Extra cash messing with my structure

Discussion in 'AFL' started by Ender, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ender

    Ender New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I was very happy with my Fanplanner team, particularly in the knowledge that, in the past, the estimated prices end up being fairly close to the real thing.
    When SC opened and I entered my team I found I had an absurd amount of cash left. So now i have the (welcome) dilemma of what to spend it on.
    In the backs I had the standard GG&D with Broughton as the 4th premium. I then had Adcock and a 1st round rookie rounding out my on-field backs.
    Down forward I had 4 premiums (counting OKeefe) then Pertie, Pettard and Krak.
    I also have a 3 gun-3 rookie midfield that I want to stick with and two premium rucks.
    With the extra money I reckon I should upgrade to either a 5th premium back or forward but can't find much that excites me, particularly in the backs.
    Either Adcock plus someone like Pav or J.Brown OR
    Pettard plus Enright/Gilbee?
    Anyone else struggling to decide what to do with the extra cash?
  2. nostradamus

    nostradamus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    l have the same thing with my team.... over $400,000 left over. Am happy with my side, so am going to bank the cash and use it for single trade upgrades to save trades later on
  3. Ender

    Ender New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    That's something I hadn't really considered... in the past I've always tried to get the best team on the park for rd1. But with the plan from many around here being to get either Swan or Ablett around rd10, perhaps a couple hundredK in the bank would be a good idea? GAZ just might start like he did in 2010.
  4. Ruddy

    Ruddy New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I reckon 400k is too much though. It will reduce your scoring potential.
  5. spud

    spud New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'll happily take some of it off your hands if it's causing a problem!
  6. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I'd personally use it to go with a 4th prem in your mids.

    It's my opinion that starting with 400k in the bank is a waste of a trade in the long run. you can upgrade a rookie to a premium right now and it costs you nothing.
    If you wait till the season starts, it costs you a trade to spend that 400k
  7. stkildathunda

    stkildathunda Moderator

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Im struggling to spend all my money, each time I make changes I always seem to have around 200K left. Think its a sign that I should leave that much in the kitty for the start.
  8. nostradamus

    nostradamus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    by the time l spend my $4oo,ooo l will have had some cash cows fatten up, wont have to downgrade others to upgrade.....will end up with alot more bang 4 my buck.....therefore will b able to upgrade more often and when it is best to do so, rather than be limited financially .....and am quite happy to have some short term pain 4 long term gain
  9. bonesy

    bonesy Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    you also have an extra spot you need to upgrade during the season. I spose if you have two rookies who get up to 300k+ (which is a good price for a cow) and you can upgrade them straight to prems. you've done well. but in regards to structure. you're in no better shape then if you use the 400k now, sell one cow later to upgrade the other.

    In terms of going for a league win, it probably doesn't make much of a difference.
    In terms of going for the overall, you're starting out with 5-6 or 7 weeks when you could have had a prem playing in place of a rookie.

  10. tehnoodnub

    tehnoodnub New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    Whilst I have seen some very compelling arguments, based on mathematical calculations, for retaining something in the kitty I would hazard a guess that the points you could potentially lose from keeping that much could outweight the benefits in the long term. Surely there's something you could do with at least some of the extra. Although I guess I was happy with my original team too so I can see why you may be reluctant to alter it.

    In any case, teams will be tweaked again and again between now and round 1 so player specifics are almost redundant at this stage. Structure, strategy, planning for the byes etc are all more important things to consider for now.
  11. dabombers

    dabombers Active Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    All I have to say is Extra Trades This year......
    Use your cash early and wisely cos with the extra trades you can afford to downgrade a premium player for the extra cash and then go back......but I may be wrong....
  12. Heater

    Heater New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    I have $70K in the bank and I'm thinking that is too much so $400K is way way way too much! Use it on another premium, I say....
  13. walesy

    walesy Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2015
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    Keeping cash on hand was nifty in the past because it effectively "freed up" a trade (in that your first upgrade didn't require you to downgrade) - this year though, I just don't see too much value in doing that!
  14. nostradamus

    nostradamus New Member

    Jan 3, 2016
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    dont think l will actually head into season with $400,000, will probably upgrade to get an extra premium or 2......but will go in with $100-$150,000 and maintain my basic philosiphy. This will be my 2nd year in dt and sc.....last year was lucky enough to have pods, barlow, maguire, waters, bastinac, howlett, malceski, fyfe, rockliff and others who made me heaps....ended up winning my sc league undefeated for season(top 2000)....and runner-up in dt(top 1600).
    I think there are heaps of mid-pricers and cheaps this year that will score very well again, and of course there are many many great rookies. I dont think any one strategy is necessarily the best....
    think it comes down to pickin the right team and timing of trade choices cannot be underestimated....
    .....and lots of LUCK

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