Trading Games 2015

Discussion in 'Leagues' started by BrockyFreo, Feb 8, 2015.

  1. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good to see some feedback. And Wars it seems not many are logging in daily so maybe a front page article would be the Business! I'm partial to the rookies idea too (thanks for the ideas Bill, you're right on those points, and you were a couple days early before Dalgleish gave us that running 4 bounce goal tonight so great attention to detail! And considering Lumumba for Pearce? Or Newnes or S. Thompson?) I like the full premo mid idea too, because not many will be going down this path this year (many would like to, but it takes some balls. Trading Games will make it interesting). Mainly wanted to say that I looked at the calendar and the first draw, and wanted to say some dates for final decision (it's always an issue to get people with the same team before lockout, while still getting the freshest rooks) I will set the date as Richmond/Carlton Players will be locked into our team Friday 27th, along with a rough outline of the main team. Then we will have final team announced on Thursday Night (2nd April) once initial teams are released (playing safely and then we all just suck it up if rookies don't play). This will give everybody all day Good Friday, and Saturday Morning to complete the final team changes. Just a reminder, we all must start with the exact same 30 players. No exceptions; We all must finish Round 1 with the same players, so there is no trading until pre-round 2. So pay attention to these dates. (for this reason, we will not be selecting Lambert from Richmond, as the timing is too difficult to know for sure and there are plenty other options. This will go for Boekhorst as well unless he seems more certain for some reason). Lastly, give some thought to Jed Anderson and Cockatoo who both will be listed as extended bench for monday and may be late changes. In my opinion I'm not fussed on Jed, but think Cockatoo is a lock this year and worth the risk (as he is high priced, if he doesn't play round 1, people can either wait for him to play, or trade him straight out for plenty of cheaper options AFTER round 1 is complete). Ok now let's get some people in the group league! We want 30+ like previous years. Also, who wants to put their hand up for the ongoing weekly tally/rankings? (I won't have time for this so would be good if we could get a 'scorekeeper' who can post interesting trades noticed and leaderboard changes. As well as who is doing well in the overall rankings on certain weeks). Cheers
  2. NSD

    NSD New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Im back again. Chasing Birdies- Ashley. I really like the mostly rookies idea - however it is a bit to thin in the backs! maybe upgrade a couple of them and downgrade the rucks slightly. Still should have about 800K in the kitty and a defence that will actually get games!
  3. Buzzboys

    Buzzboys Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Count me in guys. Have to defend my crown.
  4. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm going to have to withdraw from this guys, too much happening on too many fronts I'm afraid. It's all Len's fault really, he started up the new keeper league...
  5. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Jason wrote:
    I'm going to have to withdraw from this guys, too much happening on too many fronts I'm afraid. It's all Len's fault really, he started up the new keeper league... Eventually you guys will run out of things to blame me for :)
  6. schmicko

    schmicko New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Keen... I like the idea of the loaded midfield and with an emphasis on value elsewhere, all the risky types which if it comes off you'll be sitting pretty at the top?!
  7. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm in - Teachers Rule (Mr B). Personally I prefer the balance of the 2nd team, but I like the look of the super-premo mid team! Some points to consider: 1) Don't have Ablett in the initial squad... Do you want him? Trade for him. Wanna risk not having him - Hold fire! 2) Picking those players that about half the RMT thread users have, and the other half say 'you're crazy for picking .... because ...' The idea of TG is not necessarily to be forced to trade (team option 1), but the strategies that different coaches use. For instance, last year I banzai'd my way through trades in the early rounds, burning every mid-pricer we picked in order to down-up trade into some extra premos. Others held onto the mid-pricers and traded them later for a small earn. 3) I think the 'no-rookies from Rich/Carl and extended benches' idea is an excellent one, provided options are available from other teams. If their rookies dominate, then this just offers the first opportunity for different trading strategies to be exposed. 4) For mine, I'd pick a few popular, uncontroversial types to be keepers (Pendles, Gray, Dusty, etc) and then surround them with some more controversial picks that people are on the fence over. Players you'd consider, but chicken out on in a 'main' team... (Higgins, NicNat, Mummy, Rich, Wells etc). This offers the opportunity for coaches that want to trade out the players they don't trust for decent coin, whilst also offering big potential reward for coaches who play a hunch and focus their attention elsewhere. Risk vs reward. Either way, it's much more enjoyable if the core team is genuinely competitive. Regardless of strategy, we'll still want enough keepers to hold them team together throughout the whole season. We don't get extra trades and we don't want to run out of trades prematurely. I think this may be the Achilles heel of the Rookies team (~9 keepers). For the cookie cutter team I see 10 keepers with 5 possibles (4 backline + Mitchell). The premo-mid team looks more like 12 keepers and 2 backline possibles. All of this assuming NicNat is a keeper. And that's all before you consider a byes strategy!
  8. FunkSoulBrother

