Using the donor team obviously solves this problem, allows that team to take part AND allows people to have their say... If they kick in the cash! Just my 2c. Cheers, MM i think mm makes several good points re naming of the side prior to the split round commencing, last year's team was definitely more difficult due to the rookies being chosen before all round 1 teams were selected, whether this is ideal or not depends on everyone's point of view. I wouldsugegst that the team is named by 10am on Friday 14th March (after Round 1 Week 1 squads are released the night before). Then everyonecarries that team into the start of the season, but that it can be tweaked by 10am on Friday 21st March when Round 1 Week 2 Squads are named the week after. Changesin the 2nd week couldinclude Premos and Mid Pricers coming in or out due to 'team balance' (so captain and vice captain strategies may be impacted)as a result ofwhetherthere are enough rookies playing in each position. This might mean that the team is flying blind a little with 25man squads for the Carl vs Port in week 1 (Impey, Polec?) and WCE vs WB (Ellis, Sheed, Honeychurch, Fuller?) in week 2 but avoids having the team change 9 times which is the only completely safe way to do this thing. The one game which has the potential to cause the most problems is Geel vs the Crows which is on Thursday 27th, possibly an hour after the Friday/Saturday/Sunday squads are named if Kertsan, Crouch etc are named in the TG team but not in their AFL sides so perhaps leave them out of the team named in Week 1if at all possible. IMO any suggested improvements onWHEN to name the side and whether changes will be made in the second week should probably be sorted by Monday 10th at the latest so have your say and let Ant or Wars (depnding on who is the Commish this year) decide things.
  9. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As there doesn't seem to be a concensus onWHO names the team other than that it won't be Donor Team let me put out soem alternatives which may have been covered above. opt1. A team is sugegsted, criticised by almost everyone, amended, criticsied again, amended, cirtised again etc etc etc etc then locked downwhen the deadline for finalsiingthe team is reached opt2. Anyone can suggest a team and the team with the most votes when the deadlinefor finalising the team is reached is chosen opt3. Someone (either the Commish or last years winner or soemone else or the person who recives the most votes by next Wednesday the 12th Martch) is soley responsible for determinign the team and they can choose to seek feedback form individuals or the group if they want opt4. A Committe of 3 is appointed (it doesn't mater if they are self nominated or whoever gets the msot votes by next Wensday the 12th March). As Ant pointed out in 2011 the team was a vote between two options provided (ie option 2). In 2012 there was a fair bit of spiritied debate (ie option 1). In 2013 there was a committee system (ie option 4). It doesnt really matter it just needs to happen and it's also best if everyone is clear, so have your say and add other options to 1 to 4 above if there are any.
  10. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    warsaken wrote:
    Another idea I had was that the reigning champ picks the following years team, but sorry I've forgotten who won last year. i think it was NSD/Chasing Birdies narrowly but soemone shoud probably check last years thread if need be
  11. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    whatever we do, I do not think we should be making any changes during round 1. I think we should lock in a team the day the week 1 teams are announced and then have that locked in for all of round 1, before we can each make whichever changes we wish after the first full lockout (at the beginning of the final game of round 1).
  12. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    warsaken wrote:

    I thought last year not starting with GAJ really did make it more interesting. Could do the same again this year. Also TTH suggested last year starting people like broughton, who so many have been burnt by and sworn 'never again'. Maybe this year Jack Watts?? Higgins for sure :D
  13. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    port_leschenault wrote:
    warsaken wrote:

    I thought last year not starting with GAJ really did make it more interesting. Could do the same again this year. Also TTH suggested last year starting people like broughton, who so many have been burnt by and sworn 'never again'. Maybe this year Jack Watts?? Higgins for sure :D Lol and Grimes... This is apparently option #5... Pick a team of players who 'should' do really well but always blows up in our face! It'd be a test to see which SC'er could hold their nerve the longest! At least Sandi would still be the ruckman!
  14. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sorry I haven't contributed to this yet, been busy the past few weeks nutting out final wedding arrangements then getting hitched then trying to relax a bit following all the stress a wedding can create, then my computer decided to act up early this week and had to take it in to get fixed and only just got it back today. One thing I would like to suggest, no matter who/how we decide on a team, is that the starting team include at least 1 player from each club - this could make things very interesting indeed!!!
  15. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Bearfly wrote:
    Sorry I haven't contributed to this yet, been busy the past few weeks nutting out final wedding arrangements then getting hitched then trying to relax a bit following all the stress a wedding can create, then my computer decided to act up early this week and had to take it in to get fixed and only just got it back today. One thing I would like to suggest, no matter who/how we decide on a team, is that the starting team include at least 1 player from each club - this could make things very interesting indeed!!! This has been a part of the team selection the last 2 years. [span style='text-decoration: underline; font-size: 18px; color: #ff0000;]LEAGUE CODES [span style='font-size: 16px;]League 1: 176808 [span style='font-size: 16px;]League 2: 630256 [span style='font-size: 16px;]League 3: 192664 [span style='font-size: 16px;]League 4: 711132 [span style='font-size: 16px;]League 5: 648907 [span style='font-size: 16px;]
    [span style='font-size: 16px;]Please join only one league at the moment. Start with #1 and if its full try the next, and so on...
  16. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    LTK joined...
  17. port_leschenault

    port_leschenault Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    [​IMG] Made this up with at least one person from each club. GWS was hardest to do actually. Dunno if you go Kelly, or a 400k mid (Shiel, Coniglio, Scully, Greene) or a cheap fwd like Lamb or Patton. $30,600 in the bank. Figure it's a team to start proceedings with.
  18. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow! Mid-priced madness! Having said that, it's certainly a reasonable starting point. I'd look to have a decent F/R (Dixon/Hale et al.) to replace Cloke as having MPP links open is also a massive part of this comp. Sometimes avoiding trading, is the best trade to make!
  19. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I really don't think we need a R/F ling this year. Not really impressed by Dixon/Hale. Last year was a must with all the quality R/Fs around. I also threw a POD mid price team together last night. Got $153,400 left.[​IMG]
  20. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Common in both teams B: Mitchell/Hurn/Swallow/McD/Georgio M: Rockliff/Thomas/Michie/Polec/Dunstan R: Lobbe/Sandi/Derix/Thurlow <---- All the same! F: Danger/Martin/Cady/Rohan

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