Benefit of Hindsight League

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Clutties, May 19, 2011.

  1. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Aah...The benefit of hindsight. Looking at your team and asking yourself, "Why didn't I field this team at the start?". Could you have fielded this team at the start of the season? Turns out that I could! Using the 2011 season starting prices, I actually could have started with this team, and more importantly, saved myself 10 trades!

    So, who's up for this painful experience of re-calculations? I think some of you will be surprised how close you will be to the $10mil salary cap- (using starting prices). So I dusted off an old e-mail address...and I DID start again! I realise most of you are 'Too Serious', & are probably already running 5 emails...but for those of you who aren't, (or who want a 6th one...), here is 'The Benefit of Hindsight' league code : 954958.

    But wait! There's more! Not only do you get the steak knives, but you get Unlimited trades until the round's lockout, 24 trades, & you don't have to decide anymore between Puopolo, Hibberd, I.Smith & Jacobs. You can have them all! See how your Hindsight stacks up.
  2. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Oh, I forgot to state the obvious.

    Of course your current team is worth about $12mil, yeah? So there's no way it will fit into the $10mil salary cap using the current player prices. Well, I'm sure you'll find that your profit is that of the current Cash Cows, Zac Smith, Heppell, Krakouer, Duigan, Swallow, Harris, Tapscott etc... But you were gonna cull those cows anyway, so you just do it now. And get all the boys on the bubble.

    You have enough trades now to just swap/& reswap your premiums that are missing each week, and have a bit more you trade like a crazy person, pressed up against the Myer doors, waiting for them to open at the start of The Boxing Day Sale!
  3. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well the results are in. And there seems to be no benefit at all! Our league got merged with some nuffies...(can't believe so many people sign up Round 9!). But anyhoo...of the 4 or 5 of us playing with 'The Benefit of Hindsight', our top score was only 2152! In my 'normal' league- full of family & friend nuffies- there were 8 of us that beat this score! And in my 'Too Serious' league, 5 of us topped 2400.

    So, even with the power to pick a full squad of 33, we could not even crack 2200. Interesting to see the variables of other's team selections. VERY different! Perhaps next week there will be some higher scores. I still don't get it though...I picked a smokin' hot team, much better than my 'other' team I thought, & it pretty much sucked this week. Just goes to show that the achieving POD's, coupled with the right combination of performing Premiums does the trick. People who have stuck by their Premiums- like Goddard, N.Riewoldt, Montagna etc. (all Saints--aaargh!), are reaping the rewards. Add Buddy Franklin, Selwood, Cox, Heppell, Lower, Pavlich & it's easy to see how big scores were posted this week. Not sure too many of us had Josh Kennedy & Luke Shuey from Weagles though!
  4. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    I like this, it ties in well with Silverback thread on the best team for each week. Just goes to show how tough it is to pick the guys that will go off- and when they'll do it!
  5. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Scores after round 10 : We all got around 2150-2250. About the average score for this round I reckon. Doesn't seem to matter how you go about it but it always seems to be very difficult to get ALL your premiums to score well, ALL at the same time! Silverback's TOTR, (should be up soon I hope), HAS plotted a bit of a pattern for some premiums who have made the TOTR, 2 or 3 times this year. But with guys like Boak, Clark, Guerra & Stevie J all turning it on at the same time...I mean, seriously, who has got all these four in their side?! Would you believe I have Boak, SJ & Clark in my DreamTeam?! Ranked 144th this week! Had to tell someone...
  6. Clutties

    Clutties New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Congrats to the 'TrueSainters' team who scored a whopping 2558! The rest of us sucked this week, with the usual scores of around 2100-2200. Very disappointing in a round where everybody else was posting record scores. Oh well, at least we all still have 20 trades left!
  7. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well the Benefit of Hindsight hit again in R13 with Who Knows!!! representing our league with a nice score of 2448 to make it to =28th for the week.

    Although not as high as True Sainters effort a couple of weeks ago, it was a fairly good score for the round.

    As for the rest of us, it was a mixed bag with The Squirrels, Tree Huggers & True Sainters all posting decent scores, then the rest of us ranging from a 2083 down to a lowly 1458!!!

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