Thank Goodness, I thought the quad-curse had struk for the third time (given it had already crippled Goodes and Zaha on my team). Thanks a lot all!
Saw that they had quad next to Steele Sidebottom's out this week and got a little worried given my lack of trades. Anyone know if he's getting...
Surely Yarran has got to come into consideration now, his last two games have been excellent and he'll probably still be sub 300,000 next week so...
Sounds like a go, think I'll lock it in and hope that they feast on the Giants!
I'm thinking about trading in Jordan Lewis this week but I already have Franklin, Roughead and Suckling. Is four hawks too many, especially given...
I have him as well, word is that he had a sore back and they didn't want to risk it. I'm thinking about trading him out this week to Carrazzo...
I'm going to play it safe - take his 131 and double his score!
Very glad I jumped on him about 15 minutes before tonight's game, 115 by 3QT!!!
<blockquote>Quote from jb on June 14, 2012, 00:58 If going for overall points or your in a competitive League - Trade. Any premium out injured...
I have been mulling over this one all week, what do people think? I'm down to 11 trades with 3 upgrades required so I'm hesitant.
<blockquote>Quote from Fitzy on June 11, 2012, 19:32 Griffin has an amazing record when Sandilainds is out, could be a great POD</blockquote>...
Probably not the number 1 trade option, but what about Griffin? He's affordable and a proven performer with Sandi out...Also a nice POD
This has to be the worst sc year in history - I have had about 10-15 injuries already, beyond belief!
Just read that Coniglio was out for a month with a broken thumb! Surely relevant to a lot of supercoachers... If anything, this is actually...
Even if it is 4-6 I'm going to keep Pendles, trades are essential and I'm going to keep three GWS players (Giles, Coniglio and Treloar) and hope...
Traded in Scott Thompson (NM) three week ago - since then he's scored a combined 180! Don't know what I was thinking and now I feel like I have to...
Separate names with a comma.