Not a bad game by Fasolo on the weekend. A bit premium priced for a fwd rookie, but the other options are either not performing or not getting games. 22 games at 76ppg in 2012. Possibly not enough upside from a pure dollars standpoint until the bye in R8, but if he can keep up the low to mid 70s ppg, a team with him would be in the range of 120 to 130 point better off. Mind you, he has only had one game so far himself. Will be very much be worth a closer look after next weeks game to see if his scoring holds up and to also get a bit of a feel for his JS. Would be nice if he picks up the Heater/Marley role off half back. The alternative is just pull the trigger now as anything is better points wise than Rohan/JKH/ZMerrett and to a lesser extent Talyor. Ambrose JS is very much in question IMHO. I have him under serious consideration. Thoughts, comments?
hisround 8 bye definitely makes me think I would prefer to look elsewhere and perhaps upgrade in the fwds over def and mid
My existing forward muppets/rookies were killing me, so far getting Fasolo in was worth it. Using the '$200k or 200 point' rule of thiumb, I'm already 60 points into the 200 points after a single game..... You are correct about a R9 problem, but right now I can get 18 or 19 on the field scoring even after bringing him in. Time will tell I guess.
<object type='cosymantecnisbfw' cotype='cs' id='SILOBFWOBJECTID' style='width: 0px; height: 0px; display: block;]</object> With Titch playing deep forward I'm tempted to swap him for Fas to free up some cash, definitely think he is worth a look