Do Captains Back Up?

Discussion in 'AFL' started by whips, Jun 18, 2011.

  1. whips

    whips New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Saw a couple of posts bemoaning Boyd's disappointing 91 after his 160-odd last week - especially from those who made him captain this week.
    So I've done some research on how some of the past few year's perma-captains have backed-up from 140+ scores.

    Stats relate to 2009-11 current including Boyd for relevance:
    Boyd (Scored 140+ 6 times, backed up with 111 average)
    Ablett (21 times, 134 ave)
    Swan (16 times 126 ave)
    Judd (12 times, 102 ave)
    Goddard (11 times, 136 ave)
    Sandilands (6 times 114 ave)

    Note: The back-up from 140+ scores in the last round of a season hasn't been included in the back-up average. It has been included in the no. of times scored.

    My conclusion: Essentially none. It's like a toss of a coin. Players revert to their average and may or may not hit a high score the following week.

    Those with Boyd as captain this week - unlucky!!

    Also, Sandilands surprises by being 140+ only 6 times.
  2. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Thanks for doing this. Interesting that Goddard and ablett almost ave 140 again. May show that when they get on a roll, they keep it going. Especially Goddard - GAJ has been consistently high almost all of the time, so it's not surprising to see his ave so high; but with BJ, he has only had 11 140+ games and has backed them up with a close to 140 ave - says to me that we should consider him as cap when in form. He topped 140 last week, so will be interesting to see how he goes this round now.
  3. Sainter

    Sainter New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Good stats, I'm one of those who had Boydy Captain

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