AFL Live First Impressions

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Midge001, Apr 19, 2011.

  1. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So, I've just had a play around on AFL Live on the PS3, I've played one game and had a muck around in training. This isn't so much a review, but the points that have stood out to me. 1. Gameplay feels good early, you've gotta be quick on the hands if you get the ball with opposition close to you, it's a little hard to judge fully as I'm still getting used to the controls. 2. On that, controls are simple for the most part, with the ball, O handballs, X kicks to a team-mate, Square kicks for goal. R2 is a modifier for torpedoes, snaps and the like. 3. Dennis and BT are the commentators, lacks polish but is serviceable. 4. All the current rules are in, currently playing NAB cup, complete with a free-kick for out of bounds. 5. Game is relatively difficult, especially compared to past versions, I kicked the first couple, then the Eagles got on a run and kicked 7 in a row. 6. There are several different camera angles, side on, broadcast, or behind the play. Each has its own zoom level. I'm finding behind the play the best way to see what's afield. 7. Score presentation is neat, some of the stats on display each quarter include leading stats getters, then team inside 50s, disposals, uncontested V contested possesions, turnovers, tackles, time in possesion etc. 8. You can make substitutions on the fly, although I found it a little easier from the pause menu as it gives you time to think. You can also set it to automatic with a few different methods (High rotations, balanced, or low), on team management, there are also a several sliders on game-style, play-on and be aggressive or take it more cautiously. You can also choose to tag opposition players if you like. 9. Finally, there's an ample amount of trophies for the Playstation Network fans. I just picked up one for "End to End", scoring a goal from a kick-in without the opposition touching it. Others I saw include scoring a goal from beyond 50, hitting the post, gathering more than 40 possessions etc.
    That's pretty much it for now, there's been the odd weird thing happen, kicks not going where I'd hoped, but I'm putting it down to me getting my head around it so far, early signs are good.
  2. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Side-note, that half of footy was actually a full game (Bloody NAB cup) and I sat here listening to the WC theme song the whole time I typed this, so blame any typos on my brain being distracted and a little hurt...Holy Grail (Was it ever not going to be included?) Is playing as a menu song at the moment...
  3. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Pretty much spot on with the summary there Midge.. Im struggling to get used to all the controls and what does what.. One thing that annoys me is that you pretty much have to kick the ball as soon as you get it otherwise you get tackled, you have only a split second it seems.
    Goal kicking is pretty simple which is good. Finding the ruck hitouts the hardest part this far, oh and the fact the computer always hits up a target and you dont get a chance to spoil or mark... But thats probably just me being average at the game so far.

    Oh and another thing ive noticed is the fact Kosi is just as crap in the game as he is in real life :p
  4. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I was able to find a few moments where I was able to have a bit of a run...I think as time goes on it'll become more apparent when a gap opens up. Had the same trouble with passes getting picked in NBA2k11 :p Agree with the ruck, got the odd centre bounce away but I don't think I laid a hand on any stoppages/throw-ins. Mind you, I plaid all three games against Sandi and Cox, so that might account for it. Trying to suss out the best option for changing player, either automated or manual...I'm thinking manual will be the way to go tonight, it got a tad frustrating when you are running towards a ball when the game changes your controlled player to a closer team-mate coming in from the opposite direction causing you to run the wrong way.
    Oh, and the Hawks defenders struggle against talls, also as in real life ;)
  5. Fez

    Fez Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Heard some bad stories about the game so far I hope it's not true, what difficulty are people playing on it, if easy and getting pumped not a good sign
  6. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How accurate is the stats feature?

    I know on PS2 the disposal count by the end of the game was pretty random..

    Is there best on ground at the end of the game?

  7. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    There were 5 stages of difficulty, I was playing it on the 2nd one (forget what it was called) First two games I played as Hawks V WC then Freo, lost by 6 goals, then 2 goals. Then played as Collingwood V Freo and won by 7 goals. I don't think difficulty will be an issue once you get used to it, but I do think that as you crank it up it will still be challenging, which is a positive for me. I'd rather it be slightly uncomfortable than to win by 20 goals every game.
  8. Midge001

    Midge001 Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    As for stats, it seemed pretty in-line with what was going on, but I wasn't exactly sitting there with a notepad marking down how many marks Sandi took (Too many!...) I don't remember seeing a BOG, but they do have leading stats (Most disposals, goals). I know they have the Brownlow, but I was only playing NAB games, it's possible that in the full season mode they'll give some BOG indications, but I'm totally speculating.
  9. stowie

    stowie Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I played through a couple of quick matches last night. The more I played and got used to the controls the more I enjoyed it.
  10. chris88

    chris88 1000 Monkeys at 1000 Typewriters Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Controls take a bit of time and effort to learn - but that's OK - helps make the game a bit more of a challenge.

    I played on rookie difficulty (second lowest) for two or three games. Didn't score in the first game, got done by two goals in the second, and then drew the third.

    Thought - "OK, I'll drop down to the lowest level till I get used to things". Played two games there - won the first by 2 goals and was murdering Carlton in the second by 50+ points when the game froze (annoying, but it happens).

    I'll be going back up to rookie difficulty quick smart I think. Once the controls "click" in your head, you should be away.

    The gameplay itself is very very good. Only two things holding it back from being even better are the sprint button not having enough of an effect in breaking away from an opponent, and the tough time you have breaking away from contests after ruck ball ups or general ball ups. Lots of tackling without being able to break the contest open.

    Kicking and handballing are good. Kicking for goal a challenge but again, well executed. Tackles are bone crunching. Spoils and marks competently handled.

    Love the way you can pinpoint targets through good kicking and go from defence to attack without the opposition getting a touch.

    Commentary is awful, but that's not BigAnt's fault. They got someone else to look after the commentary apparently and they didn't do their job really well. Graphics are passable. Will never win awards, but I'd rather have good core gameplay to be honest.

    A patch fixing a couple of game play issues - particularly to do with AFL season play - is on its way which is good. Understandable it is a bit late given the game is out 3 days early.

    Midge - BOG and all that stuff definitely happens during the normal season play.

    What I'd like to see is the ability to view stats after each game as well.

  11. DC

    DC Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Awesome review Chris - Might need to go down to JB over the weekend and pick up a copy (If they are not sold out)

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