A Fantasy Friend in need is a Fantasy Friend indeed!

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Gonaddz, Jul 2, 2012.

  1. Gonaddz

    Gonaddz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi guys how are we traveling?

    I wanted to pick some brains as I am finishing up my team.

    Midfield and Ruck are Done Only 1 spot in Forward line (Dickson)

    I need to sort out my defense and just checking if I'm doing the right thing being a 1st time SC player.

    My line looks like this:

    Deledio, Goddard, Scotland, Lake, Shaw, Hargrave, Mohr (Darley, Smedts)

    I have 7 trades left and want to bring in Carrots and possibly Hurn for Lake and Hargrave or do I just take out Mohr for carrots and save trades? Some guidance would be nice as I'm all new to this. Thanks for taking a look its very much appreciated.
  2. A friend with Fantasy Weed is better.

    For me it would depend on how many trades you have left, but as it is I personally would be leaving Lake or Hargrave and trading out Mohr, Darley or Smedts to strengthen your back-line. Best case you'll have all premiums on field but again that really comes down to trades left and personal preference
  3. Gonaddz

    Gonaddz Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hahaha cheers BB! I'll make sure I'll bring some digitized Blue Bud for your help! With 7 trades it give me a lot to think about as Hargrave has been gone for a while after scoring some nasty points but every1 tells me he is good so don't know what to do. Damn I hate forks in the road sometimes.

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