Centrebet comp this year?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by H_Dons, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Was wondering if anybody knew if Centrebet is again running a fantasy comp this year? Been looking but nothing so far. Was a fantastic competition as under 5,000 people played, I won a $20 free bet four or five times from finishing in the top 20 weekly scores. Not to mention the end of season prize money was significantly higher than supercoach. Hope they are doing that again!
  2. Crafty Yarni

    Crafty Yarni Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    i rang centrebet and they inform me it was a directors decision not to run a free competition for the afl & nrl. they could not give me a reason why.

    i did find out that the william hill group run centrebet, sporting bet and waterhouse.

    i also spoke to sportingbet and they could not give me a definitive answer on why the free afl/nrl comps were not being run

    in my opinion it appears that the free competitions did not attract enough monies through betting and they think it is not worth their while to promote.

    i don't mind a soft punt but as they haven't looked after the customer on this occasion i would let you all make your minds up if you continue to use their sites for betting purposes.

    sportsbet however is running a free tipping comp and fantasy football comp. cash and free bet prizes are awarded on a weekly basis.

    i have an account with them and outside of this, i am not affiliated in any way.

    i would suggest that if you want to use a facility outside of free comps that sportsbet are a good company to use.

    good luck on your tipping this year and in your fantasy football endeavours.

    just in case if you wish to open a sportsbet account, i will get a $50free bet referral from every individual new sign up. i will then use these monies to run a punters club on too serious wiith the permission of walsey and other very important people.

    there will be a weekly listing of where our monies lay. i would only be looking at afl markets as i don't bet on the horses.
  3. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Crafty Yarni wrote:
    i rang centrebet and they inform me it was a directors decision not to run a free competition for the afl & nrl. they could not give me a reason why.

    i did find out that the william hill group run centrebet, sporting bet and waterhouse.

    i also spoke to sportingbet and they could not give me a definitive answer on why the free afl/nrl comps were not being run

    in my opinion it appears that the free competitions did not attract enough monies through betting and they think it is not worth their while to promote.

    i don't mind a soft punt but as they haven't looked after the customer on this occasion i would let you all make your minds up if you continue to use their sites for betting purposes.

    sportsbet however is running a free tipping comp and fantasy football comp. cash and free bet prizes are awarded on a weekly basis.

    i have an account with them and outside of this, i am not affiliated in any way.

    i would suggest that if you want to use a facility outside of free comps that sportsbet are a good company to use.

    good luck on your tipping this year and in your fantasy football endeavours.

    just in case if you wish to open a sportsbet account, i will get a $50free bet referral from every individual new sign up. i will then use these monies to run a punters club on too serious wiith the permission of walsey and other very important people.

    there will be a weekly listing of where our monies lay. i would only be looking at afl markets as i don't bet on the horses. Crafty - we already have a Punters Club operating, has been since September 2012 and we are actively looking for new members to join us if you're interested
  4. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers for that Crafty. I'm already on the Sportsbet comp, it's similar to dreamteam scoring and I've had good success with its weekly prizes too! Shame about Centrebet. I do understand them though. I never punt unless its the Brownlow. And the occasional cross-code multi. Oh, and the first goal scorer if I'm at the pub.
  5. bfish

    bfish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys Jump in Sportsbet league 726768. Cheers Brett
  6. Crafty Yarni

    Crafty Yarni Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    thanks for the invite tuna's
  7. H_Dons

    H_Dons New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Cheers Brett!

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