DT Talk has a good review of the BYe round theory : http://dreamteamtalk.com/2012/03/20/afl-dream-team-bye-structure-theory/ but I think an important thing has been neglected: It's important to balance out the Premium donuts bc these are worth much more than a rookie donut ie: we can use a certain rule-of-thumb 8-11-11 numbering system but this does not account for the premium to rookie ratio. A rookie donut costs 70 pts but a premium cld lose 120. So Im not having more than 2 premiums from any Bye week in any line. Discuss.
<blockquote>Quote from GaryReal on March 21, 2012, 11:49 So Im not having more than 2 premiums from any Bye week in any line. Discuss.</blockquote> More than 2 prems in one line I think is asking for a sideways trade, or trouble or both. Plenty of decent options outside this.
I get what you're saying Gary but without sideways trading how can you change which donut you get? Your choices are from players missing that round so no matter who is on the bench and who is on the field, that donut is still worth 0
I'm definitely not thinking to sideways trade. i think the trick is to make sure each line has as close to 2 round 11 premiums by round 11. the rookies are mostly irrelevant bc they shld be already out-traded at that point into rounds 12 and 13 rookies, who will then be traded DURING rounds 12 and 13.if not, they are low cost zeros. It seems clear to me but maybe im looking at a mirror from the circus, one of those bent ones?