Enough of the Monkey...

Discussion in 'Blog' started by joshua98, Jan 21, 2009.

By joshua98 on Jan 21, 2009 at 11:00 AM
  1. joshua98

    joshua98 New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Lets go BETA already.

    So, TS has been rebuilt from the ground up. Im hoping that it is now more stable.

    Along with the rebuild however, there is now a lot of new functionality and data availiable.
    (Some of it is active now, some of it wont work til the official figures are released and the season starts, and some of it is still in my head).

    The first thing you will notice is that there is a lot more data around the place. Sadly, it is restricted to players who are still of AFL lists however.
    Firstly, you can now go back into the past to view results from other years (with the above caveat). (ignore the salaries from prior years though, they arent right).

    Not only that, clicking on a player will now bring up a wealth of information on said player. From their past DT/SC/Y! scores, to their actual stats come gameday.
    Clicking on a game here will bring up a list of all players who played that game. [STILL IN HEAD]
    Clicking a team will bring up team based stats, including Total scored for, and Against. [CURRENTLY IN DEVELOPMENT]

    All links will be linkable- provided you are logged in, so linking to someones page/calculator will be easy. (currently the calculator isnt on the front end- and it wont be until the season starts.)

    On the accounts page, youll notice some new features over the old site. Namely, the Reference numbers, and the Watchlist Management.

    Using the SC/DT/Y! reference numbers, TS will- once the season starts- be able to automatically sync itself up with your currently published (see- viewable by all) team. If there is future demand to make that work faster, it should also be posible to hookup as username/password feature to have it log in automatically to your account and suck out the details. But thats only if people want it (Voting buttons at the ready).

    The Watchlist management will allow you to create your own watchlists, rather that be restricted to the one I game you last year. They are customisable, per competition, and will allow you to filter by them if you want.

    Theres a handy dandy score predictor called PPS which seems to go alright. It takes in a number of different variables including the players average, their current form, form against their opposition, form at the ground they are playing as well as how good their opposition is at stopping that type of player. Slightly complex, and completely optional.

    Also, your TS login will now also automatically create a forum login for you, so no more porn ads! (Though you might still need to create a seperate account to leave comments... damn wordpress!)

    So have a tour of the place. Leave comments, suggestions, fixes, loves, hates - its all good. I mean, I still have to get the new car smell out so of course there are going to be bugs. :D

    Bring on 09, and good luck everyone!
    (oh, and all you EPLers out there, theres a link at the top there to the old TS, just make sure you log)


Discussion in 'Blog' started by joshua98, Jan 21, 2009.

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