Champions League 1st Group Stage

Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 20, 2015.

By TheTassieHawk on May 20, 2015 at 10:00 AM
  1. TheTassieHawk

    TheTassieHawk SC fanatic Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The Champions League has 48 teams as per the pre-season nominations blog (

    The format of the comp is covered in full in the nominations blog. In the 1st Group Stage 8 groups of 6 teams battled it out in a round robin of 5 matches each from Rounds 3 to 7.

    The comp then moved to a 2nd Group Stage from Rounds 8 to 15.(

    After the completion of the group stages the 12 remaining teams will meet in knockout competition to decide the Champions League title:-

    During the 1st Stage teams in Groups A to H were ranked 1-6 as per regular league standings - ie W/L/D then % from all group matches. The top 3 teams in each group qualified for the 2nd Group Stage.


Discussion in 'Blog' started by TheTassieHawk, May 20, 2015.

    1. stripey
      Great stuff TTH, appreciate the time and effort this must have taken.
    2. anthak
      man, this is pretty damn good. You have put a lot into this.
      Im really looking forward to it.
      Especially my 2 LIVE matches :)
    3. Mick
      Group ABC - 6th Overall! Early days I know but I'm pretty pumped to be part of this group. Let's do this!
    4. Mad_Mattigan
      Such an amazing amount of work! Hopefully the basics can be reused it following years?
      Pretty pumped to get involved!... Now I just need to score more than 2000SC and I'm away!
    5. JPK
      That's fantastic work TTH, absolutely fantastic!

      You probably won't end up being the Champions League champion, but for organising all of this, you already are a champion!
    6. J_C
      Thanks for all the effort you've put in to get this up and going, TTH. Great stuff!!
    7. EddieV
      Great work tth looking forward to it kicking off
    8. TheTassieHawk
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 1 (AFL Rd3) RESULTS

      Group A Match 1 Aliir Squared (UndAch) 2066 def by Knights Who Say Ni (grav) 2114
      Group A Match 2 Heavymen (HeavyMen) 2121 def 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 1995
      Group A Match 3 Test Eagles (Zander) 2045 def Below the Radar (bjaensch) 1939

      Group B Match 4 Team Stripey (stripey) 1904 def by EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 1950
      Group B Match 5 Malteasers (Malteaser) 2136 def Flick My McBean (Seymour Skinner) 2068
      Group B Match 6 The Floggers (Jason) 1908 def by On a(Clenbute)Roll (BigRon81) 2031

      Group C Match 7 Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2111 def Kangas Dynasty (tonyc) 2097
      Group C Match 8 Carcinogenic Goats (Seany G) 2140 def Crafty Yarni (Crafty Yarni) 2126
      Group C Match 9 Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2084 def Blue Steele (blue steele) 2003

      Group D Match 10 THE MEGREMS (PHIL) 1963 def by We’re Flying High (Deano) 2057
      Group D Match 11 Simply The Breust (PL) 2074 def The Old Gillsy (TopHeavy) 2055
      Group D Match 12 That's A Paddling (JC) 2062 def WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 1927

      Group E Match 13 anthak  (Anthak) 2080 def by Highly Fevolved (POM) 2091
      Group E Match 14 Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 1932 def by TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2150
      Group E Match 15 Jacko's Dream (Jackos Dream) 2031 def Doobia Dominators (Doobs) 1939

      Group F Match 16 Wu-Tang Clan (WTC) 2196 def Wanderers (LBJ) 2073
      Group F Match 17 Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2102 def Ad's Adventurer's (EddieV) 1997
      Group F Match 18 SuperSquad2015 (TTH) 2121 def Simonoz (Simonoz) 1977

      Group G Match 19 Mierda (JPK) 1920 def by Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2064
      Group G Match 20 Tiger of Old (Tylo) 2158 def BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 1995
      Group G Match 21 BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2143 def Banchang Bullies (choppers) 2069

      Group H Match 22 Wafty Boxes (headmandude) 1945 def by SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2071
      Group H Match 23 Ahmed myself Saad (ViQBoZ) 1967 def by TentCrotchin (jp) 2116
      Group H Match 24 Whoknows? (GRG) 2000 def Bastow FC (bgt2110) 1974

