FU Rules

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by insider, Jan 26, 2015.

  1. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    1. TEAMS
    (a) Teams should be named after a remote Australian town/place. For consistency's sake. However the Commissioner and the Board may make exceptions on a case by case basis.
    (b) Squads of 26 players during competition.
    (c) Weekly playing sides will consist of 15 players. 4 Defenders, 4 Midfielders, 1 Ruck, 4 Forwards and 2 Interchange.
    (d) The Interchange players can be of any position. They score full points.
    (e) 4 Emergencies can be selected. 1 emergency per line. They come in if a selected player does not play.
    (f) You can play someone in the wrong position (i.e. Cloke in Defence, but they only get half the points).
    (g) SC points and player positions.
    (h) If you don't field a team, in the first instance you get last weeks posted team, on the second occasion you will get zero, for the third time you will get zero as well as your first 3 rounds of post season draft picks forfeited and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.
    (i) You must post your team in the Weekly Team Thread prior to the first bounce, as well as entering via TSleagues. This not only helps with record keeping and ensures integrity of scores, it's also a good thing to do to encourage forum activity.

    2. FIXTURE

    (a) Teams will play each other once in the regular season. Play will not occur in the 3 bye rounds (11, 12 & 13).
    (b) Where matches are be held over a 2 weeks period (like rounds 18, 19 from 2014) there will be a rolling lockout open during the held over rounds the exact same as SC.
    (c) Finals will be held in the final 3 weeks of the season (21, 22 & 23).
    (d) There will be a rolling lockout open during all split rounds. Each time it will close at the start of a game, the exact same as SC.
    (e) Any non-split rounds will be locked out at the beginning of the first match of the week.
    (f) Matches on Thursday will be locked out at the start of the game, but games for the rest of the round will be locked out at the beginning of the game on Friday.
    (g) Home teams will be required to post a match review no later than 2 days after the last AFL match (i.e. last game on Sunday, review posted on Tuesday).
    (h) During Finals, match reviews will be completed voluntarily be they a participating coach or not, however the participating coaches get first option.

    3. FINALS

    (a) Final 8, knockout style over 3 weeks (R21-23).
    (b) In the first week the finals structure will be 1 v 8, 2 v 7, 3 v 6, 4 v 5.
    (c) In the second week of the finals, the four winners from the previous weeks finals will playoff in seeded matches, the winner of 1st v 8th will play the winner of 4th v 5th and the winner of 2nd v 7th will play the winner of 3rd v 6th.
    (d) The third week of the finals will consist of one match between the winners of the previous week's matches. This match is known as the ORFFU Grand Final.

    4. TRADES

    (a) Preseason Trade Period opens early November until the end of January of the next year. Trading is then open during preseason draft but closes at midnight on the day the preseason draft concludes. Midseason trade period runs during the three bye rounds (see point h).
    (b) You can trade picks (to the preseason 2015 and the midseason 2015 draft) and players. Trades can be uneven (e.g. 2 players for 1). During preseason draft, picks for that year only may be traded (i.e. you cannot bring 2016 picks into discussions when in a 2015 preseason draft).
    (c) You can only trade draft picks in the 2 drafts directly ahead (e.g. as above).
    (d) Trades can be vetoed if a majority of 5 non-participating teams cast a veto vote.
    (e) Teams will have roughly 48 hours to veto a trade proposed (e.g. If a trade is proposed at 2.15pm on a Tuesday, ORFFU coaches have until 2.15pm on a Thursday to cast their votes. The Commissioner will then check and ratify the trade or veto.
    (f) Trades posted in the final 48 hours will only have until the end of the official trade period to have vetoes cast.
    (g) All proposed trades should be posted in the relevant thread. Likewise, all vetoes should be posted on that thread.
    (h) Mid-Season Trade Period will commence during the first week of the multi-bye rounds (11, 12 & 13)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  2. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    (a) Pre-Season Draft delistments must be completed by 12 midnightEST, Wednesday February 11th; ORFFU lists can be no greater than 26 players.
    (b) To delist players, simply post the players delisted on the delisted thread.
    (c) ORFFU lists may be cut to fewer than 20 players. However, if you cut your list to less than 10 player's questions will be asked about WTF you're doing with your team in this competition - rightfully so and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.
    (d) If an ORFFU list exceeds 26 players by the deadline mentioned above, players will be delisted from that team for them (2014 averages from lowest to highest) to take the list down to 26 players and the coach will be in serious risk of losing their place in the ORFFU.
    (e) To be eligible for the Mid-Season Draft you must delist players by 7pm EST, Wednesday June 17th, ORFFU lists can be no greater than 26 players.

