2015 and beyond

Discussion in 'ORFFU' started by Tylo, Aug 23, 2014.

  1. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey guys. I know a lot of people are super keen get into trading but can I suggest we have a cooling off period at the end of the season, say til after the AFL grand final? We've got 7 months til next season starts and I think it would be a good idea before anything else happens that we have a discussion about any changes we might want to make to how we do things. If everyone is fine with everything then it will be a very short discussion. Something I wanted to raise is the amount of responsibility that falls on 1 person's shoulders. We can't have a vote on every decision that needs to be made but it's a lot of pressure on Tomster to ask him to make the call every time something comes up. The issue of Pearcedale's final round team is a perfect example. It was a really tough call that could have gone either way in my opinion and had big consequences. What would have happened if Gisborne was directly effected? It doesn't seem right to me that 1 person has to make such a crucial decision. I was thinking it might be a good idea to have a group, call it a board or an executive or whatever, of 3-5 people that gets voted on every year. This would spread the load with this group making the on-going decisions for the coming season. Everyone could still give their input of course but only significant rule changes would go to a full vote. Thoughts?
  2. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tylo, I agree with every single point of your post. I was also waiting til after these finals at least, but it seems logical to wait until after the afl grand final as well. I'm going to open the positions of power thread again, but this time I will demand that people fulfil their roles. I am also happy if people want to vote for a new commish
  3. DamoH

    DamoH Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All good points Tylo. Especially the idea of a break before trading. The only suggestion I'd make is that the executive makes all the decisions (for example Pearcedale in/out) during the season, but any rule changes are voted on by all coaches and agreed before the season starts.If there is thenconfusion as to howthese rules apply during the season thenthe exec rather than just the Commishdecide. Personally I think the rules are working well, so there shouldn't be much that needs to be changed via a whole league vote, except for the non-entry of teams issue. Not to hijack this thread, but just to note, I thought JPK's suggestions about losing draft positions was a good one. And FWIW, if you wanted to throw your hat in the ring again Tomster you'd have my vote.
  4. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good post Tylo.

    As a suggestion, perhaps we could use the finals as the time we discuss when the trading period will be held, if we have one end of this year and another start of next year, when we'll have the draft, non-entry of teams and losing draft positions etc.

    Tomster's got my vote, think he did a cracking job organising our first year.

  5. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have to agree with this, Tomster has done a great job for our first season and would have my vote again. I do agree with Tylo however that it is unfair to put it on one person's shoulders. A board of uneven number 3, 5 etc would be ideal in that it would guarantee a result and should remove any possible advantages 1 team could have over another. I believe we need to sort out team non-selection & possible tanking (or non-tanking if we take the AFL's line with Melbourne). This would then address any possible issues come finals and, as part of the bigger picture, (I know there were extenuating circumstances) prevent what happened with Manangatang where some teams picked up a win due to non-selection and others didn't, just feel we need consistency. Anyway was a great first season with heaps of input from everyone, good little community and some outstanding games.
  6. tyze1

    tyze1 Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I like the board of three idea and agree there must be a firm ruling on non selection of teams. Re: Trading - the positional changes between years may have serious outcomes for some teams buyer beware! One idea I'd like to float is for each team to have a rookie list of say 2 where they can put an injured player on the long term injury list and upgrade a player from their rookie list - similar to the AFL there would be a minimum amount of time a player must be on the long term injury list.
  7. martyg

    martyg Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey all. I agree with everyone so far. Tomster, well done... you get my vote again. Also big cudos goes out to Holky who did a massive amount of work as well. I think we have had a very good start to an ongoing competition which will hopefully last for many years to come. I like the idea of having a couple extra slots on our lists, but I think those players can only be escalated/de-escalated during our trading periods. For example, if I de-escalated Cam Ellis Yolmen now, I can pick up a new player. If he starts playing early next year and I still have him de-escalated, then I have to wait until the MSD to escalated him and get rid of a different spud. Personally I cannot wait to start trading and I hate the offseason for all the same reasons as everyone else. I also think people need to consider their trade offers and what benefit is in it for the other player. I am not going to ask for GAJ and offer up Dusty (although that would be an awesome all round trade) and get hurt feelings when rejected. Sometimes when you are after someone specific, you need to lose a bit to gain in the long run. This is something that I clearly failed at during the MSD and hope to rectify during the PSD. Again, love the way things are going, love the banter... Keep it up everyone!
  8. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    very cryptic Marty! I had to go back through all my pm's to make sure you werent talking about me! hahahaha. You get that problem with any league though. Some people get genuine pleasure in screwing others over rather than looking for a mutual gain in a win-win scenario. Thats life!
  9. eagle_eyed

    eagle_eyed Training the house down!

