2015 Round 7 underway

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 16, 2015.

By TheTassieHawk on May 16, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    A swag of outs on Thursday night followed by late withdrawals and SC relevant players dropping like flies as the games are playing out

    Lets hope the round has some monster scores mixed in for a bit of light relief

    Fingers crossed your teams manage to avoid the pain better than most


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 16, 2015.

    1. RPritch
      That would be a no for avoiding the pain.
      My team this week has 7 players not playing, including two premiums, and Salem on the field. Which is basically the same as having 8 players out of the 30 not playing and a donut.
      These outs are forcing the likes of McKenzie, McIntosh and Schade to go onto the field.
      Can't see me hitting 2050 this week
    2. RPritch
      Although I am aware that it is that bad at the moment that many teams will be equal or even worse off
    3. Crafty Yarni
      Crafty Yarni
      yep, can confirm a bad week, but its my fault.

      I forgot to make the necessary changes to my team from last week, before my game of golf.

      so I have no emergency cover...hamling and Sloane on field = 0 x 0

      the one positive, im resigned I wont win the major prize and I didn't burn 2 trades this round.

      I just hope Mitchell doesn't crack open his can of woop arse.
    4. Crafty Yarni
      Crafty Yarni
      late change in the west coast game....

      Jeremy McGovern OUT
    5. jamhead
      Wow! I posted this arvo in the teams thread looking for some sympathy but it has gotten worse now...
      Griffen sub
      Salem sub
      Cripps late out
      Hogan late out
      Smith knocked out!
      Lonie sub
      Been whacked in SC like never before!
    6. Tommy18
      I have avoided a lot of the carnage so far this year. But not this week. Been a bad week for scores and also for my rookies who were generating nice cash. Ouch.
    7. RPritch
      Right now I'm making an estimation that I will score 1860 this week and I'm ranked in the 4100's going into this round.
      Can see a huge drop in rankings with that, despite it being such a shit week
    8. BJWNFI
      Copped a doughnut courtesy of Cripps, McKensie/Vandenberg/Salem/Lumumba all on the field.....1,800's here I come....if I'm lucky
    9. thokash
      JPK with 122 as the VC

      TU: Take it
      TD: Fyfe/Gray to do better (I'm still undecided which)
    10. Bearfly
      Going with Robbie myself even though i could take the jpk points
    11. anthak
      Only 2 of my 13 players have tonned up so far.
      I'm on 1072 with 9 to come, including Fyfe as cap.
      Hoping for 2000+
    12. anthak
      Sorry, should be 1082. Not that it makes much diff
    13. anthak
      Judging by projections, I should score 2100+, but judging by the way this round is going so far, I'd be very lucky to score >2000...
    14. Tylo
      Can someone tell me if McDonald played on Roughie today?
    15. TheTassieHawk
      1025/13 for me ant with HeathShaw and Tmitchell (traded in) the only ones to crack triple figures.

      I reckon you will be well ahead of the masses
    16. insider
      smashing me mate. pretty much going for worst round in history. 874 / 12. Salem 16, Vandenberg 37, HarryO 47, Griffen 53, Clark 53... looking at a big ranking slide this week i reckon
    17. Mick
      Looks like I'm looking pretty good in this round of carnage! 1437 from 12! 6 premo's and 4 rooks to come.

      Traded out Sloane for Priddis this week and made him C! That definitely helped.
      Hogan -> Mitchell worked well too. Copped it from Vandenberg and bloody Griffen.

      In with a shot at the weekly!? Anyone seen any better this week?
    18. Micksdemons
      Yep and he was Melb's best player and point scorer !!
    19. Iain
      Massive effort mate, I'd say you're in with a decent chance.

      Easily the best score in any of my leagues, and looking like the only one to be over 100 points per player right now

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