I know y'all mostly play SC here, but anyone up for a DT league? Be warned though - the Hornsby Heifers are a deadly squad that conquer all who come before them. Bwhahahahhaa 857996 Cheers Sean
I'd be happy to join - my DT team went better than my SC team last year even though I spent half the amount of time on it.
League one is all full everyone - good luck to you all - I'm sure the Heifers will be mooing their victory song over you all. Mooooooooo. Assuming more are interested, TS DT league two is open now - 223526 And you've probably seen the thread but Brocky is starting a pro league for people averaging about 2100 - which is 790052.
League 2 is getting a bounce ... DT - 223526 Limited places available!! Well 11 actually. Come on over and see how the other half live
I'm in. For the long haul. DeLarge's Droogs. Value DT and SC equally, think both serve their purpose.
New to TS, but being doing DT since the days it was in the Age and had to keep a spreadsheet to workout the scores on a Monday! Looking forward to some competition. Team is BetterThan54.