Bobby Davis

Discussion in 'AFL' started by crew, May 18, 2011.

  1. crew

    crew New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Was very sad to hear the news on Bobby yesterday and pass my regards on to those closest to him.
    I smile when I hear his name as I started playing football when I was 9 and watched the Wide World Of Sports like a religon from that day on. With Bob, Captain Blood, Lou, Sandy Roberts, Sam Newman, Doug Wade....ect it was as much a 2 hour comedy as a sports show !. Bobby, Lou and Captain Blood done numerous skits and I still remember a lot of them and lmao. A measure of the man is for what he achieved on the field as a player and coach they will talk more about his life post VFL football. No doubt they will celerbrate his life rather than mourn his passing as no doubt he was a "Glass half full" sort of bloke.

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