Are we starting in Round 5? This is what tsLeague is saying, is this correct? @JPK
#105 - The Virgin's select - Harry Armstrong @JC
The Virgin's select - Jacob Blight @snoz
@thokash you're up
@stowie Pick again as Lobb has been snatched up and is now a Buck.
The Virgin's select - Tom Hanily @snoz
@Darran You're up
The Virgin's select - Daniel McStay @That KI Guy
@TheTassieHawk I'm in a trade negotiation; how long have I/we got to make pick 68
The Virgin's select - Sam Switkowski @snoz
@TheTassieHawk you're on the clock
You're up @MrsBear
Checked and Updated
The Virgin's select - Ed Langdon @snoz
A mostly complete ORFFF Free agents list (prior to the draft starting) sorted by 2024 average as at Round 23...
[MEDIA] A 9 hour limit applies to take the current selection, with the clock pausing between midnight and 6am in the coaches Timezone (noting...
Further delist: Mitchell Edwards
The Virgin's delist: Bailey Banfield Lewis Young Tom Hawkins Nathan Kreuger Brynn Teakle Campbell Chesser
Hi all, I have now updated the tracker to include the actual PSD 25 Draft in order as at trade 5 (2025).
Separate names with a comma.