    6. DRAFT

    (a) The Pre-Season Draft will commence on _________________
    (b) 12 hour (maximum) time limit on picks. If you don't pick within time you will be given the highest ranked player on 2015 averages. If the time limit isn't practical, you must notify the ORFFU in advance - i.e. if it is one or two picks before yours but you are flat out at work or have a wedding etc then post that you may need to extend your 12 hours. Alternatively, nominate a proxy and give them a standby list.
    (c) Teams must continue to draft until their lists are at 26 players.
    (d) Players can't be reserved” (ala the Father-son rule) for drafts. Each coach will pick in the order of their eligible draft picks, and may select any of the available players that they chose. (The option of trading during drafts is designed to allow coaches to bid for players that they wanted but missed out on)
    (e) Mid-Season Draft will happen in the last week of the multi bye rounds (R13). Draft will run in reverse points for order as of the end of R10.
    (f) Mid-Season Draft is not compulsory to participate in.
    (g) There is no salary cap. SC dollars do not exist in this universe.


    (a) ORFFU requires a way too serious commitment to AFL fantasy football as such there will be times when mandatory comments, opinions, or responses are required within defined time periods associated with requests from the Commissioner or the Board (i.e. responses to trade requests, opinion on rule changes, home game match reviews etc.).
    (b) During the regular home and away season the home teams will be required to post a match review no later than 2 days after the last AFL match (i.e. last game on Sunday, review posted on Tuesday).
    (c) Trade requests must be responded to within 1 week of the trade request being sent during any approved trade window. [span style='background: white;]Common sense exceptions are obviously allowed - i.e. you're on holidays and have previously stated this fact.
    (d) Delisting players to below 20 on your list will raise serious questions about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.
    (e) Greater than two weeks of no activity or contact at any point in the year (without prior notice of unavailability) is considered grossly inappropriate, and will result in board discussion regarding your tenability to the position of an ORFFU coach.
    (f) When the Commissioner or the Board inquire into a coach's commitment to ORFFU, they are required to respond within 1 week of the request being sent for the first time, all further requests for that inquiry must be responded to within 24 hours.
    (g) Opinions are sought from all ORFFU members on all issues. This will occur through polls, forum posts, PM's, and emails. A lack of opinion on a 'few' matters is acceptable, a lack of opinion on 'most' matters shows a lack of interest in the ORFFU and will bring your membership into question.
    (h) Where a coach is unavailable during the course of the year, that coach must make every effort to notify the Commissioner or the Board within a minimum of 1 weeks' notice, they also need to seek assistance / proxy for the matches and or events being missed and post the unavailability period and what action will be taken for that period on discussions thread.
    (i) Tanking is frowned upon in any competition including ORFFU, if it appears you are not entering your best available players for a match, questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.
    (j) There will be no more personal attacks in public forums. If you have issues with another coach, they are to be dealt with in private. Joking around, horse-play, and general banter are however accepted and encouraged.
    (k) Failure to comply with the above commitments may result in the possible removal from ORFFU.
    (l) Removal from ORFFU is not taken lightly, the Commissioner and the Board will make every effort to resolve any issues with the coach in question and may use a variety of ways to assess the coaches commitment and may take action with or without a majority rule.
    (m) Participate! This league will only be a success and an enjoyment if all coaches try to make it that way.

    All official positions will be vacated at year's end 2 weeks after the ORFFU Grand Final is completed. Official positions are: Commissioner and the Board (made up of the Commissioner and 4 other ORFFU coaches).
    (b) 2 weeks after the ORRFU Grand final is completed nominations will be called for the Commissioner position first, coaches will have 48 hours to nominate in the Commissioner Nominations” thread. Once closed, a poll will be conducted if there is more than one nomination received; if not the sole nomination is accepted to the position without a poll. Where more than one nomination is received all coaches must vote for a candidate within 48 hours after the poll has been issued. The candidate with the most votes wins the position. Where a poll is tied the exiting Commissioner will cast a tie breaker vote if not nominated, if nominated then existing Commissioner will hold his position as Commissioner.
    (c) Where there are no nominations the Board at that time will discuss and make a judgement call for that position including reappointing the existing Commissioner even if it's the fourth consecutive term.
    (d) Once the Commissioner position is filled coaches will have 48 hours to nominate in the Board Nominations” thread. Once closed, a poll will be conducted if there are more than four nominations received; if not those nominated will be accepted to the positions without a poll. Where more than four nominations are received all non-nominated coaches must vote for 4 candidates within 48 hours after the poll has been issued. The four candidates with the most votes win the positions. Where a poll is tied the new Commissioner will cast tie breaker votes.
    (e) Where there is less than 3 nominations the new Commissioner will make a call on the Board numbers for that year.
    (f) A coach can only hold a position of power consecutively for 3 terms and cannot nominate in the fourth year for that position.
    (g) The role of the Commissioner is to regulate and control the operations of the Outer Regional Fantasy Football Union known as ORFFU. This encompasses making a final ruling, casting a tie breaker vote, ensuring that all coaches have an opportunity to have a say, discussing matters of issue raised in ORFFU with the Board and to ensure the success and enjoyment of the ORRFU for all that are way too serious for fantasy football.
    (h) The role of the Board is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the operations of the Outer Regional Fantasy Football Union known as ORFFU. This encompasses discussing matters of issue raised in ORFFU, proposing a variety of recommendations to those issues for a collective and united solution / decision and assist the Commissioner with ensuring the success and enjoyment of the ORRFU for all that are way too serious for fantasy football.

