Dreamteam Strategies

Discussion in 'AFL' started by anthak, Jan 8, 2012.

  1. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Hi all,

    I have never really played Dreamteam Too Seriously before, but I plan to this year. Although maybe just aiming for league victory rather than overall.

    My new workplace have their work league in Dreamteam, so I will be in it - and want to win it of course.

    On face value, I presume it's best to pick players who are particularly suited to the DT scoring system - Sam Mitchell, Dane Swan, Colin Sylvia etc... Maybe even Rhys Palmer this year (basically high possession winners and/or players that may butcher the ball yeah :) lol) But I have also heard people say they usually have very similar teams in each.

    I'd love to hear some strategies of those TSers out there that play DT seriously.

    What sort of players do you pick?
    Is GnR approach just as good in DT as SC, or are Midpricers less of a gamble under DT scoring?
    Does the lower prices of players affect trading strategies at all?

  2. Personally Ant I tend to focus on the DT specific players more, guys like S Thompson and M Boyd seem to be consistently high scorers more so than in SC. Due to the prices and the fact that more possessions = more points I recommend mainly heading the GNR route to start your team selection but then squeezing in a few more mid-pricers than you would normally as they have a better chance of becoming keepers than in SC. I'm not a gun at DT but hope some of that at least gives you a bit more to think about
  3. Bearfly

    Bearfly Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Agree with BB Ant, S Thompson is definitely more suited to DT than SC mainly due to his regular poor DE
  4. bfish

    bfish New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Generally I have found the teams/structures end up pretty similar. Midfielders are still where the points are as with SC, although players such as Judd & Dal Santo tend to score better in SC due to contested ball, effective disposals etc. DT really rewards the guys who can take the uncontested mark and kick. Effectivesness is not an issue (Stanton) There is usually a chapter in the Prospectus dedicated to the players that do better in DT or SC. Rucks suffer a bit in DT because they only get 1 point per hit out, but in SC there are more points for an effective hit out (Mumford). You need rucks who get a few touches and tackles as well. I always find it tougher to pick defenders in DT. Guys like Fletcher and Newman score well in SC, but not so in DT.
  5. SuperCoachSuperStar

    SuperCoachSuperStar New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Generally important to pick rookies from high possesion teams.
  6. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Quantity is king in DT, but then, quantity generally equals a good SCer as well, so it's not too big a difference between the comps.

    I've tended to find though, that salaries change less in DT as the big and little games tend to be less frequent (ie, if a player averages 22 possessions a game, they tend to score around that, there's no 8 clangers or kick after the siren to turn a 110 game into a 160)

    Which for mine tends to lead to lead profit made from rookies (and less fall from premiums), adding greater importance to your starting team.
  7. Dave80

    Dave80 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Yep picking up high possession players that tackle heaps are g8 options. Stick with two prem rucks to start with as the trades tend to be a bit harder on DT. As mention above there isn't as much score fluctuations, less money from rooks and upgrade targets don't fall as much.
  8. anthak

    anthak Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Wow, great advice. Thanks so much.

    Some things to think about there for now.

    I'm thinking that it may be better to start with a few more midpricers than in SC... if the rooks are gonna rise slower, maybe it will be easier to pick a few midpricers that will get good disposal counts etc...

    Or is that more reason to stick to GnR - to squeeze out every bit of $$ generation possible?

    And as BB suggested, midpricers have more chance at becoming keepers in DT than SC.

    And- By the sound of it, the set and forget ruck line sounds logical. Just gotta find a couple of rucks that get high tackles and disposals.

    Thanks again everyone

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