A Jeremy Cameron question..

Discussion in 'AFL' started by NumberWonGuns, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. NumberWonGuns

    NumberWonGuns New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    For those with Jeremy Cameron, myself being one, here is a question directed at you! He churned out only 40 points against the Swans with limited supply/chances but what do you do with him if he racks up the same numbers in Rd.2? Do you hold onto him knowing you picked him for a reason or do you jump on another FWD rookie you may have missed who is scoring better with similair job security blowing an early trade? To me Cameron looks to be last years Charlie Dixon who will only pump out scores of 40's and 50's but has great job security and is highly rated by everyone in Giant land, no more importantly than Sheeds. So what will you do?
  2. AngryAnt

    AngryAnt New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'm not sure why anyone thought that Cameron was a good option having seen Dixon from last season, young key position forward playing for the worst side in the league, there were enough on-ballers classified as forwards from GWS that were better options (Smith, Kennedy). If it's part of your trading strategy to trade out under-performing rookies pre-round 3, then he could be a candidate for a trade out.
  3. TN

    TN Wanderers

    Jan 3, 2016
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    NWG - good question. I didn't watch the game, but I believe his score would have been even less if they didn't put him in the backline in last qtr to get closer to the action, which is a worry. I picked him because of JS and never expected him to set the world on fire SC score wise, but didn't expect 40 either. A pass for me would have been in the 50's, so will be waiting to see what he does in round 2. I can't see myself trading him for another FWD rookie unless there is an obvious choice to trade into and there is no other FWD rookie option in my team with less JS than Cameron after the first 2 rounds.
  4. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    After 2 rounds, there'll be a rookie that you've missed pumping out 90-100's.
    Salary predictions and break evens will tell you whether to trade your dud to the new glamour kid.
    FWIW, I've always been resigned to making a correctional trade. I don't reckon many could be lucky enough to get all their 12/15-odd rookies correct - or close enough that a trade's not necessary.
    As AA said, "if it's part of your trading strategy....."

    Edit: Sorry I should add - the correctional trade can be a wise move if you trade into a rookie that allows a single up/down later in the year AS OPPOSED TO a double down/one up.
    You could get your trade back but a crystal ball is still required.
  5. Nick

    Nick Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Especially with 4 more trades that we usually have (ignore last year), I think a few correctional is expected, unless lady luck is on your side and you nailed them all!

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