    If anything doesn't make sense or something has been forgotten then please speak up! Voice it in this thread and we'll all get it sorted so everyone is a happy little vegemite! Happy Australia Day
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 8, 2016
  3. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I sure hope the Commissioner andBoard can see their way clear to exempt the Serengeti Buffaloes and the Banchang Barcrawlers from being named after an Australian town/place. If not, I just might consider suicide....................I'd be devastated if I lost ORFFFU......
  4. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Choppers, the fact that ORFFU allowed it in the first place is why that rule got updated. All is good in the world of ORFFU.
  5. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    I sure hope the Commissioner andBoard can see their way clear to exempt the Serengeti Buffaloes and the Banchang Barcrawlers from being named after an Australian town/place. If not, I just might consider suicide....................I'd be devastated if I lost ORFFFU...... I considered trying to ban it after Mummy's last trip to Banchang resulted in a serious case of alcohol poisoning that left him out of the side for a few weeks! The frequent flyer points managed to sway me...
  6. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Had a thought pop into my head regarding rule 1. '(h) If you don't field a team, in the first instance you get last weeks posted team, on the second occasion you will get zero, for the third time you will get zero as well as your first 3 rounds of post season draft picks forfeited and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.' Should we discuss if the draft sanctions are still in place if we end a getting a replacement coach for the team at the end of the year (ie TTT)? My initial though is it's a bit tough on a brand new coach to be lumped with a loss of their first 3 draft picks in the draft when they've come on board. Perhaps it gets reduced to loss of first round pick or first round pick moves to directly after their second round pick?
  7. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    fresh wrote:
    Had a thought pop into my head regarding rule 1. '(h) If you don't field a team, in the first instance you get last weeks posted team, on the second occasion you will get zero, for the third time you will get zero as well as your first 3 rounds of post season draft picks forfeited and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.' Should we discuss if the draft sanctions are still in place if we end a getting a replacement coach for the team at the end of the year (ie TTT)? My initial though is it's a bit tough on a brand new coach to be lumped with a loss of their first 3 draft picks in the draft when they've come on board. Perhaps it gets reduced to loss of first round pick or first round pick moves to directly after their second round pick? Fresh, 1(h) sanctions will be for a coach that is still with ORFFU after not adhearing to the rules. Where 'possible removal' goes to 'removed' which is 7(l) the Commissioner and the Board will take action with or without discussions or majority vote. Removal is not taken lightly and I believe all matters will be considered if this occurs and a new coach is inducted into ORFFU. At the end of the day it will be up to the Commissioner and the Board regarding removal and induction. Let's hope that ORFFU dosn't need to do this!
  8. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    YAD69 wrote:
    fresh wrote:
    Had a thought pop into my head regarding rule 1. '(h) If you don't field a team, in the first instance you get last weeks posted team, on the second occasion you will get zero, for the third time you will get zero as well as your first 3 rounds of post season draft picks forfeited and serious questions will be asked about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU.' Should we discuss if the draft sanctions are still in place if we end a getting a replacement coach for the team at the end of the year (ie TTT)? My initial though is it's a bit tough on a brand new coach to be lumped with a loss of their first 3 draft picks in the draft when they've come on board. Perhaps it gets reduced to loss of first round pick or first round pick moves to directly after their second round pick? Fresh, 1(h) sanctions will be for a coach that is still with ORFFU after not adhearing to the rules. Where 'possible removal' goes to 'removed' which is 7(l) the Commissioner and the Board will take action with or without discussions or majority vote. Removal is not taken lightly and I believe all matters will be considered if this occurs and a new coach is inducted into ORFFU. At the end of the day it will be up to the Commissioner and the Board regarding removal and induction. Let's hope that ORFFU dosn't need to do this! Ah ok, thanks for pointing that one out. Other than that, rules look all good to me.
  9. DamoH

