Is anybody else having problems with the Supercoach website? It seems to have lost all it's formatting and content when I have attempted to use it with both Firefox and IE.
Nah it's all good for me, although i use chrome. Occasionally the page wont load properly and will have a list of links on the left hand side. Maybe delete internet history/cookies or try a different browser.
Top Heavy, thanks for your reply it is greatly appreciated. I got through to their their support folks, who were surprisingly helpful, and the problem got resolved. Turned out to be a cookie/cache issue which was causing all of my browsers to not load the Supercoach pages correctly.
Hi. Could you elaborate a little. I've tried a number of things and seem to be having the same issue this year.
Can any of you boys tell me how I find my team ID number as well as team ID's for the other teams in my league? I have googled it but I still can't work it out. I would appreciate your help Cheers
brettydaviseyes wrote: Can any of you boys tell me how I find my team ID number as well as team ID's for the other teams in my league? I have googled it but I still can't work it out. I would appreciate your help Cheers I can't remember off the top of my head how to get your own, but to get the ID for anyone else in your league, just hover over the team name and an address will appear in the bottom left of your browser. tid=### where ### is the ID of each respective team. Probably the quickest way to do it for your own team is to get someone else to tell you. Unless ofcourse someone else on TS can remember how to get your own teams' ID...
You can 'search' for your team is the easiest way. Click the magnifying glass icon and a search text window opens. Put your team name in but do not press enter. A list of options will appear below the text window, select your team. A new window will open. The url of the new window will include the team ID (tid) of your SC team.