Guess you also have to question is weather they will ease him back into it, would you throw the Captain tag on him straight away? I just cant see...
Have around 800k in the bank so went D.Smith > Chappy, then might consider a Shiel > Pendles trade, but I dont know weather to hold onto the 500k...
Ramked 400 overall, dont know if I should keep Ablett ot not....
981748 and 503297 if use are looking for a league
Righteo, so lets crack straight into Bearflys second article. I know if youre like me, your first thought is going to be: Tell me about...
I dont know its around 6,7 or 8 havent looked it up..shhh Im drunk :p
<blockquote>Quote from Sainter on July 17, 2011, 23:01 I'm going to consider burning through them all and bringing in Pendlebury & Lance Franklin...
<blockquote>Quote from TheOnion on July 13, 2011, 17:25 Is it similar at all to camel toe?</blockquote> If it was it sure would be one...
<blockquote>Quote from Whyt_ee on July 14, 2011, 21:40 hahaha if you were Judd you wouldn't be complaining! At least it was made public....
Embley at only 418K has to be considered, think I might trade Heppell for him and find the cash to get Swan next week
Well I planned on trading out Heppell for Swan before Heppells price dropped even more but with Smith out Ive had to play Heppell. Apart from...
Considering the last time Spurs really struggled was when The Admiral missed the year with injury the Spurs have had a unbeliable run, I think...
Swallow would be the most reliable out of the two
People are not pissed off at Bosh or Carmello probably because they didnt request a live one hour special to tell the world that they were giving...
Like many I have JRoo to come back on, not to mention can use Goodes as MPP
I wouldnt trade him, especially if they decide to rest Smith, I cant see him playing from round 10 to 24 straight
Have you allowed for the players you will have to trade out for finals?
Guess it depends on what you have on your bench
If I Smith is playing this week Ill trade Matera for him and Libba for Mzungu. Then next week upgrade Duigan for Newman and upgrade Harris for any...
Hope he ends up being a I can pick him up cheaper after their bye :p
Separate names with a comma.