DEF conundrum - mid pricers vs improving rookies

Discussion in 'AFL' started by grav, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. grav

    grav Guest

    Out of trades and in elim final.
    Trying to maximise points on paddock.

    Wondering which 2 DEF to field out of: Lake (avg 60 L3), Hanley (avg 70 L3),
    S Shaw (avg 93 L3) and Spurr (avg 79 L3)

    Lake has been a roller coaster all season.
    Hanley in breakout year but poor showing in last two games.
    Shaw continuing good form returning from eye injury (hope he isnt given job on Pav this week)
    Spurr played 4 in a row with reasonably consistent scores (although was vs WCE, Port, Melb & GWS)

    Leaning towards Hanley and Shaw.

    Thoughts appreciated.
  2. chibbingus

    chibbingus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    My two cents - Spurr and Hanley

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