Bye Strategy

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Senator96, May 7, 2013.

  1. Senator96

    Senator96 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    How will everyone be approaching the bye rounds this year? Its now a month away and I must admit that i didnt put any thought into it at all this year but still being very much alive in overall i probably should given that it will be upon us in a month. A look at my team shows that i'll have 9 out in round 11, 9 againin round 12 and 12 in round 13. how does this compare with other teams? im probably pretty lucky that its as even a spread as that tbh. The main problem is i have chosen a lot of premiums from round 13 but im guessing that its probably better to have lower number of players selected from teams with the first bye as they can always be traded in over the following two weeks. Thoughts?
  2. The_General

    The_General Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I would think in 4 weeks time the majority around here will have a fully upgraded team already (assuming we keep Kennedy, Berger, Goodesfor a little while longer)so it is an interesting though regarding who to bring in. I reckon this year though given the bye rules, its more important to bring in the bargains (e.g. Priddis next week) rather than focussing to heavily on the bye's.
  3. Mad_Mattigan

    Mad_Mattigan Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Also affected by the fact we only field 18 ( I think) players during the byes this year...
    MPP options will be GOLD!
  4. Senator96

    Senator96 Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    can we still use 3 trades during the bye rounds or has that been scrapped?
  5. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    this is my understanding for the bye rounds in SC - happy to be corrected if i am wrong 3 trades allowed in rounds 11/12/13 teamsfield 22 players as per normal (I expect to have some donuts and around 20 each week would be nice) teamsCANNOT setemergencies (or they wont function and thefore you cant use the emergency loophole) so if you only have 1 defender with a bye in round 11 you have to figure which 6 to select the best 18 scores from the 22 are counted (the lowest 4 scores are dropped if you are lucky enough to have a full 22, not sure what happens if the captains score is one of the 4 lowest ??????????????) the captains loopholeCAN still be used, including by making a round 11 bye player your captainduring round 11 (they will only lock when the last game starts) or as normal with a non playing rookie just be sure that you remember that there wont be any emergencies maybe this could be a good article to put up on the main page on a Monday or Tuesday after Round 7 or 8 ??

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