    DamoH Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All good with me except 7(l) - as the rule itself states expulsion isn't to be taken lightly, so I think that should always be a League vote, rather than a Committee decision. Although now that expectations have been clarifiedI'm hopingit won't be necessary.
  10. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    DamoH wrote:
    Although now that expectations have been clarifiedI'm hopingit won't be necessary. +1!
  11. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Overall looks pretty good although I do have a few concerns. 1. the mandatory posting of teams in the forum seems a bit extreme. Some members seem to be online 24/7 but I'm sure I don't just speak for myself when I say some of us are pretty busy with other commitments sometimes and this seems an unnecessary requirement that many are likely to struggle with. 2. agree with Damo that booting someone should require a whole league vote. When we were discussing setting up a committee a few months ago it was to help Tomster with the regular adjudication of rules and the like. It was said throughout that major decisions and rule changes would still go to a vote. Which is basically my 3rd point. 3. what happened to the polls that were gonna be set up for rule changes? A couple of weeks ago it was decided there would be a discussion and then polls. 4. bit of a different topic but I think there needs to be some sort of mechanism for deciding the committee each year. Surely it shouldn't just be whoever puts there hand up first. Some degree of change to bring in fresh blood is usually good in these types of things.
  12. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I was under the impression that the 'board' would only come into play for tied polls. It's really important that all views are taken into account, all decisions should bemade by the entire league. I'm pretty sure we'reusing the forums to discuss rule changesas polls can be corrupted by non-ORFFU votes. The rules have been altered to be in line with the consensus beliefs in the forums. On the point of changing the 'board' annually, I'm all for sharing this around asin reality I'd hope that it would never come into play as we would have clear majorities for all our discussions.
  13. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I agree with a couple of your points that have been raised by all. Posting your team in a thread is pointless. It doesn't serve any purpose in my opinion, other than maybe check that people aren't changing their teams mid round. People are honest around here aren't they? The finals were difficult last year with the pick your opposition rule, mostly due to people taking a while to pick. I'm happy to let it stay, but it was hard to run. Also, my plan all along was to gauge which rules needed a vote. I'll give it a couple more days, then pick some contentious issues and vote on them.
  14. martyg

    martyg Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Whilst I agree that it is useless to post our teams in the forum, I have needed in the past to post my team via my mobile as I couldn't add it via the league tab. I agree, that hopefully everyone is honest with the home team keeping the accountability. Walesy was going to look at rolling score updates, anyone have any news on that?
  15. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The way I saw things, the rules as posted above were agreed upon by the board, and then published for the entire ORFFU to review. If anything was contentious, we'd have a vote. If there were no problems then no need to have a vote (and as has been mentioned multiple times before - its easy for the non-FU people to vote in our polls and skew the results.) In my opinion, posting your team in both the forum and the TS Leagues isn't too much hard work - you're already on TS for one posting, and probably to check some SC upgrade selections against the thoughts of others in the TS community, so how hard is it to post your 'FU team again. Having the redundancy saves us if something happens (data loss???), and makes it slightly more difficult for people to change their teams mid-round (not saying that it will happen, but 'serious' for some people might be 'win at all costs'!!!) I agree that board members should be voted in each year, which will help change things up a little, and avoid burdening just a couple of people. The board however needs to be active, and help keep things ticking over. That's why we drafted up the above rules and changes for this year, and are now letting everyone have their say. If we waited for majority vote on each and every issue, we'd spend all of our time getting nothing done. That's my thoughts anyway. We're all here for the fun of fantasy footy, and our own little keeper league. As with all things though, some people are needed in management roles, and to make decisions. You can't always please everyone, I just hope that we please the majority of coaches the majority of the time, and that we can all have some fun!
  16. wrightbrendan

    wrightbrendan Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JPK wrote:
    The way I saw things, the rules as posted above were agreed upon by the board, and then published for the entire ORFFU to review. If anything was contentious, we'd have a vote. If there were no problems then no need to have a vote +1. Seems like a logical and efficient way of getting things done. Nothing to add from out in the Serengeti on this front at the moment. Board are probably too distracted trying to work out what to do with their mess of a squad...
  17. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    JPK wrote:
    The way I saw things, the rules as posted above were agreed upon by the board, and then published for the entire ORFFU to review. If anything was contentious, we'd have a vote. If there were no problems then no need to have a vote
    That sounds fair enough
  18. HOLKY

    HOLKY Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    [span style='color: #000000; background: #f7f7f7;](d) Delisting players to below 20 on your list will raise serious questions about your commitment with the possible removal from ORFFU. <div>
    [span style='color: #000000; background-image: initial; background-attachment: initial; background-size: initial; background-origin: initial; background-clip: initial; background-position: initial; background-repeat: initial;]Good thing I was only planning to delist x players then. Also, I might be sorting out things with my move to Wollongong during the draft time, but I'll be checking regularly so it shouldn't be too much trouble.
  19. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Sounds all good, like the home team having to review the games each week. Bring it on!
  20. Mick

    Mick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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