    9. stripey
      Well I officially scored the lowest score for the first round... lucky to have played the next lowest team in my group so my percentage doesnt completely suck!
    10. HeavyMen
      Performed badly this week & now sit 1 - 1 after the Knights Who Say Ni touched me up.
      Big game this week against Aliir Squared to try & get ahead on the count!
    11. anthak
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 2 (AFL Rd4) RESULTS,
      ,Group A Match 25 Knights Who Say Ni (grav) 2050 def Heavymen (HeavyMen) 1803
      ,Group A Match 26 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 2186 def Test Eagles (Zander) 1843
      ,Group A Match 27 Below the Radar (bjaensch) 1840 def Aliir Squared (UndAch) 1802
      ,Group B Match 28 EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 2097 def by Malteasers (Malteaser) 2127
      ,Group B Match 29 Flick My McBean (Seymour Skinner) 2219 def The Floggers (Jason) 2082
      ,Group B Match 30 On a(Clenbute)Roll (BigRon81) 2028 def by Team Stripey (stripey) 2132
      ,Group C Match 31 Kangas Dynasty (tonyc) 2072 def Carcinogenic Goats (Seany G) 1941
      ,Group C Match 32 Crafty Yarni (Crafty Yarni) 2003 def by Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2016
      ,Group C Match 33 Blue Steele (blue steele) 2125 def Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2074
      ,Group D Match 34 We’re Flying High (Deano) 2121 def Simply The Breust (PL) 1988
      ,Group D Match 35 The Old Gillsy (TopHeavy) 2121 def by That's A Paddling (JC) 2164
      ,Group D Match 36 WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2063 def THE MEGREMS (PHIL) 2013
      ,Group E Match 37 Highly Fevolved (POM) 1892 def by Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 2080
      ,Group E Match 38 TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2021 def Jacko's Dream (Jackos Dream) 1943
      ,Group E Match 39 Doobia Dominators (Doobs) 2038 def by anthak  (Anthak) 2093
      ,Group F Match 40 Wanderers (LBJ) 2009 def by Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2041
      ,Group F Match 41 Ad's Adventurer's (EddieV) 2182 def SuperSquad2015 (TTH) 2081
      ,Group F Match 42 Simonoz (Simonoz) 1861 def by Wu-Tang Clan (WTC) 1995
      ,Group G Match 43 Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 1980 def Tiger of Old (Tylo) 1917
      ,Group G Match 44 BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2220 def BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2119
      ,Group G Match 45 Banchang Bullies (choppers) 2033 def Mierda (JPK) 1883
      ,Group H Match 46 SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2118 def Ahmed myself Saad (ViQBoZ) 1864
      ,Group H Match 47 TentCrotchin (jp) 1895 def by Whoknows? (GRG) 2123
      ,Group H Match 48 Bastow FC (bgt2110) 1988 def Wafty Boxes (headmandude) 1953
    12. That KI Guy
      That KI Guy
      yeah considering my Knights a bit lucky given the scoring averages in other Group leagues. will come home to roost if I don't lift my game.
    13. HeavyMen
      I should have played Aliir Squared this week, woulda won by 1 pt :)
    14. HeavyMen
      Congrats to you TTT, a well run comp that makes an interesting add to our SC activities.

      Keep up the good work (please) :)
    15. Zander
      Pretty sure you will get through to the next round, Grav. Any chance you could throw this one for me???
    16. EddieV
      Thanks TTH good to have a win over supersquad now to try and get into the top 3
    17. PHIL
      Yay finally got a win, Might need a hat trick to make it through.
    18. BigRon81
      2015 TS Champions League Match Day 3 (AFL Rd5) RESULTS,
      ,Group A Match 49 Aliir Squared (UndAch) 2188 def Heavymen (HeavyMen) 2148
      ,Group A Match 50 Test Eagles (Zander) 2165 def Knights Who Say Ni (grav) 2151
      ,Group A Match 51 Below the Radar (bjaensch) 2243 def 22 Ton Salute (schmicko) 2140
      ,Group B Match 52 Team Stripey (stripey) 2273 def Malteasers (Malteaser) 2119
      ,Group B Match 53 The Floggers (Jason) 2174 def by EreCumDeOtStepperFC (Mick) 2239
      ,Group B Match 54 On a(Clenbute)Roll (BigRon81) 2162 def by Flick My McBean (Seymour Skinner) 2205
      ,Group C Match 55 Lightning Bolt (thokash) 2069 def Carcinogenic Goats (Seany G) 1939
      ,Group C Match 56 Fantasy Addicts (jamabadar) 2183 def Kangas Dynasty (tonyc) 2146
      ,Group C Match 57 Blue Steele (blue steele) 2221 def Crafty Yarni (Crafty Yarni) 2181
      ,Group D Match 58 THE MEGREMS (PHIL) 2277 def Simply The Breust (PL) 2132
      ,Group D Match 59 That's A Paddling (JC) 2214 def We’re Flying High (Deano) 2132
      ,Group D Match 60 WhoGibbsa FC (peanuts) 2213 def by The Old Gillsy (TopHeavy) 2255
      ,Group E Match 61 anthak  (Anthak) 2083 def by Bafingwood FC (stevebbb) 2118
      ,Group E Match 62 Jacko's Dream (Jackos Dream) 2108 def by Highly Fevolved (POM) 2227
      ,Group E Match 63 Doobia Dominators (Doobs) 2084 def by TheTassieTitans (Iain (BB)) 2234
      ,Group F Match 64 Wu-Tang Clan (WTC) 2065 def by Thru The Sticks (Nick) 2243
      ,Group F Match 65 SuperSquad2015 (TTH) 2161 def by Wanderers (LBJ) 2184
      ,Group F Match 66 Simonoz (Simonoz) 2186 def by Ad's Adventurer's (EddieV) 2279
      ,Group G Match 67 Mierda (JPK) 2288 def Tiger of Old (Tylo) 2211
      ,Group G Match 68 BeastMode (Tailgunner) 2219 def Oil, Beef, Hooked (MM) 2037
      ,Group G Match 69 Banchang Bullies (choppers) 2049 def by BLUEBAGGERS (DannyG) 2172
      ,Group H Match 70 Wafty Boxes (headmandude) 2170 def Ahmed myself Saad (ViQBoZ) 2024
      ,Group H Match 71 Whoknows? (GRG) 2020 def by SF Bulls (Tyze1) 2255
      ,Group H Match 72 Bastow FC (bgt2110) 2239 def TentCrotchin (jp) 2193
    19. JPK
      Finally got a win on the board. :)

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