
Discussion in 'AFL' started by weedoo, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    The bye rounds really messing me around, I'm thinking I wan't to throw Round 13 as I have a hard opponent and am little chance of winning, and then I can hopefully have better teams for this week and next week. I need to trade as I am sitting at 12th and need to start winning to make the 8. My options are:

    1. mohr(11) - birchall(13)
    smith(11) - williams(12)
    Birchall has the round 13 bye, so him and Mitchell are my only options I'm looking at for premiums. Smith is my #1 option to go, Williams looks the best bet, but has the bye next week.

    2. smith(11) - mitchell(13)
    horsley(13) - williams(12)
    Again Smith is my #1 to go, Horsley is out this week, may not play next week, and has the round 13 bye.

    3. smith(11) - mitchell(13)
    mohr(11) - shaw(11) (crows)
    Same as above except Mohr out, should play R12 and 13, but has less upside than Horsley and will make less money. Shaw and Williams both good options so not bothered with that.

    4. smith(11) - mitchell(13)
    mohr(11) - shaw(11)
    horsley(13) - elliot(12)
    3 trades to make money.

    5. mohr(11) - birchall(13)
    horsley(13) - williams(12)
    smith(11) - elliot(12)
    Same as option 4, except Birchall instead of Mitchell.

    6. NO TRADES

    Would love some help

  2. Obsession

    Obsession New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Man, honestly don't trade, i wouldn't have had any of them in my team, but then again there is clearly a class difference between my side, and your own.
    Although if i were in you shoes struggling along the long road that is this supercoach season, i'd do option 3.
    Love you man.
  3. hplate

    hplate New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    If your gonna pull the trigger then I agree with Obsession, smith > mitchell + mohr > shaw looks alright (if Shaw plays). Maybe consider Dal Santo if you don't have him already? Misses r.13 and has GC this week.
  4. weedoo

    weedoo Guest

    Shaw as in the Adelaide rookie however.
  5. warsaken

    warsaken Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Maybe look at Sexton (GCS, $128,800) as a downgrade option for this week, instead of Williams/Shaw/elliot. R13 bye (suits your tank13 strat), hasn't risen too much due to sub in first game.
  6. martyg

    martyg Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Save your trades man!

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