Champions League.

Discussion in 'Blog' started by Beerman, Apr 15, 2011.

By Beerman on Apr 15, 2011 at 10:00 AM
  1. Beerman

    Beerman New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Welcome to the TOO SERIOUS

    Multi Bye Week Champions League Knockout Competition which is run over the 5 “multi bye” weekends throughout season 2011 as we search for the coach who really does take it TooSeriously.

    Remember we have 2 parts to this competition, H2H knockout & overall points winner. So even if your knocked out in Week 1, you will still be in the running to win the overall points. (overall points are just the 5 multi bye weeks scores)

    In case of a draw in any match during Week 1, the highest ranked team in the official supercoach rankings will go through to next round. During all other weeks the highest points scorer in the multi bye competition will go through. If still tied after that then highest ranked team in official supercoach rankings will progress to next round.

    Also, just a quick note to the Grogfather, weve saved you a spot- so if you still want it, let me know, otherwise weve got a ready replacement champing at the bit!

    For the full lineup and fixtures, check over the break.


    <ol type="1">

    <li><font size="3">stkildathunda – </font><a href=";tid=3197&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Big Test Icicles</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="2">

    <li><font size="3">Fez - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=18748" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Slug Heads</font>[/url]<font size="3"> </font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="3">

    <li><font size="3">Hornsy - </font><a href=";tid=4731&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">The Hornswagglers</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="4">

    <li><font size="3">BlueBeliever – </font><a href=";tid=30705&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">BlueBeliever</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="5">

    <li><font size="3">Simonoz –</font><a href=";tid=16306&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3"> simonoz</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="6">

    <li><font size="3">HeavyMen – <a href=";tid=60686&amp;lid=1" target="_blank">HeavyMen[/url]</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="7">

    <li><font size="3">Walsey - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=11" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3"></font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="8">

    <li><font size="3">Jo - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=1179" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Green Jellybeans</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="9">

    <li><font size="3">Eldinto – Scooteroos</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="10">

    <li><font size="3">Eleviathan - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=2600" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">The 'ELeviathans'</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="11">

    <li><font size="3">bfish – </font><a href=";tid=4939&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">tunas</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="12">

    <li><font size="3">stowie - Team Stowie</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="13">

    <li><font size="3">HudsonFysh - </font><a href=";tid=3362&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">The Fannie Bay



    <ol type="1" start="14">

    <li><font size="3">fryzie - </font><a href=";tid=642&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Rossmoyne Rebels</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="15">

    <li><font size="3">dazza0308 - bayside hawks</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="16">

    <li><font size="3">LiQuiD_SiX - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=197" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Licky My Nutz</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="17">

    <li><font size="3">PT - </font><a href=";tid=47276&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">PT's Cruisers</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="18">

    <li><font size="3">jb – Argonauts</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="19">

    <li><font size="3">Mick - </font><a href=";tid=2403&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">SUPERFLY FC</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="20">

    <li><font size="3">Lucas - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=5968" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Rommel's Legion</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="21">

    <li><font size="3">Hendy - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=3998" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">The Don't Argue</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="22">

    <li><font size="3">Ingall – </font><a href=";tid=876&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Loathsome</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="23">

    <li><font size="3">Jet - </font><a href=";tid=49466&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">IPIKDA WONG PRAYER</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="24">

    <li><font size="3">Grogfather –</font><a href=";tid=3932&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"> Grogfather[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="25">

    <li><font size="3">meataxe – </font><a href=";tid=33&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">meataxe</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="26">

    <li><font size="3">Becky – </font><a href=";tid=23338&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">TeamofGoddards</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="27">

    <li><font size="3">Doobs - </font><a href=";tid=276&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Doobia Dominators</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="28">

    <li><font size="3">Corks - </font><a href=";tid=26005&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Beauie Bling!</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="29">

    <li><font size="3">Ender – </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=74889" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">EnderTS</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="30">

    <li><font size="3">Holey - </font><a href=";lid=1&amp;tid=473" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Holey's Cattery</font>[/url]</li>


    <ol type="1" start="31">

    <li><font size="3">thokash - <a href=";tid=10&amp;lid=1" target="_blank">Lightning Bolt[/url]</font></li>


    <ol type="1" start="32">

    <li><font size="3">Chazticles - </font><a href=";tid=42772&amp;lid=1" target="_blank"><font color="#0000FF" size="3">Charlie's Chiefs</font>[/url]</li>


    WEEK 1 (Round 4)

    Match 1 - The Fannie Bay 42ers vs Rossmoyne Rebels

    Match 2 - simonoz vs tunas

    Match 3 - Rommel's Legion vs EnderTS

    Match 4 - <a href=";tid=4731&amp;lid=1" target="_blank">The Hornswagglers[/url] vs meataxe

    Match 5 - The Don't Argue vs Licky My Nutz

    Match 6 - Beauie Bling! vs Team Stowie

    Match 7 - Charlie's Chiefs vs Loathsome

    Match 8 - TeamofGoddards vs The 'ELeviathans'

    Match 9 - HeavyMen vs PT's Cruisers

    Match 10 - Doobia Dominators vs SUPERFLY FC

    Match 11 - Lightning Bolt vs BlueBeliever

    Match 12 - Slug Heads vs Argonauts

    Match 13 - Scooteroos vs Green Jellybeans

    Match 14 - vs bayside hawks

    Match 15 - Holey's Cattery vs Big Test Icicles

    Match 16 - Grogfather - vs IPIKDA WONG PRAYER

    WEEK 2 (Round 5)

    Match 17 - Winner of Match 9 vs Winner of Match 7

    Match 18 - Winner of Match 6 vs Winner of Match 16

    Match 19 - Winner of Match 5 vs Winner of Match 3

    Match 20 - Winner of Match 10 vs Winner of Match 13

    Match 21 - Winner of Match 11 vs Winner of Match 2

    Match 22 - Winner of Match 4 vs Winner of Match 14

    Match 23 - Winner of Match 12 vs Winner of Match 1

    Match 24 - Winner of Match 8 vs Winner of Match 15

    WEEK 3 (Round 6)

    Match 25 - Winner of Match 22 vs Winner of Match 21

    Match 26 - Winner of Match 17 vs Winner of Match 19

    Match 27 - Winner of Match 23 vs Winner of Match 18

    Match 28 - Winner of Match 24 vs Winner of Match 20

    <font>WEEK 4 (Round 16)

    Match 29 - Winner of Match 26 vs Winner of Match 25

    Match 30 - Winner of Match 28 vs Winner of Match 27

    Final (Round 19)

    Match 31 - Winner of Match 29 vs Winner of Match 30

    Personally, I feel a little bad for Scooteroos, whos coming up against the might that is the Green Jellybeans, but she does have a bunch of outs this week! ;)

    Oh, and a big thank you to StKildaThunda for getting all this set up in such a small timeframe! This should be fun to watch!


Discussion in 'Blog' started by Beerman, Apr 15, 2011.

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