Competitions update - Round 2

Discussion in 'Blog' started by tbird, Apr 6, 2010.

By tbird on Apr 6, 2010 at 10:00 AM
  1. tbird

    tbird New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    So, the ladder page is taking its time- I got a little too distracted with easter and its delicious chocolatey charms.

    <a href="">
    <img src="">[/url]
    Ive got the Tipping sorted for the week and the winner of this weeks <a href="">FootySystemBet[/url] winner is Ingall, being the only tipper to select 8 winners this week.

    Which is lucky, because he selected Simon Black as his tie breaker.

    Anyawys, Ingall, congratulations. Ill drop you an email and pass your details onto the fine folk at FootySystemBet.

    As with our last lucky winner, theyre a paid service, so dont go posting their tips around the place, but if you can give us an independant review of how it went for you at the end of the season, that would be excellent!

    <a href="">
    <img src="">[/url]
    And with our other Comp, the <a href="">Sideways Cup[/url], Ive got the top 20 scores posted up below.

    Ill endevour to get the ladder page up properly so you guys dont need to wait for me to post up the results to see how youve gone.

    Team Nameroundscore

    Life Post-Richo22515

    Batesys Bangers22514



    Mash Sticks22488

    Here He Is12454

    Mash Sticks12443



    Sturges Dirties12431

    brad stortch12429

    embrace failure12427

    What the ruck? FFC12423

    Ellis inWonderland12423


    Cooney is God12410

    Real Horrorshow12408

    Real Horrorshow22406


    Walrus FC22391


Discussion in 'Blog' started by tbird, Apr 6, 2010.

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