8 Rookie Midfield Tactic- Give me some Feedback/Discussion anything helps

Discussion in 'AFL' started by bkp130, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. bkp130

    bkp130 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    B- Goddard, Deledio, Shaw, Birchall, Broughton, Yarran, Hanley (Ellis, Bugg(e))
    M- Caddy, Coniglio, Hoskin-Elliot, Wingard, shiel, Ledger (stevens(e), Magner)
    R- Munford, Luenberger (Giles, Reddan)
    F- Franklin, Fyfe, Martin, Cloke, Sidebottom, Dangerfield, Devon Smith (Folau(e), Hall)

    As the name suggests im trying the tactic with 8 rookie midfielders and loading up on premium fowards, backs and rucks. So far looking at mummy for captain

    All feedback is welcome no matter if its positive/negative/whatever just say something.

    Thanks in advance for commenting
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You have a similar amount of premiums in Fwd and Def as me, and I've got 3 elite mids as well.

    If you want your FWD & DEF lines loaded up, i reckon changing to a 1-0-3 ruck line is better strategy than 8 rookie mids.

    Elite mids are bread and butter. Necessity to score well.
    And we saw how rucks scored so well under new formula last season, so even rookie rucks should do well with game time.

  3. bigshow

    bigshow Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Not for me personally, i like the security of having three or four of the top scoring players in my side from day one. Some of your rookies have JS issues (Ledger and Stevens). Yarran, Sidebottom, Dangerield and Hanley can be unpredictable and i dont believe Folau and Hall will be decent foward rookies. Someone tell me if im wrong, but didnt last years winner do this 2 years ago and come out the following year and win 50k???
  4. eagles2011

    eagles2011 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    You need a perma-capt as well
  5. TerryinBangkok

    TerryinBangkok Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Points are made in MID.

    This year is very different from last, requiring more team balance. Every cow you put out to pasture eventually requires a trade. The more cows you have, the more trades you will have to burn to upgrade them. Cashing in a cow for a premium usually requires 2 trades. One up, one down. You also have a number of mid-pricers in there who will also eventually require upgrading. More trades.

    Different, yes, but suggest you consider carefully and have a well thought out trading strategy planned.
  6. Das Phoenix

    Das Phoenix Guest

    My son has gone this way but he has cobbled together a far better initial set up than the above (about which I am sworn to secrecy) including a Perma-Captain, and quite frankly, I think it has a big chance.
    In fact I'm a little jealous of his lateral thinking.
    He has just 8 upgrades to a full premium team and is safe in the knowledge that all his players will definately start and least likely to be vested (excluding injury) how comforting is that!!
    After his start yesterday I think I'll hand over the cash now.
  7. gogonz

    gogonz New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Supercoach_Junkie on March 25, 2012, 19:58
    My son has gone this way but he has cobbled together a far better initial set up than the above (about which I am sworn to secrecy) including a Perma-Captain, and quite frankly, I think it has a big chance.
    In fact I'm a little jealous of his lateral thinking.
    He has just 8 upgrades to a full premium team and is safe in the knowledge that all his players will definately start and least likely to be vested (excluding injury) how comforting is that!!
    After his start yesterday I think I'll hand over the cash now.</blockquote>

    Keep us updated. Hope he goes well and love to hear how it pans out. Post his team after rd 1 if you could. :)
  8. bkp130

    bkp130 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah i was thinking about going with a perma captain but it would defeat the purpose of me playing 8 rookies. its more of an expirment to see where i end up

    thanks everyone for the comments so far please keep them comming
  9. Herbie66

    Herbie66 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Have gone the all rookie GWS midfield :)

    Goddard, Scotland, Delido, Shaw, Grundy, Malceski, Ellis (Bugg and Townsend)

    Coniglio, Hoskin-Elliott, Greene, Smith, Shiel, McDonald (Tyson and Kennedy)

    Cox, Mumford (Giles, Big O/Redden)

    Franklin, Goodes, Fyfe, Pavlich, Martin, N-Riewoldt, Porplyzia (Cameron and Hampton)

    hoping can become D7, Malceski and Ellis to be sold uring the byes

    Porplyzia to be a cash cow, Roo to go during the byes

    4 downgrades/4 mid upgrades before the byes

    Cox and Mummy to be captain choices

  10. bkp130

    bkp130 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah mate it looks good. A bit more balanced than my side but i like the idea. im thinking about downgrading luenberger and using giles as R2 to give me more cash elswhere on the ground.

    Good to see someone else trying a similar tactic as well though
  11. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    <blockquote>Quote from Herbie66 on March 26, 2012, 10:25

    Have gone the all rookie GWS midfield :)

    Goddard, Scotland, Delido, Shaw, Grundy, Malceski, Ellis (Bugg and Townsend)

    Coniglio, Hoskin-Elliott, Greene, Smith, Shiel, McDonald (Tyson and Kennedy)

    Cox, Mumford (Giles, Big O/Redden)

    Franklin, Goodes, Fyfe, Pavlich, Martin, N-Riewoldt, Porplyzia (Cameron and Hampton)

    hoping can become D7, Malceski and Ellis to be sold uring the byes

    Porplyzia to be a cash cow, Roo to go during the byes

    4 downgrades/4 mid upgrades before the byes

    Cox and Mummy to be captain choices


    It's a bit late now to say anything other than "best of luck for the season". But for what it's worth I think you'll get hurt while upgrading.
    Right now you have 11 premiums. With luck, Riewoldt might get back to that category. Might.

    That leaves you needing 11 upgrades to get a full premium team on the park. Typically, that will mean 2 trades per upgrade, one down, one up. 22 trades out of 24 to get your team right...That doesn't give you a lot of margin for error on selection or injury.

    Like I said, good luck, and I hope it works for you, but I seriously think you're in for a tough season.
  12. bkp130

    bkp130 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I think that this tactic could work though for both me and herbie. its definatley hit or miss but it will be interesting to see how they go.

    please keep the comments comming
  13. AngLee

    AngLee Guest

    In my B grade team I have done something similar just to test the theory. My thoughts are the likes of Pendle, Swan, Mitchell, Murphy, Boyd, Rockliff will come of &#36;50,000 - &#36;150,000 in the first 6 - 8 rounds. I have a perm capt in Ablett. Started 3 Prem in the Def/Fwd, 2 Pem in Mid and 1 in Ruck. Targetted a few &#36;250k players that I'm hoping will grow to &#36;400k. Also have &#36;1.1mil in the bank to bounce when they are ready.
  14. fidelsfinger

    fidelsfinger New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    bkp, are you going for points, or league win?
    With your structure, I expect you'll start off slowly but make more profit than the average entry,
    your team towards the end should be worth significantly more than rivals, allowing for a strong finish,
    but you'll be a long way behind the leaders, on points.
    Suitable for chasing league win, but not so good for points.
  15. bkp130

    bkp130 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yeah im only really going for the league win in my work league so it will be interesting how it pans out. Im also contemplating running with 3 rookie rucks and mumford so i can spend more in premium fowards. worked out i can have all my backs as premiums and all but 2 fowards premiums. still undecided though

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