TSTwits - Info for old people & Interest for 2nd League

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by stkildathunda, Feb 1, 2014.

  1. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alright I know we already had thread on this but thought we'd start again and sorry for any confusion for those that were in league last year and joined this years. We have decided to scrap that other league as I've recreated last years, everyone involved in #TSTwits league should have got an invite this afternoon. Please join league ASAP and if you dont want to particpate let us know so we can fill your spot. Now thinking of changing TSTwits up a bit for the future since it has so much interest from people wanting to join! This tweet was from Lucas earlier and got us thinking it would be brilliant idea. <a class='account-group js-account-group js-action-profile js-user-profile-link js-nav' href='https://twitter.com/lucasgarth' data-user-id='47844309]<strong class='fullname js-action-profile-name show-popup-with-id]Lucas Garth[/b] &amp;rlm;[span class='username js-action-profile-name]<s>@</s>lucasgarth [/url] <small class='time] <a data-original-title='8:26 PM - 30 Jan 2014' href='https://twitter.com/lucasgarth/status/429138604967731200' class='tweet-timestamp js-permalink js-nav js-tooltip][span class='_timestamp js-short-timestamp js-relative-timestamp' data-time='1391149591' data-long-form='true]18m[/url] </small> <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text]<s>@</s>stkildathunda Time for the TS Twits league to be created! Who will make the cut this year? Maybe divisions if we get more interest! <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text] <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text] <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text]So what we will do is create a 2nd league for anyone that might be interested, but please note there is only 1 rule you must obey before joining.,.. YOU MUST BE ON TWITTER.... This enables everyone to have banter throughout the year, so please if you arent on twitter dont put your hand up! <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text] <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text]So if you werent in our main league last year but would like to be part of this please let us know! We'll need someone to volunteer to look after #TSTwits Div 1 league and hand out the code, but also collect their twitter handles and post in here, or in a new thread!We have a code, so we'll give it to whoever wants to look after league! <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text] <p class='js-tweet-text tweet-text]TSTwits is very popular league as the banter and discussion we all have during season is top notch, so if you love bit of banter then make sure you put your hand up!
  2. FlyUp

    FlyUp Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ok, I have created #TSTwits 1st Div. Anyone who's interested joining, please send me a tweet @hevvieevvie and follow me so I can PM you the code. And who knows maybe next year you can be promoted to the Premier League ;) ******LEAGUE IS NOW FULL******************
    Humble Pies - Pete @teterpucker Laurence Angwin AS - Craig @mcgowanau Duryea Day - Jeremy @johny_smith5 DA POWER - David @donkedav KickInTheCotch - Dem @DemP_9 Mt Eliza Muppets - Barry @pope_barry
    BeamsMeUp,Scotty - [span class='coachname]Jeremy@princeofmugs Casus Belli - Khang@cary_bogart [span class='team]The19thMan - Heath @heafy83
    [span class='team]Have it all - Ryan @_RyanColeman
  3. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <p class='team]Joined #TSTwits so far: <p class='team] <p class='team]Fannie Bay 42ers - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Michael - <s>@</s>fanniebay

    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]Dmans Destructors - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Sean - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/Dman__85]<s>@</s>Dman__85[/url]
    [span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]The Big Bang Geary - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Shaun - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/stkildathunda]<s>@</s>stkildathunda[/url]
    [span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]Hall Of Famers - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Brett - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/tillob2110]<s>@</s>tillob2110[/url]
    <p class='coach][span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <div class='coach]Champagne Football - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Lucas - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/lucasgarth]<s>@</s>lucasgarth[/url]

    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]team naaaame! - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Les - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/TSWalesy]<s>@</s>TSWalesy[/url] [span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]Mierda - Coached by: [span class='coachname]JP - <s>@</s>jpk82
    <p class='coach][span class='coachname] [span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <p class='coach]Dump Crew - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Evan - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/hevvieevvie]<s>@</s>hevvieevvie[/url]
    <p class='coach][span class='coachname]
    <div class='coach-container] <div class='coach]Second Geary - Coached by: [span class='coachname]Jack - <a class='twitter-atreply pretty-link' href='https://twitter.com/JackHayes22]<s>@</s>JackHayes22[/url]

  4. Halfy

    Halfy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I know I obviously wasn't a part of the league last year, but if there are vacant spots when lockout comes around, I would be happy to be slotted in!

    Was ranked 938th last year overall. (https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/608x77q90/59/rfip.jpg)
  5. Barry

    Barry Guest

    sent msg via twitter I am @pope_barry
  6. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Come on SKT - lazy bugger - you have my twitter handle (its even in my signature now), yet you didn't put it in your post. Yeah, I'm keen to be back in this. Signed up 'Mierda' for 2014 and you can all stalk me / hang sh!t on me on twitter @JPK82 Anyone keen on a TSTwits SC draft league?
  7. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JPK wrote:
    Come on SKT - lazy bugger - you have my twitter handle (its even in my signature now), yet you didn't put it in your post. Yeah, I'm keen to be back in this. Signed up 'Mierda' for 2014 and you can all stalk me / hang sh!t on me on twitter @JPK82 Anyone keen on a TSTwits SC draft league? haha sorry mate! Updated :) Yeah i reckon SC draft league could be good!
  8. FlyUp

    FlyUp Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all, We still have 8 spots left in the TSTwits 1st Division league if anyone is interested in joining? As above please send me a tweet @hevvieevvie and follow so I can PM you the code. Since we have TSTwits Premier and TSTwits 1st Division leagues now running, we are looking at having relegation and promotion happening. If anyone is opposed to this please let us know as I don't want to make new rules without everyone's vote. I was thinking of relegating/promoting the bottom/top 2 teams in each league based on points only and will run up until the end of the finals series? If anyone has any better suggestions though, I'm happy to hear them. We will also need someone to admin the 1st Division league and keep track of everything. If anyone wants to please let me know?
  9. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have actually moved from #TSTWITS Div 1 to the main thing fwiw (I'm @DemP_9)
  10. ThePope

    ThePope New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Any spots left in either div? I'm @FreoPope on Twitter.
  11. princeofmugs

    princeofmugs Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    just to update the above list, I'm Jeremy: twitter handle @princeofmugs , team name Beamsmeup,Scotty

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