Brownlow Recap

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Devoed, Sep 21, 2010.

By Devoed on Sep 21, 2010 at 10:00 AM
  1. Devoed

    Devoed New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Well done to Chris Judd picking up a massive 30 votes, where anything over 25 was probably unexpected to most of us.  Judd pretty much polled 3 in every game he was a chance to, and also picked up some handy minor votes as well.  Interestingly, Ablett polled in more games, and Swan polled in an equal amount of games to Judd (12).

    Some things are for sure after last night - Dane Swan will never win a brownlow (kudos for those who were saying this throughout the year...).  He could not have a better year, and finished with 24 - well below the +30 tally I was predicting.

    Ablett polled slightly better than expected, whereas the other favourite Hodge also was pretty unlucky finishing with just 16.


    Scott Thompson finished with his predicted 15 votes and comfortably the most for Adelaide.  Brown finished slightly ahead of Rischitelli as expected.  Judd was always going to win the Carlton vote, but to win by 21 - I dont think anybody could have predicted that.  Swan, although not polling as high as expected had a big enough buffer to hold off Pendlebury by 3 votes.  Watson won comfortably, and Ablett held off Selwood by the predicted 5 votes I had them separated by.  Hodge, like Judd, took home the most votes for Hawthorn, finishing just 1 ahead of Mitchell (thank f*** for the massive buffer there).  Sylvia tied with Davey, who was a suprise packet, yet Sylvias odds were strong enough to make it worthwhile even after splitting in two.  Travis Boak did excellently, finishing comfortably ahead of his main rivals, and paid good odds also.  Deledio, like Sylvia, had strong enough odds to make his tie with J Riewoldt worthwhile.  Goodes finished the predicted 3-4 ahead of Jack, and Boyd and Priddis both went on to win comfortably also - Boyd with very good odds considering.  13 from 16 aint bad...but,


    Barlow not polling in that first game sure f***ed up a lot of peoples multis - he recovered to finish with 12 (2 lower than expected), however Sandilands polled tremendously well by anyones reckoning.

    Swallow getting pipped by Harvey also hurt - lost it when he polled 1 vote in the loss to Essendon, and Harvey polled 2 (I had Swallow with 2 and Harvey not polling).  Had that game gone as expected, Swallow would have been home.

    Brendon Goddard.  In the Swan, Hodge, Chapman category of not polling as much as he should have.  Lenny Hayes was always the danger.

    The trend here, is the 3 out of the 16 that went down: in my predictions all were only one vote ahead of their proven-vote-winning rival...this will need to be taken into account for future calculations me thinking...

    Anybody who went the 210 vote method, and followed my tips would have at least got 7/10 correct, and as much as 10.  Pity I didnt follow my own advice...

    I went with 5 certainties (loosely thrown word)...Hodge, Swan, Goodes, Watson & Thompson, and then 21 combinations of 5 from 7 maybes: Deledio, Boak, Boyd, Sylvia...and then Barlow, Swallow and Goddard....

    So - How did everyone else go????


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Devoed, Sep 21, 2010.

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