    FunkSoulBrother Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My daughter would be happy to have another crack at this. With my assistance of course.
  9. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    once we settle on a starting team, Id be happy to do a front page writeup, if nobody else is going to. I'd already given my suggestion on the starting team up above, but its probably too time consuming to work out. But generally speaking, Id like to see a team that is pretty much cookie cutter. I think that will really test our trading in a realistic way.
  10. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Ive just set up a league too: <h4 style='color: #ffffff; background-color: #969ca0; padding: 0.6em; letter-spacing: normal;]638020</h4> May as well join this as well as the group.
  11. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Guys, here is an attempt that tries to capture a few elements of above comments, a not very scientific 'most popular players from RMT' and has a bit of cash left over ($445,300) for a R2 trade/upgrade if desired. I'm not wedded to any selections and won't be worried one way or the other regarding changes. After all, we all start with the same team (in text as I can't figure out how to insert an image): Malceski Gibson Higgins Jaksch Dalgleish H Goddard Hamling Saad Pendlebury Fyfe Selwood Sloan Parker P Cripps Heeney Beokhorst Sinclair Vandenberg Ellis-Yolmen Mumford Monson T Read Bartel Swan Bontempelli Clark Hogan Lambert Lonie Lamb Cheers, Bill
  12. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I don't mind it as a starting point... Here's my version, with a few small changes... Obviously rookies are completely TBC. Backs: Malceski, Gibson, Higgins, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]Jaksch, Goodes,Dalgleish, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]Goddard, Hamling Saad, McIntosh Mids: Pendlebury, Fyfe, Selwood, Sloane, Parker, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]Boekhurst, Cripps, Heeney, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]Sinclair, Vandenburg, Ellis-Yolmen, Miller, Vandenburg Rucks: Mumford, Minson, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]T. Read, Cox Forwards: Gray, Bartel, Swan, Bontempelli, Clark, [span style='text-decoration: line-through;]Hogan, Lambert, Lonie, Lamb $24,500 left in kitty Goodes in for Jaksch in the backline, some rookie shuffling on other lines and then Gray in for Hogan on the forward line. Admittedly, $24k is not a lot as a kitty, but I think the extra keeper (Gray) and a possible (Goodes if he finds 2013 form) is worth the risk. I see 12, maybe 13 or even 14 keepers. As above, not locked into any particular players, but thought I'd share my thoughts. Cheers, MM
  13. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alright, it's getting close now.So unless there are any complaints, I propose the following team structure (taking elements of the above advice): 3 Rookies on each line (backs, mids, forwards) but with money in the bank (you choose after round 1 for example if you want to upgrade which line). This, combined with the options down back, will ensure we all straight away start creating unique teams. This allows 3 keeper players in the back (counting newnes), 5 Premium midfield keepers (counting Griffen), two keeper rucks (counting Nic Nat) and 3 Keeper forwards (counting Swan). I believe this gives the best set up for a trading games, as it will encourage trading immediately after round 1. (if you have opinions on which keepers to put in, let us know however I'd like the Richmond and Carlton Players to be locked in tomorrow (saturday) I'll post these then). The other thing about having the bank role, it gives us freedom once teams are released to make any changes needed on Thursday night (you will notice no richmond risky rookies, and no jed anderson/Cockatoo monday unknowns). Anyway, Here is the structure: [​IMG]
  14. Jason

    Jason Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Krakouer isn't likely to be named for R1.
  15. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Agree Jason it does look unlikely, however those final rookies will be picked on Thursday once the Teams are released. NOTICE ** Everybody must lock this current team in as the main starting team now. With particular note to the Patrick Cripps and Dustin Martin Players (the only richmond/Carlton players needed to be locked in before Thursday). The final players will be finalised on Thursday night (with NO further changes after that date. All lastminute changes will be ignored). Lastly tell your friends and get some numbers in the group. Get that article done if you can please Ant and drum up some interest. Maybe a post on Facebook too? LOCK IN THE FOLLOWING TEAM (WITH FINAL CHANGES TO OCCUR THURSDAY [​IMG]
  16. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just totaled up the above team for Bye structure. In above table rookies are anything below $300k and keepers above.
  17. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Team picked... Just confirming, are we using Minson or NicNat at R2?
  18. BrockyFreo

    BrockyFreo Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thinks it's evens between Nic Nat, minson and Maric. Nic Nat has dropped in popularity in the last couple of weeks. I think Minson will give us consistency (him or Maric) and that's the better choice. You have money in the bank, could upgrade him to Jacobs after week 1 if you like!
  19. NSD

    NSD New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Team selected and ready to go
  20. bjaensch

    bjaensch New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My team (Drowning not waving) is updated to the most recent as indicated above. Cheers, Bill

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