Compulsory Delistments remaining for the 2013

Discussion in 'ORFFA' started by Len, Jun 5, 2013.

  1. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    The below list details my understanding of the remaining compulsory delistments for each team and the maximum number of players that team needs to have by midnight on the 12th June, either through delistment or trading out players, team delistments beyond that value are optional.

    <table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' width='482' style='border-collapse: collapse; width: 362pt;] <col width='166' style='width: 125pt;[/img] <col width='93' style='width: 70pt;[/img] <col width='123' style='width: 92pt;[/img]
    <td class='xl69' style='height: 15pt; width: 125pt;]Team <td class='xl70' style='width: 75pt;]Used in PSD <td class='xl70' style='width: 70pt;]Remaining <td class='xl72' style='width: 92pt;]Squad # Required

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Birdsville <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Charlie's Opening <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Cradle Mountain <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Darraweit Guim <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Lovely Banks <td class='xl67]7 <td class='xl67]0 <td class='xl71]26

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Foul Bay <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Gariwerd <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Gundagai <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Iron Knob <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Larrikin Lagoon <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Marble Bar <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Mount Beauty <td class='xl67]5 <td class='xl67]1 <td class='xl71]25

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Nunawading <td class='xl67]7 <td class='xl67]0 <td class='xl71]26

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Powlett Plains <td class='xl67]7 <td class='xl67]0 <td class='xl71]26

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Venus Bay <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Wagga Wagga <td class='xl67]4 <td class='xl67]2 <td class='xl71]24

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Waikikamoocow <td class='xl67]6 <td class='xl67]0 <td class='xl71]26

    <td class='xl68' style='height: 15pt;]Whitsundays <td class='xl67]5 <td class='xl67]1 <td class='xl71]25

    As always let me know if I have made a blue somewhere in the detail..
  2. Fitzy

    Fitzy Guest

    Pretty sure I delisted 5 pre season because I traded my way up to 27 players, not 100% sure though, is there a link where we were putting who we were delisting? Might delist a few more anyway

  3. Len

    Len Cockburn Knightrider Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Fitzy wrote:
    Pretty sure I delisted 5 pre season because I traded my way up to 27 players, not 100% sure though, is there a link where we were putting who we were delisting? Might delist a few more anyway

    It's not the number you started at that counts, it's the number you ended at. If you ended the trading period with 37 players your compulsory delist was still to 22, and total to 20, so delisting 15 would still leave you two to go.. Let me know if that doesn't make sense, but that's the way it works atm.

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