Break evens

Discussion in 'AFL' started by battyb, Apr 12, 2011.

  1. battyb

    battyb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Is it posted somewhere (or can someone post it) as to what the break even prices are for various wage levels?

    By which I mean, what is a 70/80/90/100 point etc average 'worth' in $ when a player's price peaks and enters maintenance mode.

    The reason I ask is to get a rough guestimate of what eventual profit a player may have. eg If they are currently $280k and I read them to be an 8o point average player, what price will they end up as?

    I know that I can use the salary calculator for individual players, I was just hoping for rough guidelines I can use mentally when assessing various trade options.
  2. Lucas

    Lucas Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    In the past I've used 5000 as a very simple rule of thumb.

    Avg 20 x 5000 = 100k
    Avg 30 x 5000 = 150k
    Avg 40 x 5000 = 200k
    Avg 50 x 5000 = 250k
    Avg 60 x 5000 = 300k
    Avg 70 x 5000 = 350k
    Avg 80 x 5000 = 400k
    Avg 90 x 5000 = 450k
    Avg 100 x 5000 = 500k
    Avg 110 x 5000 = 550k
    Avg 120 x 5000 = 600k

    It's a touch better value than this now, as obviously the 'magic' number is not 5000.

    But as it's not as easy to work it out so simply with the current number, this fairly decent rule of thumb will at least point out some decent trading options.

    From there, you will have to use the individual calculator as you have suggested Battyb.
  3. battyb

    battyb New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks Lucas

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