Bug, Damn Bugs and statist...bugs.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jake_in_NT, Apr 2, 2012.

By Jake_in_NT on Apr 2, 2012 at 10:00 AM
  1. Jake_in_NT

    Jake_in_NT New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Alright, as with the start of every new year, we tend to find a group of new bugs that pop up, some are from things that I missed when rolling the season over, others are new, while others got introduced with the server move.

    So, I just want to list down the ones found so far here, so you guys can stop emailing me about them!! :D


    1. The League tracker- Yes, its down at the moment. Well, sortof- down in that its not grabbing any teams- but up in that you can enter in the tids for your leagues. Im currently re-coding how it goes about this, so dont worry if its not grabbing your teams, just get your tids in their and well work it as we go along.

    2. The League trackers super secret, donor only, auto upload functionality- yep, this one is down, it needs a bit of a re-coding for the 2012 season (as a lot of the site has undergone) - Ill hopefully get to coding this on Wednesday night... hopefully.

    3. Registering - Ive been told that a few people havent been able to register due to their "email accounts already being registered" - if anyone has any more info on this one, Id love to hear it as yet, Ive been unable to replicate it.

    4. Ticker - The GWS are currently represented as byes. Yep, they sure are- I remember when we had this bug with the Suns as well- never fear though, Ill get this sorted soon enough, just have some time-critical issues to correct first.

    5. Teams are gone - Yep, this is a symptom of #1, as both procedures share the same code base, meaning that when the system rolled over to round 1, it didnt go and grab the new teams as it should have. In the short term, you should be able to simply upload your team again, but I should have this sorted automatically by next lockout.

    6. Live scores page- Looks like the darn ad/player stats is blocking the chat from our fine friends using safari. Its on the list. :D

    I think thats the lot of em at the moment. Im getting through what I can, but the team uploads and the league tracker is the priority at the moment.

    Still, if youve found any issues that Ive missed here, drop a message in the comments there- Id love to get it fixed up!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Jake_in_NT, Apr 2, 2012.

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