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I too like the idea of a rookie list, but think that it can only be used to cover LTI's. We would obiously have to stipulate how long an LTI is in order to have some clarity. I have also kind of flipped on our trading draft selectiondiscussions and believe that maybe mandatory delistments are the way to go, it would potentially add 54 players to the PSD pool and possibly help with equalisation (ha AFL term!). I believe ORFFL & ORFFA have 2 more players on each listbut then have the mandatory 3 delistments prior to the PSD. Just putting it out there, but I know there was some healthy discussion (some from me) regarding this mid season, could be a good topic to bring up again. I hope I haven't offended anyone with trade offers so far, I firmly believe that if you don't ask you don't know. Never asked about Rance last year and he is one I would have liked. Anyway I'm more than happy to have my offers shot down as I really only see them as a starting point, from where we open negotiations, hey if they don't go anywhere, nothing lost. Happy to discuss any of my players, everyone has a price,of course it doesn't mean I'm going to trade themthough ;)
  10. ddsaints

    ddsaints Guest

    Thanks to everyone for a great first year, lots of fun with some tough competition. The efforts put in by allare much appreciated. I look forward to the future I feel we have the beginnings of somethinggreat. A little refinements along the way and we will be fine. A board of 3 or 5 to help in making critical decisions would ease the pain of one man trying to do the right thing by all. A general vote by all coaches would typically fix most problems but a board to oversee thingsand rule on split votes would be great. Tanking is an issue that needs to be sorted. I don't like the idea ofhaving a rookie list as suggested by others, I for one was hit hard with injuries and retirements but believe that's the way the cookie crumbles. Im happy tohave the pain for a short period of the season and then make decisions on those injured players. Luck is crucial to all clubs success Anyway we are going fine. Thanks again to all
  11. HOLKY

    HOLKY Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Like the idea of board of 3, I'll probably check my workload next year though, you still have my vote Tomster. Non-selection's a big issue and we need a ruling on it, draft picks will prevent tanking... I also reckon if someone's unable to get their team in tsLeagues and they have a team in the Forum in time it should count. Not really sure about the rookie list idea either yet, (even though I was also screwed by injuries) I'll have the Crowns and trophies done soon and check in regularly for trades...
  12. JPK

    JPK Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks to all for a fantastic inaugural first season. Like everything new, we had a few teething problems (along with some crying and sleepless nights), but all in all I think we're set up well. I agree with the committee of 3 to make the crucial or quick decisions, and general votes for everything else. I'll happily nominate myself to be one of those three. I'll also endorse Tomster to stick with it. My personal opinion was to have LTI listings and what-not, but after a season of experiments I think we're better off with just the mid-season trades and draft. I'd like to see the rules around mid-season drafting altered slightly, with the order to reflect the points for ladder rather than the win-loss ladder. I think this is a better reflection of teams at mid season. As for non-entered teams, I've already made my suggestion about being bumped down the draft order, which I think will be enough of a deterrent. Finally, I know Walesy has had problems with the host server regarding emails. If this persists, maybe we all need to share emails / phone numbers to maintain some lines of communication in the off season, and also to make team entering easier during the season for those who are unable to do it themselves. Now, my Mad Monday trade offer is *name suppressed*
  13. YAD69

    YAD69 Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hey Coaches,

    Thought I'd map out a Calendar of Events to keep the footy juices going.

    ORFFU Calendar of Events

    Post Season Trade Period – 15 Sep 14 to 12 Oct 14
    Post Season Auction Thread – 15 Sep 14 to 12 Oct 14

    Position of Power (PoP) – 15 Sep 14 to 12 Oct 14
    All position become available, nominations are called & elections held
    ORFFU Power Board - Commissioner plus 2 others
    POOYA Coordinator
    BOG Coordinator
    Big Tap Coordinator
    Trade List Coordinator
    Draft List Coordinator

    Open Discussion– 15 Sep 14 to 31 Oct 14
    Rules, End of Season review, Preseason review, 2015 fixtures, Finals structure,
    Mango Playoffs (bottom 8 teams), Increase team list by 2, Licensee commitment, Managutan issue and action if any, Tanking, any other issues.

    2015 fixture posted
    Draft List Order posted
    PreSeason Trade Period – 19 Jan 15 to 31 Jan 15
    Draft List Order posted
    Delistments – 01 Feb 15 to 15 Feb 15
    PreSeason Draft – 16 Feb 15 to 08 Mar 15
    Start of the Season 02 Apr 2015

    Catch ya
  14. insider

    insider Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    awesome yad. very handy
  15. fresh

    fresh Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks YAD.

    Could we also have a post of the draft order (just needs to be round 1)? I've looked through prior match scores to try and figure out the order of picks 11-18 for my own reference but there's no ladder available anymore so I can't quite get that right.
  16. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks YAD. I'm thinking that the PoP is very important, and might need to be decided before the other stuff starts. I'll open up a commissioner poll now so that that is sorted, then we'll go from there
  17. choppers

    choppers Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Tomster wrote:
    Thanks YAD. I'm thinking that the PoP is very important, and might need to be decided before the other stuff starts. I'll open up a commissioner poll now so that that is sorted, then we'll go from there Agree with ya there, Chief. Maybe you should include the Power Board be nominated at the same time and then we have our Board in control to organise all the upcoming stuff.
  18. Tylo

    Tylo Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    choppers wrote:
    Tomster wrote:
    Thanks YAD. I'm thinking that the PoP is very important, and might need to be decided before the other stuff starts. I'll open up a commissioner poll now so that that is sorted, then we'll go from there Agree with ya there, Chief. Maybe you should include the Power Board be nominated at the same time and then we have our Board in control to organise all the upcoming stuff.
    How about a poll with everyone's names and we each get 3 votes?
  19. Tomster

    Tomster Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Polls only allow for 1 vote, so I think if we get 5 or so nominations we can do a poll from that
  20. TigersTooTough

    TigersTooTough Administrator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Just wanted to apologise to all for not getting as involved as most this season. Love the comp and will make sure help out way more. Bring on silly season!

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