Should be more opportunity to make a lot of cash with the number of mids we can pick... GENERALLY speaking the mid-rookies will make more money,...
Rolling lockout can only be a good thing, if you don't like it, don't utilise it. Sound like you're experiencing a 'SC First World Problem'. I...
I am indeed Rounders&Grinders... also Dean Pelton and Phil's United are 2 of my mates that were interested in the TS/TG concept, so they joined....
Boyd in Dream Team, Selwood in SuperCoach Expect more of Selwood's possessions to be contested with less polish in the ruck division (no...
I think the position where they get named is close to irrelevant. Similar to the All-Australian team, there's about 5-6 key position players...
Done and done... So just to confirm, if for whatever reason, come Wednnesday/Thursday of next week and half our rookies have NOT been named for...
Would also free up a bit more $$$ going with Wingard > C Smith (D Smith in the fwd line). Could be part of the trading game to see...
With regard to my Hale suggestion, he'd probably go better alongside Kreuzer... However, neither of those 2 are likely to be finishing ruckmen...
I just joined the 2nd league... Can we bring in 1 more gun to the forward line, and one to the backline, removing one from the midfield? These...
Players not yet mentioned (at least not in this thread), but worth a mention: Beau Waters, Nic Nat, Jono Brown, Winderlich, HaMac, Orren...
There are some dirt cheap premiums that, i'm assuming, the people at Sportal haven't really heard of. Like de Gea from Man U and Gervinho....
If i had Zmith i'd probably go with him now over Broc, knowing that Brogan is out... Port is not a very good side and i would tip that many more...
Does it just say that it was unchanged from last week? so it would say 'Jed Adcock $+0 ($+40,400)'... Brisbane had a bye last week so...
I'm going to use McCauley's 88 in place of whatever Cam Richardson is going to dish out. Petrie now moves to the forward line instead of being on...
I had RVP captain and scored 102... Would've been good to put Drogba as captain tho, damn. Stupid Adam did nothing, i even had Odemwingie on the...
His 3 game avg from rounds 1-3 was 95.667 His 3 game avg from rounds 2-4 was 96.667 His BE for round 5 is 85, which just happens to be very...
<blockquote>Quote from stkildathunda on April 16, 2011, 09:08 The AFL's so called "expert" Dr Dream Team has apparently done these classics for...
Unless you're looking at contending for the overall grand prize, no need to be worried about getting a zero for these 3 weeks. If getting Smith in...
was a bad trade, made terrible with some bad luck.
Separate names with a comma.